You still support this piece of shit?

You still support this piece of shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

Blump BTFO, who needs context or anything


I can't believe this lying billionaire has no regard for people that have less money than him! How foolish was I to vote for him?

what you can't say facts anymore?

Half the point of soldiers is dying. Them or the other guys. It's literally what they they sign up for.

well did he know he was signing up to get shot at?


Whats wrong with telling the truth? If she wants to be upset, be upset at her husband for putting himself in mortal danger.

The age of muh feefee's needs to end, it gets us no where and only promotes ignorance.

Not gonna lie, former soldier here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

I've had 4 nogs on my Facebook share this story outraged.

Why the fuck is this even a story. And how out of context was this taken?

So we are supposed to take his word as fact?

I am 100% certain this is not taken in any war out of context, there is no way this could have been part of a "He was so brave, he knew this could happen and he still chose to give his life for his country" moment. He probably just arrived at the funeral with a 2 scoop ice-cream and yelled those words at the soldier's family.

>You still support this piece of shit?
I mean, he DID know what he signed up for, right?

>mom I made another thread about it

Why are our mods so absolute shit at enforcing their own rules in a sticky they made?

He's right tho

>literally erasing half his statement

he said he knew what he signed up for and did it anyway
he was praising the soldier for his bravery

This right here. You can support the guy but still wish he was a better commander in chief

I know man. I'm so sorry I ever supported him.
I will shine for #JillStein now!

This exactly

>I never met a soldier who thought dying was a reasonable result of their service.

and yet, there is a high chance you will die if you join the Special Forces and get thrown into a combat zone.

The AP is now down to quoting half a sentence to make someone look bad?

lol he signed it like we can use it as real evidence to hate trump cuz look this official guy does too!! libs are so retarded

War vet here, kill count of 106 and missing a leg.

I am astounded I was not killed on the field of battle and it is my personal opinion that PTSD is the result of a pussy boy who signs up for bennies instead of to kill or be killed.

Wait... if you sign up for the military, there is a chance you'll get shot at?

>Why are our mods so absolute shit at enforcing their own rules in a sticky they made?
because the mods are in on it, they enjoy suppressing the power level of Sup Forums just as much as the kikes do

Didn't the nigger congresswoman admit to lying about this?


>Dems trying to appeal to patriotism

That's a new one

Thats all you need to know that this is a lie.
Women are snakes, bigger snakes then the Jew.

The black congresswoman heard parts of the conversation with the widow, it was on speaker.
Florida----> I hate Miami!

Holy shit. What an asshole!

Every attack makes me like Trump more. If this ends up being true I SHOULD be disgusted, but I won't be. I already know that things are so polarized I will go to the grave supporting Trump. Pick a side (you already have).

welp I read a MSM headline, I know everything I need to know about things that were said and what transpired. I don't need any other facts from other sources or any context to what was supposedly said.

I hate Drumpf now

Bullshit it's all the word of this "congresswoman" who heard it on speakerphone. This is that dumb moron you see on CSPAN who refuses to EVER take off this tacky blue bedazzled cowboy hat even when it's completely inappropriate like a fucking character actor.

The mother was a black liberal who isn’t afraid to use this situation to make Trump look bad. Sounds crazy? Think about how many black women sue people from slip and fall cases. She is the worst kind of person.

The very reason I voted for him!

This is literally he-said-she-said. This is what happens when Trump goes too long without feeding his enemies a controversy-- his enemies just start inventing them.

And the cucks will fall for it without seeing any evidence whatsoever. I am already seeing the ones I know on Facebook posting this shit and acting like the congresswoman is somehow more credible than Trump.

OP is a leftist sheep.

> sign up as an agent of war
> not expect to reasonably die
How fucking stupid are these dinks?

>Believing anything a democrat congressWOMAN says

The military does nothing to try to make sure they survive, or sees mistakes and fixes them. They are going to die overseas, so what's the point in trying to keep SF's alive?

