Trump has Jewish kids and grandkids

>Trump has Jewish kids and grandkids
>half his advisors are Jewish
>half his cabinet consists of Jews

>Sup Forums supports Trump

Explain this

Other urls found in this thread:

are you turkish or syrian

>asks the person whose country is only 56% white

t. gypsy

it was either
>an opportunist selfish mogul Trump, who bad mouths spics and sjws, and posts in twitter about black crime in US

>literal pedophile circle of satanists who's dark agenda is perfectly in line with everything jewish

It isn't a hard choice

Its almost like if jews don't engage in subversive manipulation to replace and suppress white people they aren't viciously hated by white people

mericans on pol support trumpo. not everybody. For example daily trump thread looks totally shilled because nobody normal wont do that daily for free just because of muh communism

I'll tell you what I'd like to hear an explanation for. Trump claims to be a Christian. His daughter renounces Jesus Christ and he rewards her by bringing her into the WH as some kind of advisor- and his son in law, who led her away from Christ, as well.

Sadly true. (I, too, voted for Trump) I can't say I regret it, but I'm afraid I may one day.

>I think Jews are all the same
>I think Ashkenazi Jews are really much the same as all other Jews, despite massive biological and sociological differences
>I don't believe that George Soros actually dislikes Netanyahu
>I think Ayn Rand was secretly Karl Marx's granddaughter

Hello fellow Aryans...

America is ran by Jews,
Jews have the power to destroy this country financially, leverage
Trump marrys off his only daughter to one of their tribe for a truce

Wow is he a cuck?

Israel is based.

Israel knows Trump's companies owe billions to Russian banks.

Sup Forums is just jealous of the jews' success, when you see a jew start doing good work for everyone and not just jews, Sup Forums will suck their dick nonstop.

Sup Forums is retarded.

>Trump marrys off his only daughter
>only daughter

He surrounds himself with people that are good at what they do, but ultimately does not let them do whatever they want to do. All I know is I am seeing reports of pedos getting rounded up in droves, kids being saved from human trafficking networks, and I know none of that would have happened with any other presidential candidate; especially Hillary. Not reported by the msm, but of course they're not going to expose their own masters. Not yet, anyways. When their ship is sinking, they'll cannibalize each other in order to try to survive.

hes using the tools he has to stop the Iran deal

durr what is realpolitik

He owns the Jew

Fairly easy to see

That's the DOJ/FBI user, not even president's jurisdiction. They've been having these annual crackdowns for 11 years now. Are you going to try to claim that Trump was responsible for the past 10 years of the same operation?

fuck off shill its 4D chess


No, but I will claim that if Trump wasn't the president, the DOJ/FBI wouldn't have been able to move on those targets because of the previous admin's predisposition and involvement, and their loyalists still left within the current government would have still had more room to move.

> Pedophiles being rounded up.

Wew, lad.

he's not a total degenerate

You were saying?

Trump is the goiyim that jews the jew.

That's why he's our guy.

If You Want To Defeat Your Enemy Sing His Song

Strictly speaking, better than the opposite.

You would be wrong unfortunately, if you just look at the past history of Operation Cross Country you can see the numbers for yourself. We actually arrested fewer this time around compared to last year's operation
>Meanwhile, police and FBI agents arrested 996 "adult prostitution subjects" in OCC 10, according to Comey's May 3 testimony. That's 332 times as many sex workers arrested in the stings as people indicted on federal charges involving a minor.

I'd like to remind you that just in California, the LA task forced made 500 arrests. But that doesn't fit within your narrative either since it was a local/state bust and California is controlled by evil satanic forces, right?

But let's disregard that for a moment and realize what the majority of these operations do. Only 1% of the arrests are of actual human traffickers and the vast majority are adult prostitutes or adult customers who fell for FBI agents posing as children/prostitutes. You're willing to turn a blind eye to a real problem of human trafficking so you can say "MAGA TRUMP JUST ENDED HUMAN TRAFFICKING" when it's looking exactly like business as usual. We still have not changed our approach to human trafficking since the days of Bush and Trump hasn't made any indication he will do anything about that.

You must become the jew in order to understand the jew.

>9 years later
>trumps out of office for certain
>"h-h-he'll be arresting elite pedos any day now" said nervous man for 1 billionth time

We actually like Jews here, we just ironically pretend not to.

