Raising Kids General /rkg/

Alright Sup Forums, for those of you who have completed your prescribed redpills, how do we start raising politically incorrect kids? Any child rearing/marriage redpills are welcome

step one:
don't marry an obese woman like pic related

Don't marry an Artist. If she doesn't to say "and obey" negotiate that only counts for the first seven years.
As soon as the child can walk, throw away the buggy. If she kicks off on a bus, give one warning that you'll both get off and walk. If she kicks off a second time, don't argue, just take her off and walk! Same goes for the child.

Maybe someone more like this is more your speed?

Anyways, some obvious stuff off the top of my head
> Marry within your own race as much as possible
> Make it explicit to any potential waifus that you are looking to get married and have many kids
> Be a part of a church/religious community
> Raising kids isn't as expensive as the anti-white Jews and liberals claim

Yes, more of that.

>thread about child rearing/trad lifestyle
>people jerking it to random half-nude sluts

This shouldn't be a general, don't make this a regular thing

>getting child rearing advice from this shithole of all places
whew lad

1. Constant self-improvement. Your children need a reason to respect you.
2. Marry well with a strong prenup.
3. Live below your means.
4. Continually court your wife. It keeps you both focused on self-improvement and builds a surplus of good will to each other. You'll need it when kids come.
5. Have kids about 2 years apart.
6. Be involved in their lives. Hold them. Feed them. Change diapers. It may be primarily your wife's job, but you also need the bonding experiences.
7. Read out loud to your kids. Start before they can even understand. Read things that interest you until the kid has his own preferences.
8. Establish routine and security. Kids should feel 100% safe at home, physically and emotionally.
9. At the same time, allow them to experience consequences for their actions. Be calm and patient enough to let natural consequences flow.
10. Physical proximity and play. Wrestle. Let them sit close. Let them hold your hand or snuggle with you. Builds confidence and positive self image.
11. Always strive to be an example. Never whine about adult problems to them. Show them how to fix problems without blowing up or casting blame.
12. Study the stoics and early buddhism. Apply to your life without being a self smug faggot about it.
13. Go camping. Insist on good grades. Teach them to handle a firearm. Get a dog and require kids to care for it.
14. Don't fall for the video game jew. Keep that shit out of your house.
That should get you started. If nothing else, love your family as hard as you can. Lead them with your service and example.

she can be my mommy


Great Job!

sauce on the fluid druid?

Force the little shits to browse Sup Forums. Make it like homework.

>Dad, can I play vidya?
>Have you finished your daily hour on Sup Forums yet?

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?

>Early Buddhist

Do NOT teach them that. Only two religions on earth suitable for the adult mind: Christianity and Confucianism, Marriage is a Christiain conept and union anyway so you should be teaching them that. If for some reason you're a faggot and get married but won't teach them that, teach them confucianism..


Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.

none of you ever please procreate, thankfully you're mostly incels

Good set of guide lines user, how I basically did it.

If you want to save the White Race, then here are the things you have to do.

> Marry white person
> Stop being a degenerate = take the nose rings out of your face.
> Get healthy, eat clean, work out, grow your own food if you can.
> Stay away from excessive amounts of alcohol and stop doing drugs.
> Get the fuck out of debt. I know you have to have a car note and House rent or mortgage, but if you can’t pay cash, you can’t afford it. Plus it will hurt the banker Joos.
> Have at least two kids, again with a white partner.
> Teach your kids that it isn’t bad to be white and teach them CORRECT history.
> Be a good parent by staying married, keep working, saving money and spend time with the kids.
> If you can, have a stay at home mom and home school your kids.
> Move to a predominately white, middle to middle upper class area. I did this and the quality of life is better by a order of magnitude.
> Prep for emergencies.
> Teach your kids that single parenthood is degenerate.
> Take pride in ever job you do no matter the job and teach this to your kids by example.

Remember your white heritage, love it, teach it, live it.

What did you expect from Sup Forums?

