"Disarmed Enemy Forces" or "How the US got away with letting germans starve"

Did you know?
After WW2 the german soldiers that surrendered were given the special designation of "Disarmed Enemy Forces" instead of "Prisoner of War"?
>Disarmed Enemy Forces (DEF), less commonly,[1] Surrendered Enemy Forces, was a US designation for soldiers who surrendered to an adversary after hostilities ended and for those who had already surrendered POWs and held in camps in occupied German territory at that time.[2] It was Dwight D. Eisenhower's designation of German prisoners in post-World War II occupied Germany.[3]
>Because of the logistical impossibility of feeding millions of surrendered German soldiers at the levels required by the Geneva Convention during the food crisis of 1945, the purpose of the designation, along with the British designation of Surrendered Enemy Personnel (SEP), was to prevent categorization of the prisoners as Prisoners of War (POW) under the 1929 Geneva Convention.

So basically the US/allies couldnt (/didnt want to) feed all the germans, and thus made up a special designation that excluded them from the Geneva Convention and enabled them to let them all starve without repercussions.
However when the same was done to jews by germans, in times where the germans couldnt even feed themselves properly anymore it suddenly was called "Holocaust"

but this isnt where it ends:
>After the DEF designations were made in the early summer of 1945, the International Red Cross was not permitted to fully involve itself in the situation in camps containing German prisoners (POWs, DEFs or SEPs), some of which initially were Rheinwiesenlager transit camps, and even though conditions in them gradually improved, "even the most conservative estimates put the death toll in French camps alone at over 16,500 in 1945"

Not only did they made up a term to be allowed to starve germans, they additionally kept the red cross from helping.

Really makes me think

Other urls found in this thread:


>Surrender after the war was over.
>somehow still a prisoner of war.

To many germans survived the war.

Nazi germany is a psy op, it never existed

>POW status ends with the war
burger education everyone
>A prisoner of war (POW, PoW, PW, P/W, WP, PsW, enemy prisoner of war (EPW) or "missing-captured"[1]) is a person, whether combatant or non-combatant, who is held in custody by a belligerent power during or immediately after an armed conflict.
>or immediately after an armed conflict.

sometimes i think germans really should have nuked you guys

There is no such thing called nukes

proof it

That history was actually manufactured by the secret agency which i work for, the whole nazi germany era was falsely simulated by us. Also nukes are a lie.

if you want to LARP go to /x/ mate

Pardon me sir?

provide some evidence or fuck off

By the way, the individual called Adolf Hitler was a hebrew

How do you expect to feed millions of German prisoners 5000 miles away when you can't ship them back to the US in liberty ships, right after a war? Maybe we should have transferred them to the USSR, they'll treat them better than so-called evil US.

civilians starved too in 1945/46 in germany and russianswere mu7ch worse. of the 90.000 captured germans in stalingrad only 6000 survived captivity in russia.

thats a death toll of 94%. let that sink in for a minute.

one step would be to not deny the redcross access which were sure to be able to help at least a bit.
also the jews in the camps died due to sickness and starvation too simply because the germans didnt have food left, even for themselves. together with railways being bombed supplying camps got a lot harder suddenly. yet this is considdered a systematic massmurder based on ethnicity. yet when the US does it to germans and even goes out of its way to keep germans from recieving help its not even noteworthy of history apparently.

Die krauts, grandad killed 11 of you cunts but he should have killed more. Die.

Red Cross wasn't going to show up with multiple tons of food

Also German prisoners during the war who got shipped back to America as POWs were treated better than their American or British counterparts by far, they were allowed a wage equal that of the average GI and some of them even started up businesses with this money after the war ended. A few of them liked it so much that they volunteered to fight against Japan and the US government had to deny them for obvious reasons

My bad for not intruducing myself first! Hi there ,men in black agent here.

ask away any questions you have about our group and any other questions pertaining to the irregular

>implying the germans werent the ones kicking the most ass

they surely could help checking up on the people, looking for who needs treatment of any kind, prioritize certain people based on their conditions and they surely brought some supplies with them. not that food was the only issue but desease as well which they as well could have helped with if they were let.

