Okay, all joking aside Sup Forums, what the literal FUCK are we going to do with the debt problem...

Okay, all joking aside Sup Forums, what the literal FUCK are we going to do with the debt problem? Is it even solvable at this point?

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not a real problem.


Kek,just accept your chinese overlords at this point.

yeah goy, there's nothing to worry about! Keep voting for more benefits and more debt!

Well you borrow money to pay back money
Then you overspend on social programs for immigrants and raise taxes on citizens.
Then borrow more money

We owe it to the Fed. We can literally just cancel it. (((They))) won't let it happen, so we pay a huge portion of our taxes towards it.

this is a better chart to reference

Ride it until the end.
Let the collapse ensue.
Survive the chaos.
Debt is erased.
Rinse, repeat.

This has all happened before, and it will happen again.

No it's not. This is in reference to gpd, not total debt or deficit.

ok so you are retarded

nice rebuttal there

We can actually ge/ our debt under control if we were to reform entitlement programs and the welfare state. The problem is these are sacred cows to Congress and any talk of reform is seen as political suicide.

So... niggers and spics are the problem?

>Is it even solvable at this point?

just enjoy your life while you can, before the inevitable oncoming economic collapse

debt is good for the economy.

This is the real problem to solve. Cut off boomer gibsmedats and the system is suddenly solvent.

Yes bit boomers should also recieve a significant portion of blame. Entitlement reform should've happened at least 20 years ago, but they didn't want to sacrifice an opulent retirement in exchange for not screwing over their kids and grandkids generations.

Hold out until WW3.

The fact is the age to receive Medicare and Social Security has been too low for a couple decades now. With an increasingly aging population living decades past 65, this is whats causing the program to become insolvent.
Realistically, the "retirement age" should be at least 72.

Not yet, but once our naturalized immigrant friends reach retirement age they will be. For now, it is boomers and their opulent 25 year pensions and social security.

So who's most likely to fix/suffer the collapse? Gen z or the next generation?

what s the matter. you can take debt forever. Almost, i mean Sun will explode or something after 5 million years. After that you can't take debt.

Well all likely suffer under the collapse. As to who will fix it, I have no idea. We're sadly a species with a repulsively short memory who will likely learn nothing from the collapse.

This is good story, that i heard from somwhere: 1000 yers ago you could buy nice tv, and now you can also buy with gold nice tv. With same amount of gold.

Wouldn't expect any better logic from a fucking Mongol

We have enough destructive force to destroy the planet.

No one's going to make us pay up.

"strategic default"

its there money the program is insolvent because congress has been pulling money out of it for other pet projects like its their personal bank account.

t. boomer

>Have to pay off debt with money because of your worthless fiat system
>Can't print more money to pay off the debt because every printed note incurs debt on it

Have you never heard of Jews?


Massive tax cuts should do the trick.

by the way, can any animal smell gold?
For example some pigs can smell tubers below ground. They are very expensive mushrooms around the world.

North Korea is a false flag to set off a EMP above America to wipe out the debt. Its like 9/11 all over again.

It’s a made up problem. Debts not real. Debt becomes treasuries, US payed 92 trillion back in treasuries just last year

Hello Boomer .
Plan for your own fucking retirement instead of depending on the government to do it for you.


18 trillion? jissis.

Yes, could probably do the following:

> Revamp our SS/Medicare benefits.
> Revamp our VA benefits
> Begin rethinking our "global" policy. We can't police the world ANY longer. We should focus on establishing "federations" in places that we are located around the world, then pull out our forces and reestablish order in the Americas.
> We shouldn't be in ANY trade deficits, at all. Period. If we are, they need to be scraped and a new deal that established a positive trade deficit for us, one that we can use to begin paying off our current debt owed.
> We need to shrink our inflated government. Look at how many government agencies we currently have. It's ridiculous and a lot of them begin overlapping each other in terms of duties. That's just wasting money.
> The "welfare" system needs to be revamped and the abuse of it needs to stop.
> Our funding of the educational system needs to be revamped. The idea of a Bachelore's degree needing 120 credit hours is ridiculous since almost 60 of those hours are core curriculum classes (classes one takes in high school.) The only reason they are required is because FASFA grants cover them. That needs to stop immediately.

There are a TON of things that "need" to happen. Will it happen? Most likely not. We aren't very pro-active in case you haven't noticed.

No. There will come a time where the Jews come asking for their loans back. We will refuse to pay our debts and the dollar will lose its value as acceptable currency. Prepare yourself accordingly.

The best investments you can make are the following:
Guns, MREs and other doomsday provisions.
Walter filters
Gold and silver

united fails of an americas is failed country. They don't produce, they have debt so high and so big number that i don't quite understand how big it is. Because i only do math like 4,5 euros and 50 cents equals 5 euros.

So U.S lend money, but they don't produce "stuff" That can't last forever.

shut it, Mongol

I am merely bringing The Truth. I feel like Jesus Christ.

>It's their money
I hear this all the time from boomers. Does social security stop paying out when the amount someone paid in is returned? Does the person even have to of paid in? The answer to both is no, people are not cut off when their amount is returned and they never have to of paid in prior to receive it. As another user said, people should be planning for their own retirement anyway. Social security is a scam which shouldn't exist

>It's not our fault that we spent more then we had
>It's the "Jewish" boogeyman's fault!

Let it collapse and revoke women's right to vote and proactively ban them from gouvernment service.

This is a made up number. It doesn't exist.