Sup Forums is a monastery, mein leaf. We are all here to learn.
> Homeschool your kids up until they are ~16
> No cell phone or social media until they are 16
> No TV in the house
> No vidya
> No desktop computer. If you need a laptop, make sure your kids aren't using it by themselves
> Make them pay for their own cell phone
> Once they are 12-13, encourage them to work a part-time/weekend job to start teaching them about money, saving etc.
> Have a budget for all the kid's basic expenses, tell them that anything beyond that comes out of their own pocket (video games, fancy clothes etc)
> Let them see your monthly bills, your banking info, investments etc so they get an idea of how adults handle money
> Set time aside so that you can spend at least one night per week with just you and one kid, even if its just for an hour or two so that you can hear about their life, thoughts etc and teach them shit
> Put the boys into team sports of some kind
> Once they are around 12-13, start telling them how the world works, take them on trips to see the way druggies and niggers live, ask them about it
> Try not to alienate your kids, always reassure them that no matter what they do or don't do, they can talk to you without fear of anger.
> Never yell at your kids, just tell them what the consequences will be if they continue doing what they are doing, and then administer the consequences without anger
> Tell your kids about race realism, sex realism, and sex in general. Don't be a prude, but explain why being a degenerate will harm them and other people
> Talk to your kids about drugs and alcohol, how to be a temperate/social drinker, and why they should stay away from recreational drugs
> Tell them that even if they ignore your advice/teaching, that you still love them, and want what is best for them.
This is great advice. Especially 4, 7 and 10

>1. Constant self-improvement. Your children need a reason to respect you.
Self improvement isn't needed for your kids to respect you, I mean it helps, and self improvement is never bad but I wouldn't put it as number 1
>5. Have kids about 2 years apart.
I've always found kids with closer aged siblings tended to be more balanced well rounded individuals, all of my siblings and I except my eldest sister were about a year apart. Two years can lead to a large age gap with larger families which can lead to social disconnect, after all if you have five kids your eldest and youngest are 10 years apart.
>13. Go camping. Insist on good grades. Teach them to handle a firearm. Get a dog and require kids to care for it.
Good grades are important, but the camping and firearms aren't strictly necessary, more than anything else I would just suggest some kind of individual bonding. If your son is interested in guns, sure teach him to shoot, and go to a gun range just the two of you so you can spend time together. If your daughter runs track maybe go jogging around a local track or the neighborhood once a week. Going camping for the sake of going camping is pretty pointless.
>14. Don't fall for the video game jew. Keep that shit out of your house.
While I wouldn't explicitly say this you should regulate their media and regulate how much they view media. Don't let your 12 year old play M rated games, don't let your kid watch TV for 5 hours straight even if it is the weekend, don't let your kid play on their phone while the family is eating dinner.

>Marriage is a Christiain conept

>Home school
>no social media

How to raise a recluse that will grow up to resent you for beginners

Good job

So much for a legit discussion

>being low test
>implying if she walked up to you and wanted to fuck you'd say no

>low test meme shit
Your opinion is shit and so are you.

Some guy's daughter. Could be just like yours in the future.

Can anyone tell me what the real cost of raising a kid is?

These fellows are correct

Accurate. We have one child.

As a woman, even if you work, cook at least 4 meals a week, pack lunches, clean your house. Do laundry.

As a man, work to provide as much as possible, know how to fix things, handle a firearm, be strong and reliable.

Know how to budget and save money.

Don't vaccinate your kids.

Send them to private/Waldorf type schools if you can that encourage outdoor time and life skills.

This board, man.

>ugh women are so degenerate, where have all the pure girls gone?
>participates in perpetuating the culture of slutdom via positive reinforcement of slutty behavior

Only discipline your child when absolute necessary. Be hard on them so they don't grow up to be arrogant and bratty, but understand that they are kids and will make your life tough. Have them read more and limit their access to technology. Also block off TV completely from them because I predict that TV will be completely degenerate in just a couple years.

have a redpilled mother
move where the suburbs meet rural area
keep the television turned off
only socialize with those that are married couples with kids
grow gardens
have quality family time by swimming, archery, fishing etc

good list user.

>implying I give a fuck what a weak ass beta male thinks

>13. Go camping. Insist on good grades. Teach them to handle a firearm.

This is super important, when my son was 15, we sat down together and wrote a list of all the things a man should be able to do ie. pitch a tent, start a fire from scratch, shoot and clean an animal.
Over the last 2 years we have been checking things off the list, we are down to a few that I am embarassed I cant do, but we are learning together, navigate using the stars is the toughest so far, but we are almost there.

>Jack of all trades, master of one.
Family saying that a man should be able to do everything competently, but be a master of his profession.