It's funny because Bear Grylls is fake shit.


Article 4 defines prisoners of war to include:

4.1.1 Members of the armed forces of a Party to the conflict and members of militias of such armed forces
4.1.2 Members of other militias and members of other volunteer corps, including those of organised resistance movements, provided that they fulfill all of the following conditions:
that of being commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates;
that of having a fixed distinctive sign recognisable at a distance (there are limited exceptions to this among countries who observe the 1977 Protocol I);
that of carrying arms openly;
that of conducting their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war.
4.1.3 Members of regular armed forces who profess allegiance to a government or an authority not recognised by the Detaining Power.
4.1.4 Civilians who have non-combat support roles with the military and who carry a valid identity card issued by the military they support.
4.1.5 Merchant marine and the crews of civil aircraft of the Parties to the conflict, who do not benefit by more favourable treatment under any other provisions of international law.
4.1.6 Inhabitants of a non-occupied territory, who on the approach of the enemy spontaneously take up arms to resist the invading forces, without having had time to form themselves into regular armed units, provided they carry arms openly and respect the laws and customs of war.

I don't think you know what the Red Cross does

They just give people chocolates and get their letters to send to their families, they aren't a medical organization

Who signs your paycheck?

Is being a complete faggot part of your career or your own personal choice?

Germans couldn't figure out how to build a nuke smaller than a two story house. How exactly would Germany have nuked us guys?

>the red cross isnt aiming to provide humanitarian aid of any kind

That answer will sadly cost your light force, so i assume that you want to skip this.

This is what should have happened. Wash, rinse, repeat.

it doesnt matter, the german prisoners werent an issue to the american public so they let them starve. americans had no problems with mass killing of civilians so it can hardly be expected from them to have any sympathy for enemy soldiers.


I didn't say that. I said they weren't a medical organization that comes there to treat people and cure diseases. They would not have done much to change the conditions there, like anywhere else they visit.

A cartoon was going to carry a device the size of a three bedroom house across the Atlantic ocean?

Exactly what jewish army did the germans disarm in order for jews to be designated the same as "disarmed enemy combatants"?

Nuclear weapons are a manufactured lie crafted by us, read this post please.

you do know without nazi scientist the US would have never gotten the nuke? yet you want to make us believe that the germans couldnt have done it themselves even though they had successfull nuketests before?

No, just the ashes of six gorillion (((you)))'s.

>Expecting to them act as humans

With gigantic devices unable to fit in the bomb bay of a 1940's era aircraft.
>German scientists
Jews chased out by the German government

The whole world is controlled by London, sadly you has to deal with that fact.

Carried by a cartoon?

The communist revolutionaries. There was literally a civil war in Germany between WW1 and WW2 (not a huge one, but there was fighting).

False, it was a small bubonic plague outbreak at that time.

>can't into rocket science
Have another (((you))).

jew tried to create a bolshevik revolutin as currently everywhere happened through out europe.

>Rocket science
Barely able to make it from the Netherlands to London, magically makes it to New York. I thought kikes were supposed to be smart. Fucking mossad cunt.

was good enough to get you assholes on the moon :^)

>muh its after the war (((Good Burgers))) can just slaughter everyone like we want because
>but dont you see here in this summary for retards it doesnt say "this shit applies after X too" nevermind it doesnt constrain the assignement in relation to X at any point in first place

>belonging to
>from the time they fall into the power of the enemy

Go be a kike elsewhere

Kek. Now we can't even fix our roads and feed our niggers. Sorry Germans, we should have killed off the Anglokikes and been friends.

