In man...

>In man, autonomic and cortical resonances of the nervous system can be excited by inducing subliminal heat pulses in the skin by means of a resistive heat patch, laser, heat lamp, or microwave radiation...Deeply subliminal skin temperature oscillations of frequency near 1/2 Hz induced in a subject by any of these means cause sleepiness, drowziness, relaxation, a tonic smile, ptosis of the eyelids, a tense feeling, sudden loose stool, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise pulse frequency used. For certain higher frequencies, the induced subliminal skin temperature oscillations cause fractured thought and a slowing of certain cortical processes.

>Cell Phones, Microwaves And The Human Health Threat

>The microwaves that cell phones emit can interact with human tissue in an entirely new way, says theoretical biologist at a government lab


>It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set

Other urls found in this thread:


5g cell service will be weaponized

>NSA chief says 'when, not if' foreign country hacks U.S. infrastructure


Michael, it's time for your medication.


make a substantive counter-argument, if you can..

You'd need something like the Cubans are using to activate their spy microphones in the embassy.

A phone isn't going to beam powerful microwaves at you.

There is nothing to see. Stop posting. We have logged your IP. Watch more TV, it's good for you.

Now go find something else to do with your hands. Look at at the gif.

This is the gif you are looking for.

S-shhit, gangstalking triggers were right all along!

>The Associated Press has obtained a recording of what some U.S. Embassy workers heard in Havana in a series of unnerving incidents later deemed to be deliberate attacks. The recording, released Thursday by the AP, is the first disseminated publicly of the many taken in Cuba of mysterious sounds that led investigators initially to suspect a sonic weapon.

>What device produced the original sound remains unknown. Americans affected in Havana reported the sounds hit them at extreme volumes.

>Whether there’s a direct relationship between the sound and the physical damage suffered by the victims is also unclear. The U.S. says that in general the attacks caused hearing, cognitive, visual, balance, sleep and other problems.

>A phone isn't going to beam powerful microwaves at you.

these smartphones and tablets are getting plenty powerful. the entire power load (several hours on the average smartphone) could be expended in a few seconds of incapacitating pulses

>imagine my shock when energy vampires are literally manipulating unseen fields/dimensions of energy to alter the behavior of their cattle

At best you could cause someone's phone to overheat and the battery to inflate and catch fire with a backdoor.

They don't contain the hardware to beam deadly microwaves.

>>Look at the gif.
>>no gif

The gif was going to be transmitted into your orthogonal phase alpha state, but your phone has a low batt, so we just posted it.

Go back to experimenting with your "superantenna" made from an LED.

It doesn't work like you think it does, but it DOES give us a back door into controlling your brain states.

Time to destroy all cell towers.

>They don't contain the hardware to beam deadly microwaves.

you don't know how cell phones work, apparently

>Cell Phones, Microwaves And The Human Health Threat

>The microwaves that cell phones emit can interact with human tissue in an entirely new way, says theoretical biologist at a government lab

government researcher at Los Alamos (same people who designed the atomic bomb)

>government researcher at Los Alamos (same people who designed the atomic bomb)

Damn, that fucker must be OLD!

>Surely there must be some safe level of microwave flux below which we can rule out effects on the basis of physical arguments.
Levels well below the natural microwave background (mainly from the sun) would not be noticed (at least during the day). Unfortunately, this level is very low by cellphone-technology standards, some 8 to 9 orders of magnitude lower than common cell tower exposures. More modestly one might expect that in the absence of any sharp resonances or large focusing effects, a level on the order of the average thermal energy, k_B T, per cubic wavelength should be safe. This would correspond to about 30pW/m^2 (at ~1 GHz), again very low. This equates to exposure from a cell tower at a distance of a few miles. That is on the same scale as the threshold at which Bise (1978) reported changes to human EEG.

>Headaches [Hutter 2006] and a number of other effects [Santini 2003, Eger, 2010] including sleep loss and depression have been reported in people living at various distances near cell towers. Cell tower level effects have also been observed on bees [Sharma et al., 2010] and frogs [Balmori 2010].

So it's alien technology released from Areal 51 for the CIA and HAARP to use?