I think the best would be to have two boys within a year and then a girl later.
That way the boys can play games together and the girl can be a princess.
>always jelly of twin brothers.

and of his home

>le I'm so alpha
Back to >>>r/eddit you retard.

Not to mention becoming socially retarded with anxiety issues that will be unable to relate to those around them.


we need a list of books for /rkg/, any ideas?

going to steal that

What are you talking about, faggot? Homeschoolers in my area all get together multiple times per week for events and physical activity. There's probably 100+ of them. Between that, church and neighborhood kids, there is no reason for them to be recluses unless they really want to be. And social media is cancer, there is no reason for anyone >16 to be in constant contact with anyone except their parents and maybe God.
Great advice anons.

Anyone have any advice on raising non-degenerate daughters? Too hard on them and they're likely to rebel hard, but too easy on them and they're likely to get into trouble. The thought of investing a bunch of time, energy and effort into raising a good girl only for her to become a degenerate coal burner is making me feel ill

I bet he believes in people saving sex for marriage and everything. What a prude he is for rejecting promiscuity.

The reason you have kids two years apart isn't for them, it's for you. The last thing you want is kid 1 is in year 4 of university, kid 2 is in year 2-3 and kid 3 is in year 1.
>but just have them take out loans, goy, they can pay it off over time
Don't sign your children up to a life of debt slavery. I'm not saying pay for one hundred percent of their expenses. They should be expected to get scholarships and have a part time job to get spending money for food and entertainment, but the big money, the tuition and room and board should come from the parent. My father did that for me and because of it I was able to buy a house in my 20s. I'm saving money now for both of my sons so they'll be able to have the same opportunities that I did.

Make them do career day with a social worker.
That is a free red pill.
show them single mother, and more importantly single mother with black father statistics.
Crime stats do not work because they fall for muh victims.

I am posh British so my parenting will just be a firm handshake when they turn 18, everything else will be done by my wife

This is why your island is a shithole filled with Pakis. Maybe if we spent more time with our kids, teaching them about their history and culture, we wouldn't be in the situation we're in today.

Exposing girls to the dark side of life under the guise of charity is a perfect redpill. It's the best way of telling them to get their shit together.

>no desktop computer

B-but how will they browse Sup Forums?

This is pretty sound. Don't push your "FUCKING NIGGERS WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE" ideology down their throat, even if it's true. Just let them see it for themselves by showing them real-life examples of the aftermath.

>that waist
>those massive tits
How does this happen? They look natty

Reading books to thencan help to instill values in your kids and better their vocabulary. Here's some ideas that might be good:

1. The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens (most redpilled children's book of all time)
2. The Book of Virtues
3. Aesop's fables
4. The Bible or alternatively the Eddas. Any other religion is gay (except EH, but that's too complex for kids imo)
5. Narnia series (wholesome af)
6. Thidwick the big hearted moose (weirdly redpilled for a Dr. Seuss book)

i want to plumb the depths of that cavernous belly button using my tongue

in America, tradition is independence and visa versa

teach your children to ask "why" and not just "why not"

good thread anons

I'd simply tell them dindus live differently. If they inquire take them to an inner city gas station to get them to ask why their is bulletproof glass at the register

or show them pictures of other countries.
>They will likely ask, why don't they live like us
>ensue constitution rant in child form

Yeah, I think this is a great idea. So either do a career day/shadowing with a social worker, or maybe visit a jail?
They can browse Sup Forums when their older, and wade through the ocean of trap porn when they aren't forming their sexual identity.

Other ideas:
> Teach your kids to keep a daily journal, encourage them to write something to be grateful for- everyday.
> Live on an acreage if you can, and have your kids help with chores
> Avoid xenoestrogens and food with additives/hormones/steroids
> Preempt their teenage rebellion by bringing up likely objections that your kids may have to your lifestyle (why can't I go out with Jamal? Why can't I have the latest iPhone? Why can't we have a TV?) and why you as a family don't do those things
> Encourage your kids to learn how to perform proper European dances/music
> Make sure your kids learn to play outside
> Read some books on persuasion/sales/influence so that you don't have to constantly threaten them to get anything done
> Collect newspaper articles/academic articles that demonstrate liberal's dishonesty, rather than just ranting about how the news is fake

Any thoughts on encouraging daughters to marry while they are young to older, established guys?