817632827262515162728272615151425278882201928362526388583726242637382910184596694 Yes.


A redpill is that the (((bolsheviks))) had a brutal brutal war agaisnt the reactionary white russians /ourguys. Stalin starved the Ukraine in order to hurt the whites

A portion of the resistance to communism was the cossaks. Fucking ferious fighters, by 1945 most of them had been fighting communists their entire lives

They surrendered to the British. The British then loaded them up into traincars and they were killed in soviet territory within days.

I'd rather be in Aushowitz until the allies started bombing the german trianlines than the ruhr camps in winter. And I have an ancestor who died in aushowitz (typhus)

yeah. the "russians" we fought werent really russians anymore. the communism was installed there just as everywhere else in europe in that time by jews.

>There was even the suggestion that he had been ordered to breed super-strong hairy warriors for what The Sun in London dubbed “Stalin’s mutant ape army”.
my theory is they were successfull and they are the cause for all the raping and pilaging the russians did

Fuck off you leftypol nigger,
The same can be said about jews that where holocausted 6 million times

These faggots try to ruin threads and shit post from their raid discords and little skype hangouts because their shitty subreddits and commie chan boards are so dull and boring

I wanna thank you for this little piece of conveniently forgotten history this is something new I never heard about. Keep doing what you're doing German bro stay strong and keep posting.

Every day it feels like we are uncovering and rediscovering more about our pasts and even though we face more adversary as we keep moving forward, every day the path seems to get a little more clear as we take another step to a brighter future.

the US did the same thing in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan

you should look into some WW2 threads. in the last few months there is suddenly a lot of shilling going on talking about how germans caused WW2, and they deserved everything bad etc. they really come in the dozens into the threads. makes me wonder how many of the people here are actually just leftypol and reddit.

also here is another part of history
>In 1943, Hooton had an article entitled "Breed War Strain Out of Germans" published in the New York newspaper PM. In the article he proposed four measures with an objective to "destroy German nationalism and aggressive ideology while retaining and perpetuating desirable German biological and sociological capacities". Hooton wrote these measures as follows:
>During the period of supervision and occupation of the several states by armies and civilian staffs of the Allied Nations, encourage members of these groups to intermarry with the German women and to settle there permanently. During this period encourage also the immigration and settlement in the German states of non-German nationals, especially males.[10]

totally unrelated to anything going on right now...

Morganthau plan.

what is that?

Fuck off Fritz.

>Be Britain, Otto's been chimping again.
>Fuck it, we were a bit harsh, let em have what he wants.
>Oops, there's another treaty disregard. Czechoslovakia, what Czechoslovakia?
>It's okay frog, just Germs reuniting with Germs nothing to worry about.
>No Rudolf, you can't have Poland and if you invade there will be consequences.
>Fuckinggermophobes.net/onion invade anyway.
>Pic related shows up and tears you a new one. Bitch about it on a Turkish roach cooking forum.

Next time we should truly finish the job and completely exterminate the eternal Fritz

Ever heard about this little fella the man is holding in this picture, Jacko?


Go home Eddie Bravo

looks interesting

LARP elsewhere kiddo

Did you also know?
After the war, allied forces bombed tens or hundreds of thousands of fleeing German women, children and elderly. The civilian Germans had their own Dunkirk, and the allies showed them no mercy.

Furthermore, I see Anglo cucks in this board apologizing or feeling sorry for what we did. Those people are a special breed of stupid and historically illiterate. As for the Germans that feel butthurt about our glorious bombs leveling their cities. Think of the start of the war from this perspective, the same the allies had without the benefit of hindsight.

You had two potential threats in Europe at the time. The Soviet Union and nazi Germany. The Soviet Union was regarded as a backwards shithole with no real industry to produce armaments, except small arms and its army's moral was considered to be low. The Germans on the other hand, had proven to be very capable warriors and German industry has always been regarded as superb.

Stalin played the game extremely well. By staying quiet most of the time. Hitler started violating every treaty under the sun. Rhineland. Anschluss. Sudetenland. Annexation of Czechia and the puppeting of Slovakia. All of this with the allies getting increasingly nervous.