On an unrelated side note, do you think people go on the internet and deliberately lie about things?

post stump or penis

Agreed fellow Sharebl- erm I mean pollack. Nah, jk I know you’re a troll trolling trolls.

>Just now
don't post your shitty fb posts on here, faggot

>On an unrelated side note, do you think people go on the internet and deliberately lie about things?
absolutely. I'm pretty sure the majority of soldiers in any conflict never kill a single person, yet mr. shitposter over here claims 106 kills

maybe possible if you flew a carpet bombing run in a B-52, but how would you prove the kills? derp

seriously though that guy posting on Facebook "its very unreasonable for any soldier to think they might die" - what the fuck? wouldn't that be the first thing you fucking think of???????

>reasonably die

What does that even mean? And he never said reasonably die.

This is the kind of post someone makes when they realize that the context doesn't change the shittiness of what transpired one bit. There are no facts from other sources that justify this, and you know it. Hence, your post.

Somebody's coffee pot is awfully hot

>out of context statement
>even if that’s what he said (he didnt) it would still be irrelevant
>it’s not the presidents job to be nice too you

Meanwhile the economy is awesome, ISIS just lost their capitol after 4 years, the regulations in the executive branch are being rolled back, every day more right wing judges are being appointed, the Clinton foundation has been caught in a bribery scandal, North Korea still hasn’t nuked anyone, and the left is still collapsing into its hysteria

I’m happy as a fucking clam

Kek this is fucking ridiculous. She might as well be wearing a giant clock necklace

the mods are compromised and have been compromised for years.

??? I said I hate Drumpf. I'm with her now.



>SGT Johnson was killed in Niger
He knew what he was getting into.

>This is the kind of post someone makes when they realize that the context doesn't change the shittiness of what transpired one bit.
dude. it has now come on out that the FBI actually investigated the whole Rosatom deal to see if there was bribery involved... the context doesn't matter because the story doesn't matter AND is also likely 100% false!

this is a coverup of the REAL story that the Clintons and the Obamas actually colluded with the Russians, and on top of that, Mueller was the one in charge of the coverup! HA


I dont see how thats bad, he literally did know what he signed up for when deciding to go into the millitary during war time

>most soldiers don’t sign up to die

Then you didn’t think critically about what you signed up for

Inb4 quote was taken out of context.

of course, you'll never hear me talk about my kill count in real life though, all my friends are dead so nobody left to brag to.

We had 1 machine gun and there were 200 gooks. Guess who was on the machine gun when they charged.

Kek probs right paco, I work next to a team of absolute lefty regards (making about 35k a year as middle aged fat women)

They were talking about this, this morning

Do you think thy know ISIS was defeated? Do you think they know the econemy is the best it’s been in almost 3 decades? Do you think they even bothered to see if this was take out of context?

No, of course not. Democracy was a mistake

And faggot.

I would think if there was a thing that you sign up for to die, no one would sign up for that thing. I mean these responses make me want to die but they actually won't.

Will you show proof or the kind of proof Trump always says he will produce?

Even if he did actually say that quote specifically it's perfectly possible (and likely) that it was said in a positive way/context ie. "He was a patriot, he knew he what he was signing up for, that it could cost him his life, but he was willing to make that sacrifice. He was a good man."

instead of

"That stupid fuckin' dead idiot knew what he was gettin' his dumb ass into! And now he's dead, LOL!"

Brock's ball lickers at it once again.

you can believe what you want man no skin off my back.

>do you think people go on the internet and deliberately lie about things?

We know what we signed up for, jewboy.

Really makes me think why no one is asking for the context.

>I would think if there was a thing that you sign up for to die, no one would sign up for that thing. I mean these responses make me want to die but they actually won't.
>libtard confirmed
go have an abortion you fucking moron

Is this alternative facts in action?

