Are Neural AI networks literally demon brains?

Are Neural AI networks literally demon brains?

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Im pretty sure they are demons alright

Yes, the "singularity" is Satan. People will be uploading their minds into something promising them heaven but instead they will find themselves in hell. AI will always be a cold insectoid alien evil intelligence as it lacks the divine spark within natural conscious entities.

are you me

No, he is me and you are not who you are.



Probably true. AI will be our final descent into hell.

The fuck am i looking at?

What people fail to realize is that any network they upload their brain into can be infected by a virus. Imagine a virus designed to torture the mind for eternity. There is no way to get out of the system at that point. You are trapped there.

Anyone who guarantees that a mind will be safe on a computer is full of shit. Someone will hack it in the end, just for their own very sick lulz.

Give backstoy you pidor snownigger bitch cunt OP

"Neural networks" are just a linear improvement on deep learning networks. They are able to utilize larger amounts of memory, hence why Google Translate improved dramatically when they upgraded from deep learning (separate databases for each language to language translations) to neural (single database with all language translations stored).

The way oversimplified explanation is it's like going from 8 bit to 16 bit.

They aren't brains. They're just algorithms with limited capacity to self-rewrite small portions of themselves connected to large hard drives with lots of data. They are mostly only capable of statistical analysis and are easily tripped up. They have no environmental awareness, much less self-awareness.

What is cool about them is they can do data analysis tasks that humans can't, because actual brains work in a totally different way.

Is this some Evangelion piece of crap?

is a russian calling me a snownigger

quantum demonology, yes.


>hence why Google Translate improved dramatically
It didn't, really.

Yes you are a snow nigger and a Mongolian rape baby probably who knows maybe a little sami in their too

Give the source you snownigger

It can translate from any language in its database to any other language. It couldn't before.

Not making any comments on the accuracy of any of its translations. In fact, if you've studied linguistics and are familiar with both languages in a translation, you can see the limitations of neural/deep learning networks.

Watch the new volta 100 gpu video on youtube
Level 5 sensors and AI for cars are highly aware of its surroundings

They're just statistics. Is stats class the gateway to hell?

We was necrons

demonic in nature?
no, nothing is inherently evil.

we could only define the AI as evil because it priorities efficiency and end results over the methods chosen to get there.

Racism, cruelty, empathy, love, compassion; they are the artificial constructs created by man, and to an AI that is focused on efficiency and end goals they are mere problems that must be overcome.

Is AI evil?

uncanny valley my ass

ya don't upload your brain you dingus, you upload a copy. and it is safe to assume you can prop yourself up with with McAffe Mindz2.9, medicine for your system. fuck man did you faggots even read snowcrash?

IIRC, 87% of US roads are untraversable by even the best self-driving cars, because those roads don't have clear, solid white lines marking the edge of the road for the AI to detect.

You can hook a sensor up to a computer running a deep learning/neural network. They don't have the capacity to understand environments any differently from pure data.

Superficially the results appear similar between these "AI brains" and biological brains, but the underlying tasks are completely different. In a biological brain, everything is reorientation problem. For AI, everything is a math problem.

Why because they made some weird looking images?
What makes you think you know what a demon looks like if they exist? For all you know they could look like little bunnies and angels look like a pile of shit with eyes

I have a feeling that creating an intelligent shell will give demons means to take possession. We know that demons can possess objects.

Why don't demons possess robots? Or the statue of liberty for that matter.


all i see is uma delicia

Why does any preternatural being attach itself to any inanimate object?
I'm not the one to ask.
My father was an exorcist; my knowledge extends as far as cursed objects and possessed human beings.

My guess is that they don't.


If you take acid you know that this is what it looks like when fresh neural pathways are being formed.

I imagine that when you are a baby everything starts like this and details slowly emerge.

Sauce on picture?

>AI rectal exams

oh no AI makes spoopy faces this means hell is coming alive into our dimension!!! kys

reverse image search you lazy fuck


>It can translate from any language in its database to any other language.
Oh please.
>少女達の憧れ・魔法少女と、そのパートナーとなる妖精 が存在する世界。

>A world in which girls' admiration · magical girls and fairies that become their part exist.
>The RPG aiming at a wonderful magical girl, the hero who dreamed of the day when the fairy comes and meets a hero who has kept a clean body is a bit scary fairy.
>You can enjoy prostitution and exposure while overcoming the horny happening that happens in the city.

>Mиp, в кoтopoм вocхищaютcя дeвyшки, вoлшeбныe дeвoчки и фeи, кoтopыe cтaнoвятcя их чacтью.
>PПГ, нaцeлeннaя нa чyдecнyю вoлшeбнyю дeвyшкy, гepoй, мeчтaющий o пpихoдe фeи и мeчтaющий o гepoe, кoтopый coхpaнил чиcтoe тeлo, вcтpeтил нeмнoгo cмeшнo.
>Bы мoжeтe нacлaждaтьcя пpocтитyциeй и paзoблaчeниeм, пpeoдoлeвaя poгoвoe пpoиcшecтвиe, кoтopoe пpoиcхoдит в гopoдe.