I just want to be hopeful for something in this fucking country. At least let me have Trump.
I'm not ready to take the lead pill.

He's just a means to an end and will pave the way for someone else.

>ignoring new data
>ignoring reasons why fewer would be arrested
>no true scotsman

you literally didn't address a single point and just started listing off buzzwords. I'll take that as admission that you lost the argument.

i dont support trump anymore. i support free speech and during the election the left tried to hard to get rid of any opposing viewpoints. i defend trump when the left act like retards

i dont defend trump when he tries to start a war or refuses to do what he campaigned on. 3 times that nigger said he didnt want to get rid of illegals. 1 time was during the election cycle

They are of their father, the Devil.

>addressing logical fallacies is buzzwords
H'okay sweetie. Maybe when it's done by retards and pseudo-intellectuals dontcha-know. White nigger you can take it however you want to take it. The intelligent people in the thread can see the bullshit for what it is. I'm not here to teach those who don't have the capacity to learn. You far lefties have been sitting and marinating in your own shit for so long that your olfactory senses no longer pick up the scent.

Was Lucifer really wrong though? The fallen Angels went through the same plight as the white man. They spent their existence worshiping and serving god only for him to love his hairless apes more than them.

You realize Hitler is half jew
And he killed around 200.000 jews
Maybe Trump can break the record and kill him self at the end...let see

Idiot people like you is why the world hates us

>caring what the world thinks

Just leave if it bothers you so much.

ironic anti-semitism isn't anti-semitism

>sweetie posting
>"you're a nigger"
>"you're a leftist"
woah your argument is getting stronger by the second.

We think, like the Evangelicals, that the rise of jewish power will hasten the apocalyptic end of days.

>be poland
>be ethnostate
>manipulate wealthy ally for gibs
>"based poland"
>be loved by Sup Forums

>be israel
>be ethnostate
>manipulate wealthy ally for gibs
>"greedy kikes"
>be hated by Sup Forums

>be american Sup Forumsack
>be mongrel
>get manipulated into larping as triggered sjws with tiki torches and polo shirts
>"we safed the white raze geis"
>be hated by Sup Forums

Sheep in wolf's clothing?

Gotta flip the low tiers in the organizations to get to the high tiers, sellers to buyers, extensiveness of the network. Fuck this is all just elementary understanding of detective work. How do you not understand this? Also, I like how the one faggot said it was only a ten year thing and the 2nd link I posted says it was a two year op in the works. Who was on their way out of the office at the time of the start of this operation then? Who, you disingenuous pieces of shit?

>deliberately missing the point entirely
>still grasping to that last remaining straw ever so tightly

you mistaking reddit rapefugees for Sup Forumsacks

The second link you posted is Operation Cross Country, which occurs every year for the past 11 years. Now you are just blatantly lying.

You still have not presented any proof or addressed my posts, you've just gotten salty you were wrong and started lashing out.

>nu/v/ on racism

there's a greater enemy right now and he's firmly against them.

> implying they are not infiltrating gthe kike cabbal
>implying that trump is not getting closer and closer to the mega kikes which are the rothschilds and rockefellers.
> implying once he is within arm's length with the top kikes he will not take our his all American Colt Revolver and blast those kikes away

> Implying this is not hypersonic hypernovic intra-dimensional quantum abstract unilateral binary 1488-DDD chess .

>doesn't address the nuance of my own posts
>expects me to address their posts other than other than the one I already did
>still missing the point
>still strawmanning
You're a hopeless cog of the machine. Actually you probably volunteered as a cog. Wew
explain this video.

Thanks for confirming I'm talking to a schizo, kek. You can't even string a coherent sentence together.

Here you go shillnigger. Each one of these claims listed can be searched and confirmed.

Enjoy the crow. Let it go down slow. Does it taste good? This is the deathblow.

