It's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain that the marketing behind this game is tapping into the current...

It's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain that the marketing behind this game is tapping into the current political climate here in the US. When the devs say "fuck Nazis," yeah, you are killing actual Nazis from that era, but what it really is is a wink and nod to you killing modern day Nazis, or at least what the left considers Nazis.

Yet, if you say this, everyone will just say you're a triggered Nazi.

What exactly is wrong with killing Nazis in any era?

it's written by a literal swedish soyboy

Because recently, the term "Nazis" has come to mean anyone white who isn't left of center... or Trump and his supporters.

They might as well come out and say "Fuck Trump" because their subtle attempt at humor is very poor.

But there's nothing wrong with that. They're free to make what they want.

Jesus Christ! It's worse than I thought!

And by the way, the original Wolf3D will always be everyone's favorite. Fuck this reboot shit.

But the game has actual Nazis

>When the marketing team says "fuck Nazis,"

Is he selfinserting as a Chad?

>caring about this adolescent shit
are you the one who keeps making e-celeb threads, OP?

kill all whyte pipple amirite

Oh the nostalgia. Thanks annon.

>you betâ–¶


Of course they are. But they shouldn't insult their fanbase if they want to make money. Who do you think buys these games ? Normies ? Yeah sure, they will buy the base game and forget your game withiin a few months..

No shit, but the way their marketing is a not so subtle jab at Trump and white supremacists.

Why is Chuck from Dead Rising 2 in Wolfenstein?


What I noticed about trailers was how the Nazi society looked like an utopia and your role in the game is literal terrorism.

bethesda is only profiting from the wolfenstein fable
only nu/pol/ alt-right larpers get offended by this

If you actually give a fuck about FUCKING WOLFENSTEIN killing nazis, I must remind you that Sup Forums is for people over the age of 18 and you should die in a fire.

Besides, doesn't anyone else remember how fucking awesome it was to kill Nazi when you were bluepilled? Of course that's their gimmick.

Communist terrorism too. New Order had a full blown Jewish conspiracy in it, so perhaps there's still hope that the Commies turn on you and you slaughter them all like the vermin they are.

t. didn't actually read anything in this thread.

>Game about killing Nazis.
>How dare they mock Nazis!

>Not acknowledging that giant "II" meaning "2"
>Being this new.


White supremacists aren't Nazis?


Then who are Nazis?

Return was pretty cool with all the occult stuff. Same with TNO with robits and shit

White supremacists think the white race is surperior while we think jus aryans are surperior,also national socialism has a lot more politic related shit behind it since its an actual political movement.white supremasists just acknowledge the true fact that the white race is surperior.

I don't really blame them though. The games are decently fun, and if you can trick some righteous retards into giving you more money why not exploit them ? These retards are pretty much asking to be taken advantage of, and exploited, the government does it to them, the media does it to them, so why not video games too ?

ITT: Crybaby nazis

Go fuck yourselves nazi faggots.