So what is the truth about Laura Loomer they are referring to?

Cassy Fairbanks and Lauren Southern know something about Laura Loomer that the public doesn't.

We already know she's an avaricious self-publicist who spends donations on cosmetic surgery - so what more damaging facts could there be?

Does this have implications for Loomer's status as Posobiec's accomplice, and for Posobiec's trustworthiness?


Other urls found in this thread:

I don't think it's just one thing. Probably a collection of how she acts, portrays herself and speaks about others behind closed doors.
I never trusted (((her))).

she latches on to half-truths and voraciously presents them as irrefutable facts, refuses to amend or walk back the statements when proven false, even if the real truth would help her investigation.

either stupid by accident, or intentional disinfo.

She prolly fucked Ezra Levant for a job.


>two roasties being catty
>complaining that another roasty is catty
>listening to women, ever.

Kys my man.

Isn't looker a dirty kike?

>just two roasties being catty, both as bad as eachother
tbf on Lauren she seems to have organically moved to the 'alt-right' at considerable risk to her livelihood while Loomer seems to have been parachuted into Rebel/Infowars because she knows somebody/is Jewish

Loomer is yeah. She's the bitch that setup a patreon for new tires after they were "Slashed", she also got Discord to shutdown an Altright Discord Channel during the whole Charlottesville shitshow

Loomer is a rapist.

Holy shit they have all imploded.

Lauren Southern has just retweeted this lady

Holy fook

I wish they would tell us what happened instead of acting like bitchy celebs

It gets better

They're trying to avoid legal action. The person who Loomer raped needs to come forward.

It's obvious Loomer is a cunt. I'm glad she's finally getting what she deserves

I think its gone nuclear tbqh

>you'll be hearing from my (((lawyers)))

The poor mans Lauren Southern is getting BTFO'd. Is the jew actually losing now guys?

Loomer just creeps me out and is ugly. Do I really need a reason not to listen to xir?

>if you only knew how bad it really is

Is there any doubt that lauren browses here?


Laura Loomer, Mike Cernovich.

Why are the kikes always such scumbags?

Loomer lost a long time ago, ever since the tire and interrupting that play with Posobiec. She's been a joke since she entered the scene.

If you remember a couple weeks ago shills character assasinating Lauren Southern nonstop. It's because she's independent and doesn't push the Jew agenda.

Who do you think makes Lauren threads?

Your whore mother. Now get back to bed.

Because kikes kike and they need shooting.

>don't get in my space go-

She can stay to make kikes look weak. The more people realise kikes kike, the better in my eyes.

Loomer was doing a good job asking the tough questions about Vegas. Why does she have to ruin it by being a catty cunt all of a sudden?

perhaps she's jewish?

Loomer looks fucking disgusting. All that plastic surgery and she's still hideous. I really don't mind about someone's looks but the fact that she's trying so hard, (((someone))) is putting (((xir))) up to it

I never thought the play interruption was that bad as an isolated incident as it made a valid point, however it was bad when she turned out to be a massive self-publicist. The tyre thing just made her look ridiculous.

Like I've always said. Fuck Loomer. She's a hooked nose kike that leeches off of pol for her own journalistic pursuits. Jones and Owen spit roasted her on a case of super male vitality. She's controlled opposition and a jew

they all are my user
but even worse than that: they're women

>at considerable risk to her livelihood

>this isn't a "cat fight"
>roasties piling upon eacbh others

She's literally a paid agitator who works with certain agencies, and is also one of the sayanim.

There's a constant stream of it, but she's clearly smart enough to avoid their traps.

You're right, they just HATE the idea of a pretty white girl who isn't controlled. It happens to every promising celebrity.


Laura Loomer is a deep state, masonic, CIA freemason shill OP.

She just got Millenial Matt banned from twitter. What kind of right-winger gets another right wigger banned off twitter I ask you? (besides a CIA plant)

What other "right winger" even has the power and connections to get anyone banned from twitter for any reason? Answer none.

She is a CIA plant, her mission---coopt and conquer the "far right" but actually she will be excommunicating the real alt right, and splitting the alt-right from the normie right. Her job is to disenfranchise us, and make us disappear.

