American school lunch

Why does the US suck so much ?

This is what they feed kids in school, pic related.

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looks tasty tbqh senpai

That's actually much better than what you used to get. When I went through it, all you got was pizza, some mashed potatoes, an apple, and some fruit juice. And those were the good days

I always got that shit pizza that had the ghetto disgusting onion bits in its sauce.

What the fuck is wrong with that that Jan?

Yup the good auld US. Completely fucked. If only it could aspire to greater things.

looks pretty decent, definitely would eat that

That looks better than the shit I had to eat?What the fuck is going on here!

I graduated in 2003. Our food was better than that.

Well, in "my day", elementary students got 2 cigarettes and a cup of coffee.

And you know what? we felt LUCKY.

Kids eat school lunches only in cases where their mothers don't love them.

Much better than it was about 2009/2010. But you can thank Michelle Obama's war on fat children for it.

Now that I think about it, though, it was probably about the same, or maybe even a bit worse, in elementary school.

There's more sugar in that pic than in the amount i eat for a week.

It's actually much worse than that, OP. It's the same food they serve prisoners in fact.

My high school had a Taco Bell in it.

Yeah, and this isn't even that bad. School lunches in California were scandalous. Show us what kids in Norway eat.

Do you want to pay more tax money so that the nigs can eat healthier for free?

Just pack a lunch you lazy fuck.

They have concentration camps in Israel too ?

They have a big out-door one called Palestine.

idk man that doesn't look that bad

that looks yummy

I'm early Gen. Z (1999) and part of the reason I have right wing beliefs is that I was forced to eat food that used applesauce instead of sugar because of Michelle Obamas school lunch policy's.
>Seriously that's the first time I hated the left

but sugar kills you dummy

My wife works in the kitchens for the schools in our county. The employees are encouraged to eat the food for their own lunch - she says it's great. Only complaint is that some days the lunch is a little carb-heavy but this is 'murica after all. This is a title I school so almost all the kids eat the school lunch (because poor) and they love it too. Maybe our county/state is different but I don't know where this "school lunches are shit" meme is comes from. They're awesome.

>sloppy joes, slop sloppy joes

>Not taking 2 fucking minutes to make your own sandwich that you bring for lunch.

America fuck yeah etc.

Honestly it was horrible, literally everything that was supposed to be sweet (Drinks included) tasted slightly like applesauce.

Not that bad. Carbs, fiber, (idk what that white thing is), protein.

delet this

all it's missing is fat

>mfw when that looks kind of good

Public schools serve lunch in your countries?
Even at the private school I went to (6,000E a year), lunch was an extra and we never paid for it because we thought it'd be shit and the only good food is at home.

Public schools here serve no kind of food, there's only a small shop for kids to buy a toast or a sandwich or something.

it's Voodoo. They're hoping to tattoo the great colonising powers of their ancestors on the souls of their children through having them eat a shitty sterile cooked into oblivion fuckfest.

It used to be worse thanks to a certain First Lady.

Not pictured: chocolate milk

>implying this is a bad lunch

I didn't have school lunch, all I had was self made sandwiches over years. This doesn't look bad at all.

Eating that every day will make a person fat. Carbs for days.

conclusion: if you're not american, there's not really anything you can add to this discussion

You have to pay for it unless you're a poor nigger and them it's free
Average price was like $3 IIRC, gradyated 3 years ago

>he fell for the

The only thing that looks shitty about that is the chicken nuggets. And where's the bread group? (Those are frozen peas REEEEEEEEEEEE)

Thats honestly one of the better more forgiving USA school lunches

This is a real American school lunch. They fed prisoners better lunches than American schools. You can thank Michelle Obama for this. This is of course, all a joke and another insult to American citizens; have their children fed even worse meals than prisoners.

Thats because our public school system is essentially a thinly veiled prison system.

>government run school
if you don't know by now the objective is to feed these kids sterilizing food you have a pretty big red pill journey ahead of you.
shame on anyone who lets their child eat this garbage.

Not a meme, carbs and sugar are what make you fat

no wonder they're fat fucks, look at the size of that breakfast

You will never have a healthy korean school lunch

Lol they used to feed us bags of frito's with chili dumped in them. Literally.

>he fell for IQ having any relevance for one, and didn't pay attention to nutrition for another.

