Trudeau demolishes the hypocrisy of the 2nd amendment

Sup Forums BTFO

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We get free guns? Where the fuck do I go to get my free AR?

Based Muslim

>government isn't allowed to stop you from owning firearms
>government forces you to pay for a product you may not want

We don't have the government holding a gun to our head forcing us to by firearms from their chosen manufacturers at an artificially inflated price and niggers given them with stolen welfare money

he gave up on canada it seems.
now it's time to focus in the usa.

I support the 2nd Amendment. We need firearms because Trump is a fascist.

As much as I hate him, I highly doubt he was fully retarded enough to say that

There's something seriously wrong with a country that treats healthcare as a right but owning firearms as a privilege.

>You have the right to bear arms if you want to, you don't have to buy guns and ammo if you don't.
>Free healthcare.

Yeah those two are really comparable, thanks Justine.

Why is he tweeting in french when he can't even speak it properly

This. Trudeau, in all his faults, is very careful about insulting our 80% trade partner

>people keep misusing the guns their taxes pay for
>so we're increasing the related taxes


fake tweet

How are we going to resist Trump's fascism without firearms?

If healthcare is a right, bureaucrats decide who lives and who dies. Good luck with that.

Rights are god given. I can bear arms because I can pick them up, not because a "government" says I can. Healthcare is not god given.

What are negative freedoms?

Your prime minister is a dumbass. He forgot to include the health part when he wrote in French

both should be rights

Not if you're smart...

europeans and canadians literally think their governments give them rights and can freely take those rights away

He's legally required to

It would be like if your lot had to post everything in basque

Healthcare is a service that is bound to making money like any service/business. My right to own firearms was given to me by god.

Health care is a service, whereas firearms are property.

I'm glad fake liberals are outing themselves as socialists.

No one has the right to the labor of another person.

>PM of Canada doesn't understand the difference between a negative right and a positive right

>Canada is literally burning down in the west
>I better go try and pick on America over guns

How old is this faggot? How is he still Prime Minister? What job does he have?

It must have been hard to type with a cock in his mouth

>falls for a fake tweet
>thinks western Canada is burning down


>the country that can't do anything itself and has to buy shit from us

We should let Kim Jong hit you. Fucking cucks

Fuck it let's just go full positive rights.
1st amendment means you're entitled to a soapbox. 2nd means the gov will provide you with a gun or money so you can buy one. The 1st and 2nd come first ahead of the general welfare crap.

> Guns are given out for free

There is something seriously wrong with a country that elects PR stunt fag to lead them.

There's something seriously wrong with a country where the human rights tribunal limits free speech.

OP I hope this is bait because Cuckdeau's logic is completely flawed.


How ironic. He doesn’t think we should have firearms but he has to post in a language he doesn’t know. LOL.

>owning firearm is a right
Nobody's buying you a gun stupid syrup nigger.

>healthcare is a privilege
Hospitals already can't turn away critical patients and citizens are free to buy all the healthcare they want.

So either both are a right or privilege depending on his logic. I hope he gets Islamic raped in the butt.

Thats right Goyim, ban guns it worked well when we banned
It didnt make all those industries go underground so ONLY criminals can get them, as opposed to upstanding Americans

... guns are not free...


holy fucking shit what the fuck does that little piece of shit think hes doing. He thinks hes running a country, when in reality hes pretty much just a governor of one of our fucking states.

Based OP btfo of the nonleafs

I'm thinkin the leafboys are back

Good thing my Healthcare as a right is something compulsory to pay for every month whether I've been perfectly healthy for the last 46 years or not. The avalanche got the wrong Trudeau.

>"arms" (guns being the most proliferated type of this age)
Guaranteed to us by our founding fathers against tyranny of an overreaching government
A concept foreign to people at the time that is actually a luxury and a privilege due to it not being guaranteed to us. Also, not everyone deserves to live.

Canada on the world stage is a lot like canadians on Sup Forums

Damn, I fell for the fake tweet.

You have the right to BUY healthcare and the right to BUY a gun. Nothing is given out for free (unless you're (((underpriveleged))) then all you need to do is hold out your hand)

It is fall season, which means it is time to break out the rake.

except for the whole "give 10 million dollars to a terrorist who killed American soldiers"

>smokes 3 packs daily, drinks 12 cans of bud light, chews tobacco, snorts meth, eats at mcdonalds every day
Why cain the gubment take care of me and mah keedz?!??!?!
>Votes democrat
>gets gibs

The absolute state of America

Yeah, instead of the right to own something, we should have the right to someone's work

That was an insult to everyone. Hes very inclusive

Why can't Canada worry about their own failing country that's getting invaded by China?

