Spencer is coming to my University tomorrow

Libs are planning a protest of course. Bars in town are giving out free drinks if you turn in tickets before the show. Should I go see him pol? Should I bring a tiki torch? Should I record the shitshow outside?

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if you actually sit and listen to him he makes very good points, is very well spoken, and worth the price of admission. he is even better when "debating" the rabid leftists and black people who he sets off. but listening to him strictly speak is good too.

definitely record the shitshow

Is this the one that's going to be at UF?

Go, it'll be a fun experience

Record it, but be warned that Spencer is a glow in the dark CIA plant.


Enjoy prison.

t. soon to be imprisoned antifa faggot

I've got family down there as faculty, and they are saying it's a total shit show at the administration level.

I'd go and see him and ask him how he derives his morality if not from the King James Bible.

No I'm a former fan who got tired of his failure. He may as well tear down statues himself if he keeps this shit up.

I'm alumni. UF is where I got turned on to Marxism and spent several years afterwards being an idiot Libertarian Socialist. I wish I could go back in time and change some things.

Anyway, I wish I could be there with you. I'd advise against the torch. But recording it sounds good - and it would be good to know how many SJW faggots haunt the area around Turlington Hall these days.

Yes, go.
With all of your friends.
Wear black shirts.
And swastika armbands.

>implying the king james bible written and edited by a total fucking degenerate has any bearing on morality

the only morality is survival, you stupid incel christcuck

Will be finally win over Sup Forums tomorrow?

show him this picture and ask him about 9/11

Don't forget your khakis.

The teachings of Christ propelled the white man to control over the entire globe. Before that time you were bands of tribal savages no better than the Moors.

Dude is your name Michael?

Dickie? We can't trust him.

Stay 30 feet away and bring popcorn!

Here is their Fbook link
fb com/events/123802955043787/




>Former Drumpf supporter here

free booze + protest = good times

Read a story on Facebook from our local TV station about Spencer. Basically made it sound like he was going to kill people and that the national guard was going to try to keep him in check. So many blue pill comments from middle age white women scared out of their minds over "racism". At this point blue pilled whites deserve their fate.


Honest advice? Political activism is for extremely self-destructive people. If you have absolutely anything to lose, don't go anywhere near that idiot.

Where can I get tickets? I don't have class tommrow. Fuck all the libcunts and SJW faggots on campus and in this shithole town. Can't wait to grad and gtfo.

okay faggot, so you have no right to cry when Jamal robs and kill you, right?

>record the shitshow outside
yes and post links





He is a CIA agent.

Yes. Attend. This shit is going to be big.

Just go in and record the event then upload it to youtube afterward the police are going to keep the groups separated so there is no point in wasting your time watching them.

Shit, Julius Evola posts at altright.com now?

lol at his henchmen

hes just looking to better his profile or recruit people

How so? Shouldn't it be pretty cut-and-dry? Just let him speak, make sure security can prevent any violence, and that's it. No one is injured, no one is open to lawsuits. You're in the clear.

Any UF fags here know a Mexican looking girl named Shannon? Wondering how she's doing.

Get in here

yeah at this point if people don't know that they shouldn't be in the game

Fucking unranked trash

to what end

Bullshit, Spencer is a Duginist puppet. He's been on RT, has a russian ex-wife, etc. The CIA narrative is a red herring.

Berkeley spent like $1M in security just for that Milo fag, then liberals complained about the costs. IF liberals don't promote violence, why do they complain about cops preventing violence?

I live in Gainesville, I hope some anti first amendment scum get their heads kicked in

At best, you're going to get doxxed and have your life ruined if you are a white man not actively counter protesting anywhere near UF tomorrow. At worst, you're going to get torn apart by the leftist mob and stomped into paste by Antifa. Stay far away unless you are prepared to be martyred for the cause.

What conclusive proof is there of him being CIA? People say it all the time without much elaboration.

>inb4 posts a picture of him next to some jew

This is actually a tactic that I think someone at TRS came up with, force universities to spend a fuck-ton on security and "diversity initiatives", which accelerates their collapse.

All the "Spencer is a CIA Shill" stuff is just paid shilling.

Make sure to have your face photographed, wear a name tag, and update your social media accounts to confirm your attendance


I was kidding about the torch haha. They are actually having it at the Phillips Center to keep it away from the main part of campus as much as possible.

I agree, he's not a chill but a cum guzzling, coattail chasing faggot.

I really hope that nothing happens and that no one gets hurt too bad.

Whatever you do, please dont look like a nu-male

Who wants me to ask him about his photo with Laura Bush?

