The Absolute State of Cucknadia

> Be Cucknadian
> Have sex with wife
> Get charged with rape

Other urls found in this thread:

>Be Canadian
>Get house broken into by 3 armed men
>Disarm one and fire at intruders
>Get charged with attempted murder

Oh kek posted wrong link, ANOTHER guy arrested for defending house hahaha point still valid


>found not guilty

>charged, not convicted, will be found not guilty

Nice try, 54%.

Did you dumb fucks actually read the article

He was from the middle east in an arranged marriage and literally raped his wife.
The judge found him not guilty because he didn't understand consent and thought a man could have sex with his wife whenever he wanted whether or not she said no.

>The man, from Gaza, was part of an arranged marriage with his wife, a Palestinian who grew up in Kuwait.

Imagine my shock.

Found not guilty. CANADA YES!!!

If you rape your wife you win

Not guilty and created a judicial precedent, next one doing that is mostly going to be acquitted

>segregation is bad
>let's segregate the legal system to make you above the law if you're brown


> He actually believes the law is justified.

The fact that he was even charged in the first place is bad enough.

>The [Canadian] man, from Gaza, was part of an arranged marriage with his [Canadian] wife, a Palestinian who grew up in Kuwait.

The aristocrats


Hmmm, I seem to recall a saying... something like, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse".

>unironically defending this legal double standard
A fucking leaf

Damn couldn't even
>Inb4 Canadians defend this
The absolute denial of leafistanis
Guerthy V. Elliot
>Be Canadian
>Get arrested for "Harrassment" for twitter argument
>Spend 3 years and $100,000 dollars defending yourself with no money back
>Charges dropped
>"See, it's not so bad here!"

Lel his defense was "Theres no way i raped my wife at that time as i had just gotten hair transplants and the dr told me to avoid intercourse". Fucking golden.

Kinda hard to prove you didn't do something 15 years ago, isn't there a statute of limitations in Cucknada anymore?


>literally raped his wife.
Literally impossible.

if you read the news it was an arranged marriage
not a normal one, hence the charge

> Gaza man arranged marriage to Palestinian

Did you even read faggot

Some countries have systems where the state automatically charges and detains people on any suspicion, and only afterwards they start to investigate for evidence while keeping the suspect detained. No double jeopardy protection either, so if the state can't gather enough evidence and the suspect is acquited, then the state can detain and charge the person again and keep doing it until judged guilty.

Depends on the country and the law. Here lay people aren't expected to understand law so they usually can use "didn't know it was against the law" as defence. But if you are an enterpreuner then suddenly you are expected to know everything about the law.

Lol going from a country where women are property to a country where women have reason to fear women, kinda makes you wonder why Canada is so popular with sand niggers

*men have a reason to fear women

>"Marriage is not a shield for sexual assault," Judge Smith wrote in his decision, according to the newspaper.

>"Any sexual contact without explicit and ongoing consent is sexual assault - regardless of the relationship," Ms Johnston told the BBC.

>"He may have believed that he had a right to have sex with her as her husband, but Canadian sexual assault law is clear and was amended to include sexual assault against a spouse in 1983."

>The judge did not dispute that non-consensual sex had taken place multiple times

But because he was brown he was declared innocent. State of your country, Canada.

There is no statute of limitations in Canada. But obviously the longer ago the alleged crime, the harder to prove anyways

Coming from the country where child sex rings are allowed to operate because the ringleaders are brown. Get fucked, cuck

>The aristocrats

>be Canadian
>import Arabs from across the sea
>spend tax dollars training them to be human

>The name of the accused [...] withheld due to a publication ban.
(((publication ban)))

>>charged, not convicted, will be found not guilty
>Nice try, 54%.
Yeah because having to spend all your savings on a legal defense is acceptable.

Rare flaggo..Where is that?

The woman would pay his legal fees. Also what the fuck are you talking about, America is 1000x worse for frivolous lawsuits out the ass

True + Checked

So if you have sex with your wife you get charged with rape, if you defend yourself against home Invaders you get charged with attempted murder, and if you kill American soldiers you get a million dollars.

>The man, from Gaza, was part of an arranged marriage with his wife, a Palestinian who grew up in Kuwait.


So if you were a cop who wanted to raid a house, couldn't you just pay a hooker to say someone raped them?

>every day on Sup Forums

The disturbung part is that he raped her and we found not guilty because he "didn't know it was wrong" to force yourself on her.
The wife didn't even know it was illegal and only reported him after they separated.
Two married adults weren't aware that there is anything morally or legally wrong with forcing yourself on your wife when she is saying no and resisting.
Just part and parcel! These are the type of people we're importing.

Even before we had marital rape laws, this wasn't considered normal and acceptable among decent folk. People just weren't aware that it happened.

Please nuke us

>Not guilty of rape if you're a mudslime.