Finally, the peace in our time fiasco wasn't just Chamberlain getting cool points at home. Hitler had agreed that after Czechoslovakia, he wouldn't do anything else. Then he eyed Poland.

>austria voting to join germany is germany violating a treaty.
>nevermind all the treaties of WW1 saying germans are allowed to keep its colonies and its land in europe just got ignored and were robbed of us either way

also he went into poland because there were ethnic german on clay that was robbed of germany after WW1 unrightfully that were murdered. so hitler went in there to stop the killing of fellow germans and create a supply line to it. that was merely used as a reason to declare war on germany that went against britains and everyone elses jewish masters by creating an economic system that isnt reliant on the jewish banking cartell.

So my point stands Fritz. If you're France or Britain, right before ww2 started. Who do you view as a bigger threat? The backwards, illiterate, agrarian country that kept getting btfoed in ww1. Or the modern, industrialized, educated and battle hardened country that keeps redrawing the map of Europe every six months? You don't know Hitler's plans and intentions. You think that next he might demand his old colonies back. Heck, he might even want some of yours. Alsace Lorraine is rightful German clay, but that's where our forts are.

Bitch all you want, but ww2 was completely justified and hitler was a moron for not waiting for the Soviets to fuck up, so that he could fight them with the blessing and backing of the west.

Prussian blue in delousing chambers, evidence of bathrooms in "gas Chambers"
>Hur durr, the Germans were monsters!
Allied Powers either starved tens of thousands to millions of Germans to death in open air death camps after the war, refusing the red cross access
>We were the good guys goyum!
WW2 was the greatest chronological travesty in human history.

Dude, I'm not talking about what's right and what's wrong here. Stop being a moron and think for a second. At the time, German posturing, made her look like a threat. Also the Austrian vote was rigged and you know it. Again, I do believe that Germany was in the right side of history and that we should've gone after the soviets, but the Germans played their cards wrong and without hindsight, at the time, it was perfectly justifiable and necessary to go to war with a proven enemy, before he gets too strong.

Fuck off New Zealand. We could conquer you in a lazy afternoon.
Little Australia still suffers little man syndrome.

>soviet union
>no real industry to produce armaments except small arms
>agrarian country
You realize the USSR underwent a drastic industrialization after the Bolshevik revolution and that it was funded by the US? The companies that built the factories in the USSR were American.
Their industry was so large that they had tens of thousands of equipment by the time Barbarossa launched.

As for your question of who the British/French should have been more concerned about: how about the one that wanted a worldwide communist revolution?
But hey, good job destroying the Germans and making sure they'll never rise again. That worked out fantastically.

Lenin himself, was an American Jew, among several others. The Bolshevik revolution was almost entirely US built.

No one knew soviet capabilities period. The Germans themselves were caught off guard by their ability to keep pumping out tanks. Soviet industry was severely underestimated.

Yes, the soviet wanted a commie world, but did they have the capability to go through with it? We all know thanks to hindsight that they did, but the allies didn't.

Read through my posts again. My argument is that Fritz fucked up by not waiting for the soviets to fuck up. Without hindsight, Germany was the real threat

russia was producing non stop tanks prior to the events while the bolshevik revolutions initiated by the same masterminds that were behind russias, went through all of europe conquering european countries one after another while germany went in to defend their own people once. obviously the commies are the bigger thread, but those that controlled the commies also controlled britain, US, france etc

Even the warmongering traitor Churchill realised his error in allying the Commonwealth with Stalin.
Operation unthinkable, the plan to use the atom bomb against the USSR shows us this.
Patton was murdered for his public comments that the allies had defeated the wrong enemy.

>those that controlled the commies also controlled britain, US, france etc.

That I don't know and can't argue. What I do know is that the soviets were a very secretive state so intelligence on soviet capabilities was low.