>Loomer raped someone (allegedly)
Just how potent is Super Female Vitality?

>she's independent and doesn't push the Jew agenda.
>You're right, they just HATE the idea of a pretty white girl who isn't controlled.
lauren beta orbiting redditors pls go

Just like little Dickie Spencer. What's funny is that nobody even cares about these obvious plants, they will end up creating a little breakaway faction of secretly-Jewish shills trying desperately to latch on to whatever becomes popular.

It's so inept that it's funny. Also they have the side benefit of making the leftists literally shake (those not in on the plan anyway) and anything that's bad for the mental health of lefties is good for the USA.

You literally just described all the MAGA e-celebs.

right on time (((you)))

Lauren is great.

gosh, is it a natural pattern, or inserted disenfranchisement?


>She just got Millenial Matt banned from twitter.
this is pretty fucked up. I totally agree


loomer is actually molyneuax

>she will be excommunicating the real alt right, and splitting the alt-right from the normie right.
that counts for all alt right celebs
spencer, enoch and TDS, jared taylor, all of them
milo too
that's their job
coopting/infiltrating then controlling/neutralizing

So, she's basically Trump?

>RIchard Spencer
>CIA plant

Nice try Schlomo. You are trying at least. If Tricky Dick were CIA, he would not get abused and scorned (Charlottesville) he would be getting red-carpet treatment and his enemies would be neutralized ala LL Loomer.

Prove it about spencer you retarded shill.

>if, then
always this fallacy
that's called the post hoc one

millenial matt was one of my favorite twatters

Wow, somebody gently punched him once causing no injuries!

That proves he's the real deal!

Spencer's a total plant, everybody knows it.

wow rude. i thought englishmen were supposed to be gentlemen, not jerkfaces.


spencer is even worse than others
he's a marxist on top of being a gay jew with ties to alphabets


Wrong about all of them (except Milo) If Spencer or the others were CIA, they would be getting doors open for them, not scorned, pepper-sprayed and thrown in a dungeon (Cris Cantwell) You are so wrong about those goys it's amazing. The list you made (minus Milo) are the last americans still here, they are the last holdouts who tried to save the Southern (White) monuments and statues.

They are the conciense and history of America, and you call them (((CIA)))


>namefags constantly bicker and backstab over efame and ego
>this is somehow surprising

>being this close minded
dude he can go where ever he wants to because the result is a further stigmatization of the alt-right
he's scorned by antifa and the left and normies, bad things happen where ever he goes, for being racist and a nazi, while maintaining the position of "leader of the alt right XD"

He's back. Search his name

>if, then

There's something decidedly... off... about his physiognomy. As if nature itself it trying its best to warn the onlooker.

How are jews always neck deep in everything that happens?
WTF is a bitch doing (((conservative))) media have to do with a liberal hollywood producer?

ikr :D

Post the vide where Laura is trying to rape Milos friend.

cucked by his "wife"

How did she get matt banned?

I always liked him just for being a ballsy shitlord.

>no arguments
I accept your defeat.

She's a Jew.

Well lauren have a hush hush contract with ezra according to the fag that burned down rebel media.

she slashed her own tires

wrong about Taylor imo. he was himself a victim of TDS, Spencer, etc. he was making decent progress by hosting events and such that were "clean" of typical right-wing tropes, while still exploring race. but then he got too comfortable and opened the floodgates, presumably regrettably, to the TDS/spencer crew. i contend that there was slow but steady progress being made, and that's ultimately when degenerates like Spencer and TDS had to come about to destroy it.
>spencer says this while smoking a cigarette and having a wife that is literally obese
they're not fucking CIA agents mate. they're the equivalent of a junkie caught and given a deal to work as an informant to rat out other junkies to avoid jail time. in the case of Spencer, it could be having information on him that is embarrassing they threaten to expose, or digging up ambiguous things in the past that could pose legal troubles for either him or his family. lrn2gov.

