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Jordan Peterson is honestly the only current intellectual i have respect for.
Have you guys taken his new test?

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Hi Jordan. Really, you should be purchasing ads on the four channels. But we'll let this slide.

>Have you guys taken his new test?
no. pic related.

Your Patreon money isn't enough?

crowder917 for 20% discount

Pic related is me

What's the point of doing this?

Wow, this guy already makes tens of thousands in patreon, and now he's shilling this fucking test? This dude is another charlatan who found his con, preying on young men without father figures.

He's a faggot and so are you.

just an honest online test merchant

Knowing urself so u can sort urself


>This dude is another charlatan who found his con, preying on young men without father figures.
Couldn't have put it better myself, just another cringey alt-lite faggot hiding behind a thin veneer of faux-intellectual bullshit

Did someone say JP memes? I hear JP memes.


>20% discount
yeah, nah.

if you're on food stamps or something you can email him and it gives it to you free

i wish i could have the questions beforehand so i can think of the answers for like a week.. if i can only take it once i want to do it right

if you think for it for a week you're likely to skew it instead of being honest, that's what he says on the info section

here's how results look like btw

great fucking test faggot

If it's not free I'm not doing it.

I didn't think the test was worth $10. I took it and got the same general results I had from other personality tests. I was hoping there would be a kind of "ASVAB" type component where the results would indicate a vocation that may be appealing. No such luck.

its worth every penny desu

you can them ask him directly to analyse you and he will

>Jordan Peterson is honestly the only current intellectual i have respect for.
Name 10 current intellectuals you don't have respect for?

they told i'd likely be good at stem and creative shit

which is true

Nice cult you got there

Jordan Peterson is an obscurantist fag

>this faggot still exists

wew lad, when will he realise he aint making bucks no more and his time is over?

Haven't taken his new test, but I'm extremely interested in doing his self-authoring suite.

As much as I agree that he's been riding the wave of his popularity, it's undeniable that his courses "Maps of Meaning" & "Personality & Its Transformation" are extremely well put together, accessible, and dare I say revelationary.

I know not who to compare him to, intellectually speaking, except for maybe Robert Sapolsky.

His perspective on SJWs and neo-Marxism was what catapulted him to virality, but beyond that style of content, the guy has some serious intellectual sustenance on which anyone can feast, for free!

this, ourguy

havent used the self-authoring suit tho

>Jordan Peterson is honestly the only current intellectual i have respect for.

Hey guys, we've got a faggot over here that actually thinks his opinion matters!

It's always worth listening to furries on Youtube, I find

you've obviously low on agreeableness, I get it because I am too

desu i'm ashamed he is charging $10 for a personality test. If he wants to help the world make it accessible. I'm a Torontonian who showed up in his defence at UofT too.

>you've obviously low on agreeableness
you've obviously low on gullibility


Jared Taylor is better

Lawl you have to buy it...

Love Peterson, and consider him one of the more influencial figures on "our side". I listen to his lectures for fun.

However, I am also able to give constructive criticism - I was underwhelmed by the test, and didnt feel it accurately summed up my personality. If anything, it has made me more critical of "the big 5".

I ended up writing like 15 000 words for my past-authoring and was able to contextualize my experience up to now in a way which made it all make sense. It's really interesting how negative past experiences, as tempered by time, can end up as positively transforming agents.

ex. would still be super out of shape if i never got the shit kicked out of me in high school.

Pain is among the most True realities, and it can change one for the better, if said person is able to contextualize it.

he puts all his shit online for free, but he needs to pay the guys who make his softwares and reinvest stuff to grow his biz
were you pissed off when you answered or something? if you're not in a neutral, not too or too little critical, it tends to work fine ome

did you do present and future too?

>I ended up writing like 15 000 words for my past-authoring and was able to contextualize my experience up to now in a way which made it all make sense.
>like 15 000 words
>contextualize my experience
>positivity transforming agents

Holy shit! You like, um, did a bunch of words on paper, to , like tell a story to yourself so that, like, everyone could lean how meaningful your experience were to yourself, and like other stuff, and things?

