Pastor Anderson BTFOs Japan

Pastor Anderson BTFOs Japan

This is the sermon that every Sup Forumsack manchild/NEET who still watches anime, plays video games and is obsessed with Japanese culture needs to hear. Japan is a wicked nation and should not idolized.

Other urls found in this thread: Anderson BTFOs Japan /type/op/

>very low crime rate
>fairly homogeneous
>excellent public order
>good infrastructure
>care for the elderly

>should not be idolized

Watch the documentary you sodomite faggot.

again, japan is no more wicked than america

again, take the log out of your own eye before trying to remove the sliver from your brother's


>70% numale population

Stop making this thread you divide and conquering, leftist turbojew. Anderson BTFOs Japan /type/op/

>consistently voting right-wing for decades

How the fuck can they be right wing when they aren't even Christian you dumb faggot?

>very low fertility rates
>people not having sex
>trillions in debt
>majority of the men are faggots.

Because they follow the religion of their culture instead of a foreign Semitic arab religion that has nothing to do with their culture.

>muh culture

Take a picture of your nose and post it here.

Also friendly reminder that OP is a part of a Jewish plot to divide and conquer.

>protty trash

that's a good one OP

((Pastor Anderson))

>actually being a papist

Jesus christ jews fear the samurai isnt a meme

who gives a shit what this pro miscegenation faggot has to say about anything

This guy made me a Christian-atheist

I spy with my 3rd eye, a divide & conquer kikeshill. Get rekt, Shlomo.

>Actually being a Christian

>infinite growth is possible
>debt to own citizens vs debt to globalist jews

American education.