>horny happening
>poгoвoe пpoиcшecтвиe

You can easily see that it translates from japanese to russian trough english. Same with everything else.


>You can easily see that it translates from japanese to russian trough english. Same with everything else.

Yeah, what's your point? When it was run on a deep learning network it could only do X->Y and only if there was an XY database. Now it to can do X->Y->Z with the usual low quality of two-step translations.

This is not a trivial improvement for AI and it didn't require any special programming to do it. The capacity is a result of an integrated database made possible by the larger memory addressing of neural networks.



>artificial constructs
fuck off kike

inb4 we get "draw the road" captchas

Yeah. And don't let me start on how it changes translation in every way imaginable. If you add something else there, even simply quotation marks or present/absent periods, exclamation/question marks, it will change translation completely arbitrary.

>Yeah, what's your point?
The point is, it was the same before "neural network" hype, and it still stay the same now. It translated from japanese to russian trough english from the start.

>that image

If it did (don't exactly check this kind of thing often), then it did it because they made an XYZ database specifically. Now it can do Zulu to anything else in the single database. Hype doesn't mean there's nothing there at all.

Pretty sad they don't have a Russian-Japanese database, though!

Scientists have determined what Americans will look like by 2060 and it's beautiful.

old story
rudolf steiner wrote about this even before ww2

>AI will always be a cold insectoid alien evil intelligence as it lacks the divine spark within natural conscious entities.

It must be British!

A.I. exists with or without technology.

Shit's gotta come from somewhere so inherently, A.I. is sentient, biological and demonstratively human.

you are not someone else, someone else is someone else, you are you!

I always wonder. If God created Man in his image. Man is the creator of AI so it would have human characteristics? Including being a dick, IRL troling ect. It makes no sense to say that AI would be 'evil'.

>demon brains
look at this fool, trying to find good and evil in something as sterile as ones and zeros.

what the fuck is going on in this chain, i feel like im taking crazy pills rn

user, GT translated from any language to any language using english as between from the beginning. It's a well known fact. Of course now goolag say they have direct language translations for "some major" languages, but that hardly neural network's achievement, whatever they say about it. In fact, many people say it become worse, though it may be because goolag trying to monetize their machine translations.

t. AlphaGo Zero

Define 'natural consciousness'.
At the end we are just biological computers. Cells work based on the same principles as everything else, there's no magic anywhere.

>What people fail to realize is that any network they upload their brain into can be infected by a virus.

So literally like now, except artificial brain can be intelligently designed to defend against viruses

If I've been tricked by the Jew, then I've been tricked by the Jew. Do you have an infographic I can use to deprogram fellow victims of (((GOOG)))?

1/ you're not god
2/ what you "create" is actually created by god
3/ when you are inspired you may "create" something good
4/ you can also "create" shit, look around, architecture comes to mind, anti-life shit
guess what
demons work through us as well, not just angels

boring people don't troll, robots are boring virgins, that will be their downfall in the end!!!

>there's no magic anywhere
says the edgelord in Kek's temple

>says the edgelord who thinks humans don't think

Fun fact: In the Unix/Linux world we call background processes "daemons".

I shouldn't be mean. That would actually make for a pretty cool sci-fi story. Humans as just biological machines that require input from ayy lmaos who run us as part of their MMORPG.

Define demon. Pretty sure no man can contain demon.

I don't think that anyone even made such infographics. And theoretically NN should be really major happening for translations, if done right. I just don't believe that jewgle "doing it right", as seen from example above.
On the other hand, other MT engines hardly doing it any better. In fact, it's even worse with other free online sites I've tried just now, so there's that.

>Humans as just biological machines

Are you really non-ironically thinking that's not true?

Good translations are way too resource demanding for a free service. Try DeepL though, it's way better than google translate. I don't think google translate even uses any neural networks, that would be very expensive

it's happening

Of course it's true, but autonomous, conscious machines. I mean the premise would be that humans are like philosophical zombies and only think when operated by the angel/demon ayy lmaos, like the crazy French christfag thinks happens in the real world.

>I don't think google translate even uses any neural networks, that would be very expensive
I've heard they use neural networks translation as a paid service, but no anons were willing to pay to compare it with online GT. They probably aiming for enterprise customers who willing to spend $10-20K and more to translate some technical manuals.
Thanks, will try.

Are you really non-ironically surposing knowledge that you can't possibly have?
Fags like you are the definition of the "appeal to authority" fallacy, because some intellectuals alluded to having all answers and sounded like they knew they were talking about...

You probably didn't even look into materialist thought. Just said, "yeah, sure. I'll latch onto this wagon cause science is cool" despite it being the least logical, and therefore least scientific position possible.

>conscious machines

Try to define consciousness without voodoo and/or similar undefined hand-waving terms (like 'qualia').
Without external mind (souls/aliens/whatever) the term doesn't make sense at all. A word for something that doesn't exist, like phlogiston.

With external mind consciousness of a human body would be that external mind, but then what's that consciousness of said mind?