What is Sup Forums's opinion on Sahra Wagenknecht?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on Sahra Wagenknecht?

False opposition just as all german politicans that walk free

better than the rest of "die linke"
still shit tier

The best of the commies, but still a commie.

She's pretty based.
She admits that that there has to be a limit to the number of fugees.
Also she wants to send criminals back.
And of course I would fuck her.

Stalinist, anti-white communist. Deserves the oven. Hope she resigns though and splits DIE LINKE. Fucking commies!

Useful idiot

literally fucking who

There are NO good commies

Would fuck

got her nudes?

Punchable face.

No need to mention, your flag already gave that away.

True, but there are degrees of how bad they are.

Raep and then kill

Bad eyebrows

She can wagen on my knecht.

would teabag with my right testicle

Who's that guy???

One of the most respectable german politicians, in my eyes. Seems to genuinely care for the people sending her letters.

An incredible misfortune she's been led astray by the system and is on the wrong side. But I honestly think she could be redpilled if done right.

Would bang/10

Someone pls make a pic of her cucking Bernd Riexinger. Or maybe a fuck my shit up Bernd.