I feel like people are freaking the fuck out. PD put up fences around main department on 6th already.

The only genuine person in this thread. You must be a Christian.

Of course you should go. Gotta support the cause, lad

i doubt you'd get doxxed as long as you just show up and listen, last time he did this the hall was full of people who hated spencer but sat down to hear him speak anyway, so you should be fine, obviously don't be wearing anything that would out you as a right winger, in fact i'd take it a step further and dress like a libtard just to sure

i wouldn't risk it, he'll be shot one day or another.

I am.

Looks shooped. Or airshit.

This if I'm to be entirely honest, there's a reason why the left slanders him so much and it's not because he's controlled opposition. His viewpoints are nowhere near as extreme as their portrayed to be and barring cringey meme references he's really well spoken and comes off as pretty intelligent.

Record it in high definition, so we can expose antifacucks.

It’s shopped

no such luck

TRIPS!!! Christ is with us in this thread.

Hey OP if you get a chance to talk 1-1 ask him if he glows in the dark

lol record the shitshow.

i tell you this from the bottom of my heart, radicals on both sides are gonna get BTFO in the end, while NEETs and the state IRL are guaranteed to be ok


A bunch of fatties. They should go on the communism diet.

so CIA loves us? They are red pilled?

>Bars offering free drinks in exchange for tickets, which are limited in number
Is this legal? This seems like some kind of business sabotage or something, encouraging people to reserve seats and leave them unfilled.

Evola uses his esoteric Aryan magic to write articles in the past and post them in the future on alt-right.com

yeah, i know.


>Thinks women shouldn't have the right to vote
>"Peaceful ethnic cleansing"
>"Heil victory!" "Blood and soil!"
>"I'm totally not a nazi! Just ignore all of the roman saluting!"

This guy is a shit starter and is provoking people to punch him.

rare dicky thread?


>posts picture of 4 guys
you do realize 99.99% of our military utterly hates communists, and while America lets them march to show we really aren't a fascist nation; THE SECOND one of these anti-fa commies fire shots, they will be utterly annihilated by hordes of uniformed men who truly hate them.

He made the right choice to suggesting dialogue with black nationalists but it's all tainted with his edgy nazi larping. Someone should ask him about a black nationalist alliance however.

I wish richard would hit the gym, hes looks like a pear

Don't worry, you're never going to get an answer.

Bullshit I went to auburn and no one doxed me. And I'm tons of footage, not a peep from work or anyone.

he looks like an Israeli peanut snack logo

I hope everyone is nice to each other...

Kinda wanna quietly listen to him speak even though I disagree with white nationalism.

>disagree with White Nationalism


fuck off pantyfa

It's just bullshit identity politics. It's hypocritical of the right to complain about the left doing it if they just form their own version.

>says he'll save the white race with his message
>charges white people to hear it

careful not cutting your own finger for fapping to him


Sure go, I mean theirs nothing wrong with just listening to someone speak. Its not the end of the fucking world.

I was in charlottesville, my grandmother is from cuba.

You people did nothing but start a riot and cause violence and destroy the town of Charlottesville. If you would've never showed up, it would've went under the radar, no one would be injured or dead and the alt right wouldn't have grown at all.

My uncle told me stories of cuba and how the government stole his 2 properties and how they would ration food in cuba, his family got 1 pound of meat per week, if they were near the front of the breadline. They would have to raise pigs in their bathroom to hide them from the neighbors because they would rat on them and the Castro regime would take their livestock.

You communist scum are full of shit and spawns of satan. I anxiously await the day you all will be sent back to hell.

Are you against just because it is "identity politics" and that you think only the "left" can have it?

Do you not think Whites have a right and fair argument for politics involving our Race/identity?

No I don't think only the left *can* have it. I don't think anyone *should* have it desu. Not to any extreme extent. We're all humans and race is such a weak identity. Identifying with something so meaningless, that you were born with, that took you absolutely zero personal effort to achieve is lame and cringey. Being proud of your race is so boring. Why don't you go achieve something and be proud of that? Maybe then people will give a shit.

if nobody resisted the nazis it would've went under the radar, no one would be injured or dead and ww2 wouldn't have happen but the whole of Europe would've been one big colony of Germany.

i know that the life of a slave is acceptable to you, but not all people are like that

here's a better example then cuba, if you thing we intend of runing your sorry ass like Castro rest assured. dummy as you are you would need to use your own head


UF fag here. there is an ethnic looking girl in my retard math class named shannon. does she have long hair and wear a pound of makeup?
please record and post link. i didn't get tickets and i don't lurk around alt-right sites enough to know where they will post their own recording.