The U.S. has a very large industrial base though lol

u.s have no production. Production is in China.

Not elect another nigger president who gibs more gibs to his people while encouraging them to fight non existent oppression.

Nah, there is still such a thing as Made in America but unlike the cheapo Chinese shit you won't find it in the bargain bin.

it's irrelevant. U.S has no relevant production. Or maybe some, but not like they used to have in 1950s or 60s, when U.S had the best products in the whole planet.

I mean products that MANY COUNTRYS BOUGHT!

U.s hardly export anything nowdays, that is because they don't make products that interests other countrys.


us debt is irrelevant. they have a huge military and a large collection of nukes.

not matter how bad it got, they could just nuke the swiss and steal the wealth they protect. what could the rest of the world even do? everywhere is nato occupied, nukes could wipe out their people, only the few countries with nukes have any kind of deterrent for being attacked.

even better, they could kill all interests that own their debt.

what happens when a country takes debt, and produces nothing. you sounds retarded.

A healthy country should produce something. In Finland we had NOKIA, witch is rip. We must have big product, because we are small country. But now we have only Kossu.

you don't understand the overwhelming reality of having the kind of army and nuclear weaponry america has.

literal scorched earth scenario is worst case scenario. can you even process a country that has the capabilities of wiping out the entirety of europe?

it's an uncomfortable reality, but it is what it is.

Increase the debt as rapidly as possible. Collapse everything. All if it. Hope some nukes fly. Western Christian society utterly disintegrates. We then build something new from the ashes that isn't Jewish.

Its not a real problem. If you people understood the Federal Reserve like you faggots are supposed to, then you'd realize all of our money printed off IS the debt. We owe money to the Federal Reserve. All of that money printed off by the US is a loan from the federal reserve. Even if we pay off the debt, we'll still be owing the fed money.

The problem isn't the debt, it's the federal reserve, and how we have no control over our own countrys currency

Republicans just passed a spending bill that increases spending by $45 BILLION. Soo... step 1: Stop electing Republicans.

Nukes doesn't matter, when war agains U.S is about world moving away from dollar. It's happening now.

You do realize Republicans run up more debt than Democrats, right?

uhhh no we sell T bills to anyone who will buy them and those are the people we owe money to

>being this retarded


Debt only exists if there is force to back it up.

most of american doesn't know what petro-dollar is. This is because their media doesn't cover it. In anyway. It's odd, because petro-dollar is the most important thing in world politics for the last 40 years.

I read that with a Chinese accent. Also, US has shifted to service industry.

Surplus was partially (largely?) due to inorganic .com bubble capital gains taxes.

bill clinton had the most success out of any other president.

trump should be able to fix this with all the cuts hes doing but the jews are making it difficult.

we just need to support more government cuts.


: ) service industry


let's see Obama years

Suomi is basically Chinese anyway

kek. I’m seems like you accidentally forgot something.

The goal is to continue with more of the same till the end. It is not solvable. When the next crash comes, it will be the last.

I like how everyone conveniently leaves out the debt BEFORE 1913

part of it, + aging white baby boomers

So you concede the info in this chart is accurate in showing that Carter and Clinton years were much better with the debt than Reagan, Bush and Bush years?

This, your only concern should be lasting until the time has come.

Implying the president has the power to spend money or lay and collect taxes.

Another great political mind who has never even read our constitution.

>Is it even solvable at this point?
There is just one solution for (((usury)))

Look at this chart, and them compare it to
>revolutionary war
>First bank of the US
>Second bank of the US
>Civil War
>Federal Reserve act of 1913
And I think you'll understand where our debt comes from

ford kept it low.

carter kept it low

reagan basically started the trend

faggot bush made it worse

clinton tried to save us

baby bush fucked us

obama blacked us

now trump has to cut everything this dumb nigger was spending on and its going to be a nightmare to get us out of debt.

The money in your pocket is debt. All money we have is "borrowed". Debt will be gone when everyone returns their money.

solution is simple, kill federal reserve

US debt is weird sure china owes a great deal but fuck it we also own almost all of the worlds national debt China calls it in and we tank the worlds economy.


>clinton tried to save us

some user better educate this dumb nigger about how Clinton actually managed the economy

Can we just bk it? I mean, we have the guns if they try and collect.

Walk. Away. From. It.

redpilled faggots tirade against social welfare.
ignores corporate welfare in military-medical-industrial-complex.

state of public school peasants.

That was the plan to deal with both US sovereignity and China at the same time. Tank the US dollar, wiping out US debt and the Chinese economy, but at the same time destroying the national fabric. Bring in a North American Union, linked closely to the European Union, under a new currency. China BTFO because we keep all the military hardware of course so what are they going to do about it.

Trump really fucked up some big plans.

>it was (((bill))
no, it was newt.

money aint real folks
there is no scarcity
every country files these
you are the collateral for all the central banks money....


No... THIS is.

Your chart doesn't take into account that inflation was
2016: 2.1%
2015: 0.7%
2014: 0.8%
2013: 1.5%
2012: 1.7%
2011: 3.0%
2010: 1.5%
2009: 2.7%

Your chart is going strictly by unadjusted amounts.

Until you adjust dollars for inflation, any calculation based off them is ridiculous.

Have too look for "in XXXX dollars" - that means it's adjusted to a static value for the USD. Otherwise you're looking at some freshman-level SJW indoctrination bullshit.

>clinton is bad
>clinton isnt working with trump to make america great again
someone educate this dumb goyim


for ACTUAL values.