Sup Forums chimps out again

>be Sup Forumstard
>gets brainwashed into thinking white genocide is real
>chimps out when a black person looks at them the wrong way

Tell me again how you faggots are different from niggers again?

Other urls found in this thread:

We, as chicano/Mexican whites stand with Sup Forums. For those who claim we are not European; let me ask you, are Spaniards European if they are a result of Iberians (north African people who migrated) coming into the peninsula? How long must we pretend? Come into my arms brother, and I will embrace your whiteness and love you white brother, and your white sister.

Ever since the 1960s, we have been considered non-white; but that is only a Jewish trick made to divide us further. Before we were just as white as an Anglo, and soon there will be no Anglos. Only we can save you. We are a race of proud, intellectually superior, self-loving whites who will continue to improve America and beyond once America is fully improved.

A wonderful, white nation like us welcome our brothers if there is further issues with the migrant crisis and problems in the U.S. due to non-white central Americans. Our people love you and you will not regret coming here. Pic related; our whitest Mexicans protest for the white race's preservation and freedom

You belong here

>whitest mexicans
>still look like my gardeners

t. an*Mefag
You belong here commie

WOAH! Once incident of this happening, I guess whites are no different than blacks after all...really activated the almonds on this one

I am more aryan than you will ever be puto

>18% native
>4% black
>European Jewish

It's 4% (((North African))) you newfag redditor

>They told Gainesville police detectives a silver Jeep sport utility vehicle pulled up to them and one of the passengers began to praise Adolph Hitler. One of the protesters used a baton to bash the back window of the Jeep and Tenbrink, of Richmond, Texas, pulled out a handgun and fired a round.

Justified desu

so you're IBERIAN?

I am Iberian

>I will embrace your whiteness and love you white brother, and your white sister.

I don't think she's into 5'4 pepperbellies, Paco.

you used the wrong picture ese

Iq distribution. An ideal to remove subhumans. Subhumans want to be around whites, not the other way around. Blacks can’t build anything. They move to white areas for the white life style, the white people leave(because fuck nogs), the town/city falls apart, black people leave to new white area and the cycle continues

What a bunch of retards.. Three members of identity Evropa get out of the car and yell hail hitler and then shoot at people.. I am done with this movement

patchy beard

Legit post


Yea, I'm sure it wasn't just that they were parked and these leftist lunatics started attacking their vehicle. I'll wager at most a roman salute went out. It doesn't give them the right to smash out their back window. Will come up as self defense.

They told Gainesville police detectives a silver Jeep sport utility vehicle pulled up to them and one of the passengers began to praise Adolph Hitler. One of the protesters used a baton to bash the back window of the Jeep and Tenbrink, of Richmond, Texas, pulled out a handgun and fired a round.

I'd wager they made up the story to justify their assault.

I am white.
Fuck off an*Mefag

It was not self defense. They drove off and then got out of their vehicle and fired a shot. Sure you could have argued defense if they had not drove off after their vehicle was attacked, but they did. Also the guy with the gun was in felony possession of a gun because he was a convicted felon. These guys are fucking idiots. We have a lot of retards in this movement who need to be purged

>apes attack three respectable white men
>they reasonably and within the law use a firearm to defend themselves
>the (((local newspaper))) reports otherwise
This is why whites who grew up listening to rap music and Dave Chappelle are now literally worshipping Adolf Hitler.

Are you out of your freakin mind?!

Such cringe...

This is not at all what happened. These white niggers sperged out yelling hail hitler to a bunch of antifags. Antifags chimp out and smash out their window. White niggers speed off, come back pull out gun and shoot missing and hitting building.

Stop defending white niggers

t. indio

More Spencer-inspired mayhem. Fuck that faggot and his fanboys.

Look how red their necks are


i'm getting legimately spooked

Fake news propaganda

>inb4 dindu nuffin

>thinking white genocide is real

How the fuck is it not? America has gone in an objectively anti-white direction since 1965. It blows my mind that people even contest this.

USA Today article never mentions they drove off


> implying they aren't hero's
fuck off /leftypol/

I don’t wanna stand with anyone I’ll wait until the wars over to pick a side

hahahah these faggots are going to have fun in jail i bet

>they dindu nuffin
Fuck off millennial

You have to pick a side