Trudeau did not tweet this.

user provides no source....

However Trudeau's goal is to destroy Canada.

>Knees together because no balls
>Hands on his tits
>Stupid face
>Messy grease hair

>Legs spread because of huge bulge
>Serious dead-cold stare
>Not a fuckingleaf


Lest we forget the handshake, my fellow leaf...


liberals are literally daycare children lol


The french tweet makes no sense. How does the PM of canada not have an assistant than can translate shit for him?

That was a bullshit sneak attack to try and get the upper hand.

>Fellow leaf
You can suck mohammed balls, I'm out of this prajeet country as soon as I get a visa, a company is offering my same pay I get now but its in USD so ill be making 20% more when I come back in the summers. Enjoy your canuckbux

>yfw the male hostage recently """rescued""" from Pakistan was previously married to that same terrorist's sister

Really activates the almonds

He speaks fluent French

Why can't he just worry about his own toy country



Yes, leave as the coward you are. We're better without cowards that call themselves white yet shit on my beautiful country. Maybe your quickest exit should be killing yourself

pls be real

The goverment doesn't give you free guns you have to pay for it like your healthcare in the USA

obviously not

Canadians are just natural cowards

well being behind in education and healthcare from the rest of the first world is exactly why we need guns isnt it?

Oh its real...

There's something seriously wrong with a country that claims healthcare is a right but doesn't allow people to protect themselves from attackers.

Real tweet, account is parody of north korean account

I agree its fucking stupid the government just gives its people guns for free. OH WAIT

It's a parody account, but not much off from what DPRK usually says!


Already on my way. I tried to stay, I really did. All of university electives were about blaming white people for your problems despite each tutorial being 40% paki, 20% Chinese, and 20 % black.

I got a job here at a company owned by Indians and we weren't allowed to put up Christmas decorations, but had to put up Diwali decorations, and we didn't get any of the easter weekend off.

Our cop cars have the rainbow flag on it, and everywhere I look people are praising gimmiedats. When I went to the USA for the first time it opened my eyes to what was possible. Canada is so far lost its too late, like the UK.
Fuck snow
Fuck tim hortons
Fuck the shitty mapleLEAFS
Fuck Scarborough and Brampton
Fuck 13% tax rate
Fuck my shitty university
Fuck the pride parade
I'm out.

You shouldn't defend yourself. Only wait in line for 3 weeks to get treated, after you've been assaulted. That is the Canadian way.

>fascism is anything I don't like
The post.

yeah just looked it up, shame
do they have a real twitter account?

Why is he shit talking America? Wtf man. Shouldn't involve ourselves on that issue. Not our choice to make nor does our opinion matter when it comes to how they interpret that clause of their consitution

I always seem to forget you guys speak better French than leaves

He's making a classic liberal non argument.

The right to bear arms doesn't guarantee you arms, it guarantees you the right to bear them.

This is distinctly different from an entitlement to some commodity.

Lol you go to york University don't you

Read the thread you fucking idiot. Trudeau is an elite raised in Quebec. Of course he's a fluent French speaker. It's a fake tweet

Stopped right there and realized I don’t care what gay men say.

Old. Stale. Sage. Leaf. Etc.

yeah this "argument" is a mix of ignorance and "THINK OF THE CHILDREN"

I've been slightly left of center my whole life, voted NDP since I was legally allowed to vote, but the election of Trudeau and the general fuckery of the NDP as of late has made me decide to vote Conservative from now on. I'd rather vote for a party to the right of my politics than allow any more of their fucking up to continue.

Off by 1

its amazing how much that looks like an explosion rather than a crumbling

>vote conservative from now on
Don't limit yourself to just 1 party during elections, the smart thing to do would be to here out all of them and pick the one you best fit into
That being said, the conservative undoubtably are the right people to vote from next election

Redpill as Sage

Did Canada just volunteer to pay for free healthcare for every American?

Another Redpill to sage this fucking thread. We need 8 more, lads.

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Like car insurance

Six More Red Pills needed.

Five More Redpills, Ah Ah Ah.