But that's not really in-depth analysis of your test results. I knew going into the test broad stroke "good at STEM/creative" but I'd like to have a breakdown of specific vocations suited to my results, or even what actions participants with similar results have taken that allowed them to overcome difficulties related to those results. Instead I got the standard myers-briggs/academic astrology type answers wrapped up in "The Big Five(tm)" terminology. Whether they were accurate results or not, they didn't offer anything that really stood out from the pack in terms of personality assessment online. In fact, getting my birth chart spun up online had more meaningful and seemingly pertinent information than this test.

>stop thinking about stuff reeeeeeeeeeeee

>tens of thousands
He makes 1m pre-tax not including all his "products" he sells.

maybe they don't have this data

did you want them to tell you you should be a data analyst on facebook or something this specific?
>thinking is hard reee

>paying to take an online personality test

>paying to take a professional online scientifically proven personality test to sort yourself better



>66k a MONTH
>gonna need 10 bux for that super special personality test, goy

Someone get Jordan to show Sam Hyde the ropes. This is how it's really done.

>scientifically proven
gonna need some citations please

>making money is bad

Fock off Bernie

On the sites there are references

>>making money is bad
Just but the fucking personality filters, I have a family to feed.

DEFINITELY not a snake oil salesman. Real intellectual.

Pic related

go home rus

What a fucking joke of a test, you actually paid for this facebook tier personality test lmfao jesus christ peterson cultists are dumb

Its great. Use "crowder" for a discount

Yea, maybe something along those lines. Even something as simple as a list of vocations within the broad strokes (STEM/Creative/Analytical/etc.) and a relative evaluation of where and how they line up with the personality assessment.
To illustrate, STEM is a large field and the career path of an electrical engineer specializing in power systems is drastically different than that of a post-doc in molecular biology. So saying "Hey bucko, you'd be good in STEM!" is meaningless because STEM is huge. What part of STEM would someone do well in given his/her results? That's a more interesting piece of info than "you value intellect therefor STEM".
I'll go further and state that the deeper personal disappointment with the test was that it offered no real insight into how, based on Big Five personality types, one would go about applying that self knowledge to develop satisfactory actions in life (outside of career, which I've already discussed).
I still enjoy Petersen, and I've gotten more than $10 of value from the material I've watched on his youtube channel, so I look at this more like a patreon contribution than a service being offered. But the test fell short.

Kek, this. This fucking guy gets 50k a month from Patreon and wants NEETs to pay to hear how much of a loser they are?

Fuck that. Lost a lot of respect for the guy from this.

So are you a salary employee, or on commission?

oy gevalt the goyim know


He says how in his vids and self-authoring suit. Mine basically said I should work with R&D on some high-tech companu, from what I understoond, which is fine to me
Im unemployed

This. Tell him if he tries insulting his base of autistic young men again by actually having the gall to charge for something like this while making 50k+ a month on Patreon that he can go fuck himself and we will lead the charge to have his ass fired by the University of Toronto.

What an absolute kike fucking move. Wow.

I fucking hate canadian posters

Oh look, the eternal Anglo showed up to protect some e-celeb fags kikery.

Like pottery.


Wrong thread

>Mine basically said I should work with R&D on some high-tech companu, from what I understoond, which is fine to me

Except that that recommendation is effectively meaningless. What type of "high tech company"? The requirements to work in commercial gene sequencing will be different than in network engineering. And even within those fields, R&D encompasses many different positions. Say you are drawn to computational biology, will you do well as a bench scientist? A research associate? A programmer? A computer scientist? Development operations?
A project manager? A sysadmin? Front-office? Compliance? Legal? HR? Those last four get out of direct "R&D" but in the context of working within an organization come into contact with R&D all the time. And each one of them, while potentially under the umbrella of high-tech R&D will attract and maintain the attention of different personalities while requiring significantly different strengths and educational/experiential backgrounds.

I'm just spit-balling what the superior personality assessment would provide. I'm not trying to suggest that you haven't received benefit from your interaction with the material.


I would like to see you debate him.


Engineering, systems like UAVs or satellites, and clearly as a main researcher, not a manager or low level worker.

Its a personality test, not a vocational adviser. You need to interpret your results

the big five personality test is already free and can be easily googled- a brief form can be done in like 5 minutes. jp is such a massive fucking shill

His is like a 4d chess test with added expertise