I have seen a lot of hate for Albania in Sup Forums...

I have seen a lot of hate for Albania in Sup Forums. I think most of it has to do with the fact that Albania is a muslim country. But I think there are some misconceptions about the degree of islamization in Albania.

Do you have any questions about Albania?

If so, I am here to objectively answer those questions and concerns.

Other urls found in this thread:


Albania is Dar-al-Islam

Half of our prisoners come from Albania. Would you guys be willing to take them back and lock them up for 3'000$ per year in your country?

How come there are more churches than mosques in Albania

>Shilling for muslims
>Check flag
Yeah, we hate Albanians because they're Muslim. We hate muslims.

Imagine for a second that all yugos went back. There would be no yugo question any more

Speak for yourself. Christian niggers, secular gooks and foreigners are no less cancer than the mudshits

Your fault for not executing most of them.

Longer history of Christianity. Right from the 1st century. We were evangelized by St Paul. Even under Ottoman occupation conversions to Islam happened around the 17th century (200 years after being occupied by the Ottomans), and even up until the independence of Albania, 1912, churches were being built.

Maybe it's the terrorism.

> Albanians are Muslim
What do you base this off? Are you retarded?

albanian, in sweden.
so what's the business, bro?


Show me some stats, or i have to call this bullshit

Albania is one of the testaments to white race losing territory to turks and other untermenshen and abandoning the women in the lost territories to carry ape babies, and if ever there's a retake of land, then whites mongrel themselves into an atrocity with local rape babies.

Cucks think it matters whether there are mosques or churches, only blood matters.

I have never heard of Albanian terrorists

Well they were former NATO employees.


Albania the sandnigger of europe.

Albanians are Africans not white.

Why did Albanians steal my car?

Literally goes for all of Southern/Southeastern Europe. Exceptions being Transylvania, Slovenia, Upper Croatia and Südtirol. Albos are not even really mudslime, but still manage to produce a very fucked up diaspora. Collective gene pool matters more than religion

Albanians are based. Iirc they are the lowest welfare recipients. Too proud to take a dollar

Gypsies and are what poles are to UK here in Italy.





are these real churches or the more shrine-like things that are common in neighboring countries?

that Albanian girl on the Sporanos was a whore and a user. are they all like that?


Which one?

You created(monthly salaries) OVK terrorists in kosovo bro
Muslim terrorist




if you want to talk about albania why not just start a NATO or USA thread?

thread theme


>albanian subhuman shilling for muslims
my fucking sides




Quintessentially European

why do you even dare to speak?
you are hiding behind a fascist flag, a month ago you were hiding behind a christian flag, what's next?


Usually Albania is anti-white country, a strange alien corpse inside europe full of muslims.

Albanians are most represented in the EV13 group.

The E haplogroup belongs to some of europe's most notable individuals

The three main haplogroups that represent albanians have been found in skeletons in Dalmatia, Croatia. The E skeleton is 7000 years ago.

This is proof against serb propaganda and lies that albanians are turks (unless albanians were raped by turk women its not possible that we retain the same YDNA haplogroups).


This Mashallah


Came here for this epic.



>muh haplogroups
Yawn. That's nice little roach. And what notable person came from Albania? Skanderbeg? That half Serb half Greek.

Mother Teresa who was a great con artists, I can see how that would interest the low criminal Albanian mind.

And that's about it. You would think that such a noble people with a long and great history would have spawned equally great notables. But you have nothing. Because you are nothing.

Face it you are a footnote in history and that's being generous.

Pope Clement? The creator of fascism?

You are so stupid that you think your ignorance of reality and history reflects objectivity.

Just you wait. DNA studies will only continue to destroy the serbian regimes lies and revisionism.

Oh by the way, did you know that the 20% of serbs are EV13? Which means they are albanians that are assimilated?

Do your dna test, you might have the same great grandfather as me.

It's well known among albanians that serbs that hate the albanians the most are usually those that are assimilated into serbia and don't know their past.

Be careful, you may have a heart attack with all the truth bombs that await your nation of liars.

Pic related is just SOME notable albanians

>won't even post with his flag

Kek, so many Italians. Claiming the entire Durazzo line cause they had origins from Drač.

Only Albanians could be so arrogant to claim somebody is Albanian even if they spent 9 generations in Genoa. You think they even knew any Albanian nigga?

>Pic related is just SOME notable albanians
Some? Probably all of them. And of those 90% are loosely related. Vague things such origins and other bullshit you would use to justify some connection. Face it most of these considered themselves their home nations ethnicity.

Only Albanians would reach this much for some relevancy.

Lol you spent a lot of butthurt time responding to this thread. And now you went and read and learnt about the durazzo family like a butthurt little pig.