My argument isn't about who was the good guy, but who seemed more threatening. Patton himself said that we've defeated the wrong enemy and Churchill proposed operation unthinkable.

yeah. churchill was a fucking piece of shit, but at least he seemed to have realized the error in his ways during the end or after WW2

>we should've gone after the soviets

well, not you, chickenhawk.

We still can't forgive him for the needless slaughter at Gallipoli, however.
His political opponents would shout at him "remember the Dardenelles!"
The drunken prick would laugh about the slaughter claiming he "revelled in the disaster".
Fuck him and all who follow after him.

spread it

im not arguing that. but i believe everyone has some chance to redeem himself. if churchill would have pulled through with his realization then maybe. but as things stand, fuck him



>killed 6 million Jews
>why are they so mean to us!


>boo hoo muh 6 million
The holocaust is a damn joke

the jews killed more germans in WW2 and after WW2 than they could ever hope to lie about the holohoax

>he actually believes that bullshit

Eisenhower and Stalin were the only ones enacting genocides against unarmed people.

I live to redpill these faggots

Pull through how? After having spent 6 years at war. After having his entire population on rations. After having lost so many men.

The allies were also outnumbered in europe, so if unthinkable kicked in, the allies would've been kicked out.

Seems to me that many people here want things because they're nice, but are they doable.

Who gives a shit about the jews. If Germany didnt lose the war then we wouldnt have sjws dirtying our streets. However, Hanz is wrong to bitch, because as i said before they derped and made themselves into a threat

bump for the forgotten gorillions

Remind me how many US gas excecution chambers had toilets? Clear plumbing remnants and scars from where walls were removed.
Funny thing to have in muh gas chamber.
Really makes one zinc.

appreciate it

reminder that the zyklon B cans even say "for pestcontroll" (schädlingsbekämpfung). i mean jews are a pest in some sense, but well

>over 16,500 starved

~5 million nazi soldiers killed fighting, ~2 million civilians killed

Probably shouldn't have started a world war

Not to mention with the shitty idea of dropping the Zyklon granules through the rediculous idea of hatches in the roof would have just as likely killed the guards pouring it in as killed anybody in the "gas chamber".
Went to Auschwitz. The rooms the kikes admit are delousing chambers have the hydrogen peroxide stain of Prussian blue so thick it's actually bled through the bricks.
Supposed gas Chambers, not a single mark.
So many holes in the Eli Weiss gas chamber myth it's genuinely laughable.

Respectfully disagree with your myopic analysis. You've just agreed that Hitler held the moral and spiritual high ground (should Europe fall into the hands of communist Jews or not?)

Hitler made it very clear that his reunification of Germany was intended as a preventative measure to stop the bolshevization of the west (which we are seeing today manifest beyond even Hitler's direst predictions). He offered an alliance to the anglosphere several times. Oswald Mosley very nearly got into power - if his London rally hadn't been shut down by the Jews, who knows what could have been? If Chamberlain (who was ambivalent on the Nazis) had accepted Hitler's offer, things could have been very different. Africa would be a german colony, Europe and the US would be a utopia, freed from the death hand of communism.

You make the mistake of assuming Hitler's intentions were to enslave the rest of humanity, when in reality it was to create a neoaristocracy of selectively bred superhuman 'curators' who would treat the world with the same german spiritual values that built Germanys architecture and scultpted the Aryan phenotype. Efficiency, beauty, loyalty, honour, justice, integrity, and conscientiousness. The apotheosis of the spiritual values held by the Jews. The war wasn't just about what was in the best interests of he British or the Americans at the time, but what was in the best interests of humanity as a whole: something Churchill never understood.

Allows BEF to escape from the beaches of Dunkirk on personal orders of Hitler.
Over a dozen offers of peace to London from Berlin while the Germans were rolling through Europe, but yeah, Germany started the war.

>implying we started anything
learn history faggot

a lot of stuff doesnt add up. a guy collapses due to fatigueon the way to the gaschamber and gets hospitalized instead surviving it? sure

>The *opposite* of the spiritual values held by the Jews.