
Why would I NOT defend the redpilling of normies.

The fact that you believe Trump is interested in doing anything remotely beneficial for anyone but himself just shows how gullible you are. You people are so fucking stupid. Also, fuck this board and boards like it that have a 2000 character limit, just shows that you can't take counter-arguments so you've got to limit them. I would reply to so many more of the comments in this thread if I were able to, but because it takes so fucking long, I'm just giving up after this one. Congratulations, your tactics of wearing down opponents through attrition rather than well-reasoned arguments has succeeded. Fucking retards.
I'll throw in a few more of my thoughts from this thread.
Someone accused me of being a "shill" which I guess implies that I am at this shithole of a board in order to brigade it. I'd never subscribe to such a fucking retarded site. You're nothing but degenerates jerking each other off. Every Economics major I know is center-left, or left, and I go to a mostly right-leaning state school in a red state. Where are you getting this idea from? Do you even go to college? You people are so gullible. I'm certainly glad that people that are the type to regularly participate in this subreddit are at least smart enough to keep these idiotic and twisted ideas to places of the internet where they can say stupid shit anonymously. It's funny how I never hear any kind of crazy ass talk like this in my real life, even though I live in a state where you people should populate. Your ideas are just terrible, and you know it, which is why you keep your idiotic discourse online and anonymous. You know that if you started talking like this in the real world people would laugh their asses off at you. Fucking pizzagate pushing, Sandy Hook denying, double thinking mouth breathing incest spawn.

>not knowing that cougar puss is good puss.
I spent my early 20's fugging women like that.

Sup Forums is my secret club. These normies need to fuck off back to plebbit.


get the fuck out of here faggot

>MFW all the blacked posters were old white women from reddit

>pol Reee's instead.

>literally defending having the most reddit infested userbase on Sup Forums

>literally defending their redditor userbass


>getting redpilled for the bingo

Unprecedented. /cps/ is comfy as though

Zee fucking zring too hard to meme.

New shilling tactic?

protip: about 80% of those traditionalist or christcuck posters who usually sound cringy are either soccermoms or boomers
protip #2: the majority of the people who post in Sup Forums generals are outsiders who still cannot understand what Sup Forums is and only come for their hugbox generals
protip #3: close to half of this board unironically browses reddit

i guess it's time to bring back the bear.

The fuck is a lady-pede?


These two posts are unnaturally similar.


So we're against redpilling normies now.

Kys, shill.

I am a 42 year old woman, ask me anything

Do you have white children?

>LITERALLY defending it





check'em old hags.

Keep up the good work.

>implying samefaggotry

Nope they were posted seconds apart. I'm implying and you and your faggot friend are coordinating this thread in discord or something.

Maybe we just think similarly. It is a bit scary.

Boo hoo hoo, muh sekret club, no girls and nobody over 30 allowed. Fuck you, nigger. If they can come here without shitting up the place, who cares?

maybe your reddit faggotry is just so obvious anyone can tell it from a mile away

>without shitting up the place
Except that they do. Just take a look at this thread and half of it consisting of triggered redditors calling everyone who disagrees with them shills

>without shitting up the place
the STATE of Sup Forums in 2017

>redditor defending his fellow centipedes

these normalfag boomers have infested and replaced our culture and beliefs.
they have made ''redpilling'' impossible

maybe you're just denying that Sup Forums hates redditors like you.
and that you have to go back

>>Sup Forums will defend this
Why would you think Sup Forums would ever defend the cringy people in the reddit hugbox?

look at this thread
Sup Forums is defending it

i'm willing to bet my personal RPG that not a single one of them is actually a women. its just some 22 year old loser.

We should have seen this coming with all the anti-abortion posts.

Dumb shill post aside, it's always interesting to me when I remember that there are thousands of normies browsing here and seeing my posts at any given time. Amusing.

Strap in lads. Looks like we got another wave starting. Remember to sage and just leave these faggots to talk to themselves.

No true Scotsman

>Sup Forums literally sees no problem here
this is why you are the laughing stock of this website

Is this real?

How many other Trump supporters are proud pedophiles?