Not an argument, rather a spaz out

>join the armed forces
>be trained for combat
>if there is a war you run the risk of getting sent to a war zone
>you can be killed in a war zone quite easily

Are you fucking stupid? How often do you drive a car? Everyone time you get in a vehicle you are taking the risk you might be killed

Jesus Christ no wonder you are a leftist you can my even think clearly

You're an idiot if you don't think a shit load of people would sign a contract where they have a 20% chance to die at the end of a period of time for insane benefits, which with a shit load of added effort is what being in the military entails.

I know my fellow Sup Forumser

#jerkin muh Johnson for gary johnson.








>How fucking stupid are these dinks?

I mean they enlisted in the military, pretty stupid.

Most countries draft you into service against your will and throw you in jail if you refuse.

>pic related is nothing more then a meat shield

>signing up for combat and it's going to all be hunkydory
People who think this way break down with PTSD once they have their entire worldview shattered because of something they had to do or watched another person do. Many such cases, sad.

Fake news

He's a fucking soldier, if you don't know death is a very real part of the job, then you're just a fucking retard.

I was a huge trump supporter until a florida congresswoman says

>G-g-guys this is bad. Doesn’t this make you forget all about the Uranium deal like a good goy?
Pathetic attempt, shills.

so what?
just because the ods are so low you're right to ignore them?

that's why he was a meat shield in the deseart instead of having a real job

When I had to train to drive a car in school, we had a thing called defensive driving. I would anticipate what the crazy's on the road would do so I would be safe from them. I don't get in the car expecting to die, I do everything I can from not dieing.

Maybe you have a death wish, I don't know, but no one wants to die or expects to die. Everyone expects to live because living is better than dieing, so they fight to live.

God, I hate Jewish word games and arguing semantics (arguing semitics? Ha ha, I made a funny!).

>"I never met a soldier who thought dying was a reasonable result of their service."
Maybe that's why we've been in Afghanistan for 16 fucking years.

Jesus christ I'm so fucking glad your kind are hated so much. I'd wager you'd let a child die drowning because "w-what if I drowned!?"

They sign up for those benefits, not to die.

Why is this such a hard concept to get into your heads? Yes we all are going to die, but normal people don't seek it or welcome it.

And then afterwards he said "But it still hurts anyway", so this congresswoman is a manipulative dishonest piece of shit and so are you for spreading this crap.

Those jail sentences getting closer demshit. Maybe after all the big names are behind bars we can classify shariablue as a domestic terror agency. 2 years prison sounds good.

He is a hundred percent right.
So what's all the fuss about?

Vet here, you’re constantly reminded of death. It’s realistic to assume that you may die. One officers opinion doesn’t outweigh thousands of enlisted grunts who disagree.

Even if Trump’s thoughts were somewhat misguided, you can still assume what he meant is what he felt, not “HaHa glad he’s fucking dead!”

You people are so fucking gullible and apt to hate him it’s fucking scary.

You’ve been in Afghan for 16 years because one javelin missile costs $100,000 USD.
War is great business.

No I can't support a divisive racist like Donald Trump. I wish Al Gore ran last year, so that I could be a #whoreGore

If there was a kid that was drowning, a normal person would set out to save him, not drown with him.

>You’ve been in Afghan for 16 years because one javelin missile costs $100,000 USD.
>War is great business.
the javelin is great for blowing up tanks... but none of our enemies have any. they must have used them all on $2.5k old Toyota pickups lol

This is also not an argument, this is getting mad and not knowing why you are mad.

>If there was a kid that was drowning, a normal person would set out to save him, not drown with him.
so what do you think about the fact that the Democrats were actually colluding with the Russians to sell a bunch of our uranium mines off to the Kremlin?

Was then you are an idiot and you don’t understand the risk you are taking every time you drive a car.

I’m sorry the idea of your own safety and mortality is too much of a burden for you to confront

Grow the fuck up

Based Trump

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You all take the b8, like guppies