>*harvard accent* Fairly hard

>what are genetics

You have to go back, Mohammed.

Those are like extremely rare genetics. Like 1/1000000. Most girls that have that waste are STICC titlets and most girls that have tats like that are cows

Little House on the Prairie books are solid too.


sounds like you're raising some fine autismos there.


Lead them to Christ and homeschool them. Teach them to be skeptical of everything and distrustful of media. Teach them to be Christ-like in their behavior and to love their fellow man, but to not be door mats.

I've got 4 and my oldest, 22, is doing just fine on his own.

well most girls in those tiddy magazines seem to have those genetics so they can't the that rare





>only choice other than disgusting lardass is skeleton mode

She's cute; would definitely impregnate.

No computer is totally retarded.
We live in a society where you need to know how to use a computer.


> meme flag

Also, when it comes to higher education/training, maybe cut a deal with your kids that if they live at home, you'll pay for their car or something.
Greentext? My parents tried teaching me to be skeptical of media, but I ended up being skeptical of them instead (they're Protestants). I also ended up moving towards the Catholic Church, but I would rather my kids not make the same mistakes I did.
> What is photoshop
Okay, so how do you keep them from being degenerate internet users?

I'm only 18 but I can't fuckin wait to have a son. Just thinking about bonding with him through guns, camping, lifting, and working on cars puts the biggest grin on my face.

Crib pad that sets off an alarm if the baby stops breathing. Learn what to do if baby stops breathing.

A new study, which followed 180 pre-term infants from birth to age seven, found that babies who were fed more breast milk within the first 28 days of life had larger volumes of certain regions of the brain at term equivalent and had better IQs, academic achievement, working memory, and motor function.

Valspar paint - is not hazardous to breathe

Cheap products may be made with hazardous materials.

Comfiest diapers and clothing and booboos.

>Okay, so how do you keep them from being degenerate internet users?
White list educational websites only

But whatever you do, no ipad type devices allowed.
Tons of kids use these and their dexterity is fucked.

First you gotta decide to be politically incorrect parents.

Me I had a lotta sex in my tweenies, settled down in my threenies, got it outa my system. Married, two kids. Teach science and maths. Talk during meal times about "stuff". Have conversations about the world. Teach more science and maths. Let them decide on religion for themselves. Let them drink and smoke when they want and guess what, they won't want to (I learn't that one from my French pals).

Simply learn from your mistakes. That puts you ahead of the game.

>Dont fall for the video game jew
There is so much truth behind this, it also includes the tv. I know that plopping them down in front of the tv will shut them up but so will you playing or spending so time with them.

Or yours, probably right now...

I'm interested. 95% of the internet is shit though. And even something like Wikipedia is often kiked, so what websites would you bother white listing? I wasted a ton of time on internet games, so I want to make sure they avoid those, and I still waste a lot of time on Sup Forums, but at least it is somewhat educational.


>Teach them how to identify lies.
>Teach them basic sociology/psychology so they can understand who, how and why certain people behave the way they do.
>Teach personal finance and how basic economics function
>Encourage them to start little businesses for fun with friends
>Teach them how to use tools, fix cars, things around the house
>Give them legos to play with and other productive/creative toys
>Teach them to use electronics/games/internet as a tool instead of just entertainment
>Listen to their problems and give good advice without blaming them for everything
>Get them interested in reading by giving them books that they would enjoy rather than just mandatory summer reading
>Tell them about women, difference between races, intelligence, religions

You could do things like funbrain or abc kids.
Basically games that have grammar and math hidden in them.
You could pick and choose certain shows or documentaries from streaming services and put that on a sub account.

And you don't have to really involve the internet.
Teach them to type, make cards for loved ones, or make presentations about what they like for show and tell.

There are enough videos of the girls i'm talking about
>inb4 my photoshop in videos


Hmmm.. the more I think about it, you're right, they will have to know how to use a computer. What computer skills would they need to learn? Maybe they could just learn at the library as part of their homeschooling or smth.
No that's videoshop
> :^)

All of microsoft office, email, online banking.
Honestly one of the biggest skills that has practical application is learning to figure what is real and what is fake.
How to find information that is reliable.

The latter portion is more for teens though than children.

are you joking?
That's ideal babby making weight right der kiddo.

this is nice compared to usa fattys