I hear the next season of Lock Up will be filmed in a middle school in Montana.

ungrateful fucks.

it could be absolutely jack shit. the good life has made you weak.

I graduated in 2011 and Lunch was $1.25 for something similar to OP picture. Reduced price lunch is eligible for families making 1.85x poverty line, up to 35k-40k or so for family of 4, and that makes lunch 40 cents and breakfast 10 cents or free. Free lunch comes if your family makes 1.3x or less, so like 25-30k, and that gives you lunch and breakfast free.

That looks tasty as fuck desu.

wtf is the white thing

>south africa
probably verified to speak

anyways, we're not weak. are we supposed to be leaking garbage cans for meals? sorry for wanting a quality meal

are we talking about sugar nigger? I agree sugar is the real problem, but there's nothing wrong with "carbs" especially OP's picture of lunch amount.

lucker dogs

mashed potatoes, faggot

Is that Taro rice?

Mashed potatoes

You should have fucking seen the Michelle Obama lunches

>unhealthy meal.jpg
How delusional can you get?
Oh wait you were probably sarcastic, got me good.

What the fuck kind of low energy bullshit is that?

American kids do not eat in plates? They eat in those disgusting paper containers? And i bet they eat with plastic utensils.
Not even my dog eats like that

not sure why everyone is reeeing about op's pic, it has every nutrition group for a ridiculous subsidized price.
>inb4 potatoes are the devil

life and the government should owe you nothing. my mother packed my lunch EVERY day and i love her dearly for that.

This is what we feed to our elderly in nursing homes.

The school food was mostly really bad when I went to school in 80s and 90s. I've heard it's a bit better now.

Go to a Nutrition Facts label on the back of any food. Look for the sugar and find where it's located. Then come back to me.

We didn't have school lunches, it's our tradition to bring your own meal.
This means the class can smell like bread, peanut butter and sugary drinks one day, and like kebab the other day.
Also means that if you're a provincial chap with the right connections you can slap some freshly shot game on your sandwich and the school can do fuck all about it.

Scratch the peas and that white stuff (sure hope it isn't mashed potatoes, that'd be defiling its name) and it's pretty good

That lunch contains:

in a fairly good balance. Looks fine to me, if a bit cheap.

Looks like a meal fit for a king. The fish and Kiwi are funny though.

The real question is why aren't women in the kitchen cooking for their kids?

Our lunches were pretty good until our last "first tranny" got involved. Now it sucks pretty bad. This pic is about as good as it gets.

Where did you go to high school?


>This means the class can smell like bread, peanut butter and sugary drinks one day, and like kebab the other day.

t. randstedeling

you're probably the type of autist that thinks potatoes and whole grain bread is "literally poison." Are you one of those alogical "paleo" fucks?

>fresh game

cat kebab anyone?

That'd be a first!

Helaas wel. U?

Suburbs of Saint Louis. Graduated in 2001.

>No meat
>All carbs
Make sure the boys don't have any testosterone.

the only shitty part is that fruit cup, no flavor at all in those


This is swedish lunch, there is literally no reason for school meals being free, its a collective marginal price but out of pocket adds up.

autists on the internet think a human diet should be 90% protein with 10% egg whites, that' why.

>He doesn't get his food out on a tray (NICE!)

>This is what they feed kids in school,
lmao on a fucking good day
my high school had "the school lunch" the meme pockets and 747 subs etc
but there was also salads, sandwiches, and a fucking fruit cart all available. this was also around 2002

But nevermind because I will homeschool my children.

Dietary carbohydrates linked to mortality and impaired healthspan

meanwhile my high school had a daycare...for students' kids

prison/daycare food

wtf it was 1.25 when I was a kid. for why

Genuinely disgusting and sad. I am taking care of my parents and they live like kings in comparison to that garbage.

No wonder the suicide rate is so high. Get your shit together finlandia.

What extracurricular activities did your school have?

We don't have fucking school lunches here, you get about 20-30 min break, and you can go outside school, anywhere and spend your own money to buy shit.

>life and the government should owe you nothing.
>"Yes good goy, the government owees you nothing, it all belongs to the chosen ones. Now keep paying taxes so we can fund Israel, good goy!".

How long before we start comparing international MRE?

>third largest country in the world
>all the things in that country are the same everywhere

We just got pizza or a daily entree (of similar nutritional content) and a shitty salad bar. Would have loved to get mashed potatoes.