Sure these people are cringey as fuck but whatever. It's funny.

It's also nice to see boomers getting out of their civic nationalism cave.

>"Sup Forums will defend this"
>Sup Forums defends this

>I tried using Sup Forums but it's too confusing

>Older lady-pede here. A year ago, I browsed reddit houseplant and recipe subs. Thanks to you I voted and am now browsing Sup Forums wanting to learn how to play Chicago police scanner bingo. True story.


>Older lady-pede here

Sharpie in pooper

What a strange, sad and irrelevant post.
Come up with a plan to stop r*dditors from browsing Sup Forums and I'll help you. Other than that enjoy having an autistic tantrum over shit you can't change kid.

Hail lucky satan

I'm wrong, it saddens me, and to cope with my cognitive dissidence I employ the not true Scotsman fallacy: No true Sup Forumstard would defend reddit cringe, and I claim they must all be from Reddit themselves without evidence.

Can someone point out the difference between r/the_donald and pol other than being openly racist? Because I'm failing to see it and it feels like your are just in denial

>having a tantrum
I'm laughing at your pathetic, chanology-tier board, faggot

>Come up with a plan to stop r*dditors from browsing Sup Forums and I'll help you
Constant insults against reddit, increased negativity, gore dump in generals. Take your pick

literally none

Would you like some more?


And your opinion matters to me because? I'm not sure what your point is. Almost seems like you just picked a random post in the thread to start shitposting and chose mine. Weird little cretin.

This place is extremely anti-r*ddit, always has been and always will be. In fact I don't even like it when we get OPs linking r*ddit posts, I don't like the website or the people on it. But they're gonna browse here. You can't stop them. We are all at just about maximum capacity for negativity at all times. If they're still lurking here then there's not much else you can do.

>a board that a bunch of Sup Forumstards set up 2 years ago and exported memes to is a lot like Sup Forums
Wow what a surprise.

I don't give a fuck if you like "my opinion", retard. I'm stating the fact that your board is cancer to this site. And if you cant see why redditors love your circlejerking (GIMME REDPILLED HAIRCUTS) containment board, then you need to actually leave your hugbox for once, and at least attempt some kind of introspection

>We are all at just about maximum capacity for negativity at all times.
Trust me that's not the case, at all. This place had a natural protection against reddit and similar mainstream shitholes by its excessive edgyness and gore spams, something that no longer exists. Take that schizo faggot anonymous5 who keeps spamming his LARP trash for an example. People like that would've been driven out of this board long ago yet the opposite happens - more and more people keep giving him positive attention in his schizophrenic threads, mostly contributed by actual boomers who don't understand what a LARP is and probably believe in shit like HAARP

The cultism behind Trump is another example. It doesn't matter if you support Trump or not, this website never cared about ideology or similar shit, it just went with the flow and whatever's most easily ridiculed for the fun of the hivemind. No longer the case. All you get from this board nowadays is "p-please stop making fun of daddy trump you s-shill !!" with a lot of newfags trying to enforce a common ideology on the board and turn it into some kind of a serious business where fun is forbidden, and once they're confronted with the old guard who keeps shitting on their attempts with shitposts, they all revert to thinking that it is organized shilling and stroking each other's dicks in agreement because they cannot comprehend what's actually happening

I didn't read your post because I didn't think it was worth my time based on the last couple you sent me.

literally proving my point.
keep RPing with your "internet is serious business" crap until you're old enough to actually get a job or something

Well, the board never really recovered fully after m00t blew us the fuck out. I'll admit I don't spend much time here anymore, I just pop by for news updates. As for the Trump circlejerking, it was really funny during the election, and I supported it, but once he won I felt that it was time to stop that and be able to criticize him legitimately. To keep up that kind of circlejerk non-critical mentality at this late stage is asinine.

I usually shit on r*dditors when it's necessary, but I just don't have the energy to engage in massive shitpost campaigns against them anymore. If someone else did it that would be great. I'm tired of it.

I'm still really confused why you're buzzing around me so much. Hop on someone else's dick little boy you're tiresome.

>more reddit tier posts

I'm just laughing at you, that's all