>Sup Forums supports Trump

Sup Forums just hates Clinton and likes certain Trump policies. If he spends his term not fullfilling those policies and instead suck kike cock all day, as he's doing, then yeah we don't support Trump

I mean really, people are just people. Birds of a feather and all - trump, a slimy business man in more debt than he cares to admit marries his daughter off to a slimy business man in more debt than he cares to admit. Not to mention the absolute lack of morals and ethics, but hey, keep banging that "conservative" drum as if conservatives actually want to conserve anything. Isn't that what it comes down to in the end? Republicans are really just anarcho capitalists with an emphasis on that anarcho qualifier. Trump wouldn't have "won" the election without the help of the rnc which pushed epic, unseen voter suppression legislation in the lead up to the vote. Sure, you'll complain about democratic voter fraud but you don't have any evidence. Really the three people who were found to have committed voter fraud did son on behalf of Trump. Sad.

Still better than Merkel you fucking kraut. Trump builds a wall to keep immigrants out while Merkel lets millions of "refugees" in.

>He infiltrated the Kikes

His grandmother was a Jew too. Trumpanzees on Sup Forums just can't accept the fact that they love a crypto-Jew.

Trump is a retard who rips off anyone he can find?

half of Sup Forums are Jews

Livin' it up in the JewSA
Chasin' that (((American Dream)))

Nice fake news, want me to BTFO with actual facts now and not shitty infographs that literally have 3 sources from the_donald?

>478 people arrested in a statewide California sting that included zero sex-trafficking arrests, according to a press release from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. One-hundred and forty-two men were arrested for attempting to pay consenting adult women for sexual activity. Thirty-six men were arrested for pimping. The rest of those arrested—300 in total—were women taken in on prostitution charges or people in trouble for charges unrelated to commercial sexual activity.

>178 men arrested in Texas for soliciting prostitution from an undercover cop posing as a consenting adult sex worker. The stings were part of a nationwide "Johns Suppression Initiative" organized annually by Cook County, Illinois, Sheriff Tom Dart.

>Four "pimps" and 12 people arrested on unspecified charges during a month-long Detroit operation concluded two days after Trump took office.

>11 people arrested as part of a "five-month cyber-sting operation led by the Spotsylvania Sheriff's Office Child Exploitation Unit in partnership with the Northern Virginia Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force." The sting—a To Catch a Predator-style operation involving police posing online as a 13-year-old into older men—began in October 2016 and ended in early February.

In regards to superbowl Sunday sweep, that was ALSO an annual crackdown that yielded very few actual traffickers and victims
>The nationwide sweep produced the most arrests since operations began 13 years ago with 29 pimps detained and a further 723 people arrested for buying sex across 15 states, according to the Cook County Sheriff’s Office in Illinois, which takes the lead on the annual sex trafficking crackdown. Police said six minors and 86 adults were rescued as part of the three-week police operation.

Now run off little schizo.

4 out of 12. 1/3rd so 2/3rds of those were child trafficking related then you admit? Your supervisor isn't going to like you admitting that shill. Kek. Do you understand what it means to be out-maneuvered? Once again you strawman. Once again the more intelligent people will see through your bullshit. Kekekekekekekekek

>Trump claims to be a Christian.

You would really have to be an idiot to believe that after so many divorces.

You're not even trying at this point. I debunked the three largest claims, the 750, 178, and 474 because that's all the fit into the post. That's 1102 out of the supposed 1500 arrested. The ties to Trump are a complete fabrication in all of those instances. So already over 75% of that infograph is verified bullshit. The rest are again, operations that had been going on before Trump was even in office.

the redditfag finally retreats after multiple btfos

Sup Forums isn't actually racist

only another kike can fix this parasitic kikery

> only niggers can fix nigger problems
> only whites can fix white problems
> only pajeets can fix pajeet problems

here ill help you jew

A = (insert race here)
only (race A) can fix (race A) problems
get it yet? not UN, not NWO, not EU


Fuck Trump and fuck his useful idiot supporters...

Why do you guys consider the Iran deal to be good? It allows the Iranians to enrich Uranium. A nuclear capable Iran is more than just a danger to Israel. Don't they have a "death to America" celebration every year?

money. being rejected assholes. the frog satan. secret joo societies. synagogue of satan. serpent seed. bibi's refugees. bloompf. basically the antichrist and a retarded little shitbag who literally nobody likes

Megatron turns into a gun and then entrusts himself to the very person who is constantly trying to usurp him as leader, he does this because he is so confident, he doesn't even fear him at all.

I believe Trump is the same way.

Hey Canabro