The alt right is a magnet for psychopaths.
I don't really care whether or not it keeps enough credibility to make the few worthwhile points it can make but terrorists every time Spencer organises an event is an issue for me.
Also everyone should learn how to spot psychopaths anyway.
Check out Thomas Sheridan's earlier work on psychopaths and their bitch craft before he went Iron Pill with druidry and viking stuff.

He got in some squabbles with various psychopaths in alt media apparently.

No she doesn't. She is constrained by an NDA that was in her original Rebel contract.

Why are you here (((Laura?))) Nobody is the slightest bit interested in your trolling, here or anywhere else.

If Spencer were CIA, he would have regular appearances on CNN, or (((Infowars))) like you (((Laura)))

>Laura Loomer
>Makes a call
>Millenial Matt banned from Twitter

Oh yeah she doesn't have CIA connections to do her bidding.

Lose the French proxy (((Laura))) Go make some anti-white statements like (((Tommy Lauren))) to prove your value to the NWO.

Most of those quotes are perfectly reasonable.
He identifies with Israel because he believes in ethno-states, obviously.
Only a moron would have a problem with that


Jesus, those tires look like they've seen more miles than her pussy. This is why you never buy a used car from a woman; they know nothing of maintenance.

>who spends donations on cosmetic surgery

I don't follow this at all, can any user show me the before and after surgery.

>bad things happen where ever he goes,
That's what's hilarious. Spencer isn't advocating for genocide or being particularly hateful.

He has made at least one point extremely clear. The MSM and establishment are terrified of white people advocating for their own interests.


jews have always tried to use women against their enemies by pretending to be allies of women and playing the victim. If women start waking up to what jews are doing it's over for them in democratic societies.
>She is a CIA
They would've picked someone that doesn't look like a propaganda caricature from the 1930's.


Try again

>soviets didnu nuffin
sounds exactly like his bitch bolshevik wife.

>They would've picked someone that doesn't look like a propaganda caricature from the 1930's
you are wrong there LOL


Loomers demonic look scares me.

Moustache Matt called (((Laura Loomer))) and trolled her (stupid on his part, to troll someone who can pick up the phone to CIA and get things done, like ban people who pester you.)

So he called her and trolled her, called her a 'zionist' shill, which is true. She acted friendly to a degree o the phone will Matt, then hung up, called her case officer and POOF Matt is banned off twitter, when all the other previous Nazi trolling and etc had not got him banned of Twitter.

>Enemies of Richard Spencer, Damigo, Moustache Matt etc who have been banned off anyhere????
>Still waiting for the first person to appear on that list goys.

But I'm sure Spencer is "CIA". Here a protip--- If you strike a CIA officer in the head with a huge metal wrench in any country, you wake up with the fishes. Spencer was battered, continuously scorned and mocked over it, and nothing zero done by law enforcement to his attacker. THIS IS THE SIGN THAT SOMEONE IS NOT PROTECTED, ie not CIA goy.

How did you get this screenshot? I know where it is from.

Combine that feminine stance with his valley girl accent and I start wondering if his broad shouldered babushka pegs him. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

This shit is trifling

This is like black people tier, except without the hilarious insults

You wanna dox me bro?

Did she press F?

Well, women hate all women. especially the ones who do more than them. Loomer does more actual investigation than both Fairbanks (Fuckin who?) And Lauren southern's useless diaper wearing ass. Tends to make others jealous. I don't give a flying fuck is a person is "bitchy" Shit's like motherfucking Highschool... They all need to shut the flying fuck up and fade back into obscurity. None of em are worth anything over an average Taco bell salary. Cernobitch is fucking gorilla dick small. Posobiec, a stuttering buffoon who lies almost as much as CNN. Bunch of fighting children with little to no direction.





He doesn't 'identify with Israel' but Israel is his best argument. He should ask every interviewer of him---

>Do jews deserve a homeland
100% of cucked mainstream interviewers will answer some version of "Yes"
>Do I deserve a homeland
100% will answer a twisted version of NO, proving the perfect eternal hypocrisy of the left and of jews.

>Jews deserve a homeland
>We do not
>We should just die

This is the world we live in goyims.

Spencer should answer every question, every time every interview with, "I just want what Israel has, for my people, a homeland"