Now you are trying to decide that they aren't albanians? Of course they knew albanian, all the albanians that went to italy still speak Arbereshe today.

When you dont know something, why dont you shut your mouth and refrain from commenting.

Instead you think the world fits the image you have of it at any given moment of ignorance that you have of it.

Ask any italian here about the arbereshe, they have not forgotten their identity and are still proud albanians.

Unlike you assimilated albanians in south serbia.

Your day will come though : )

Albanians are apes

>Ask any italian here about the arbereshe, they have not forgotten their identity and are still proud albanians.
Get out of my country Albanian nigger

You literally replied as a muslim larper earlier in the thread, now your replying as a "italian"

You are such a fucking dumbshit

memritv is just the best.

Not really. I'm just bored and waiting for Middle Earth: Shadow of War to unpack. Spending my time triggering an autistic Albo is as good any time waster.

>Instead you think the world fits the image you have of it at any given moment of ignorance that you have of it.
I could say the same thing for you. But self-reflection isn't really a trait Albozergs have.

I can admire your ignorance. That narrowed mindedness is one strength you Albos have. Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.

Also you would think that such a great and industrious people could run a proper country instead of infesting every other country.


A picture to perfectly encapsulate your existence.


this is now a memri thread

Oh wow. I'm not even clicking on that picture. Tho it's disturbing you have something about animal rape saved on your PC. Then again you are an Albo.


I just wanna Rolly Rolly Rolly


Is that Albo gone? Kek.

I still can't believe I triggered him hard enough to start posting his animal porn. Truly a race of subhumans.



Hahahah. Come on don't be shy post more of your animal adventures. I still got 30 min left for my game to unpack. Come on entertain me more.

Also quick question when you're fucking your goat who are you thinking of? You mother or your sister? :D


Fine serbian specimen right here

What's wrong Albo you were so fired before. Just silently posting pictures. Are you ashamed?

Come now I'm sure it's perfectly normal in Albania to have pictures of animal rape stored on your PC.

The future of serbia is grim. Nobody wants to be with you, Vojvodina will slowly leave your ass. You will continue to shout and scream, but you will fade away into the night like a old alcoholic man that mumbles to himself on the street



Animal rape happening in the centre of Belgrade


Oh yes very grim. I'm sure the provence with 70% Serbs will leave. But at least we will have something to fade from. Nobody notices Albania unless they need someone to shit on.

Do onlookers realize the weird serbian race? They are like a green brown coloured people?

What is up with this?

Very weird.

Some more examples:

Nigga nobody but degenerates like you is clicking on that pic. The fact you have such things saved is more harmful then any bullshit narrative you are trying to spin.

Lurkers don't let yourselfves be fooled when serbs claim they are "tall highlanders" what they mean is they are inbred syndrome suffering victims like this dinaric serb master race individual in pic related

yet another green/brown serb. What is it? Do they drink some bizarre substance when they are young?

Kek. Typical manlet. When will they learn.


Must be one those 25% assimilated Albos you keep talking about :^)

Jealous of those serbian genes you got over there


Why do you always post the same 5-6 "serbs" on these threads? Out of a nation of 7 million you only have 5-6 pictures of subhumans?
And why do you always hide your flag? Embarrassed of being diaspora?

That typical Albo square head. Maybe there is some truth about those assimilated Albos.

yet another green brown.

i have never seen in any other race such a colour or phenotype. Check if there isnt a toxic factory leaking some mysterious substance in to the peoples water supply

Oh shit. Are you having fun? Cause I'm having fun.

I'm clearly an albanian you retard, I'm not diaspora. I post the flag of my politics.

Serbs have been posting the same 10 images on here for years of albanians.

Check this post:

Oh I have more then 10 images. Believe me!

Great keep em coming. Albania threads attract serbs like nothing else. All your lies will crumble under the weight of the truth. You cannot escape the truth :)

I have to admith though, serbs have big muscles, just look at this guy ova hea!

Hahahahahahahah. Fuck man I nearly woke my house.

The depth of Albo delusions. Any way I can only keep posting for 10 more min. My game is nearly done unpacking.

I am the only Serb here. And I only stayed cause you kept replying. The real question is why are you here Albo?

This is a serbian kid they gave a footbal jacket to when they played in Elbasan hahahahahahahahah you just owned yourself

I work for UDB i have to be up all night doing this unfortunately

The problem isn't even in islam, albania is already fucked up beyond a point. They literally live by some tribal laws and blood feuds that are against the official law. Not to mention african levels of crime and corruption, mixed with extreme poverty and tribalism. Shit, it takes some skill to make crazy stalinists look like the good guys.