Activist kicked off flight over seat dispute blames pilot for 'being racist'

>The showdown, Mallory believes, was a way for the white male pilot to assert his dominance over a young, black, female passenger.


Fucking hell mate. May this
(((Digital Footprint))) eliminate her potential employment prospects via liability. Thank God for the country side.
>ride ATV
>shoot at pests
>drunk with guitar near campfire at night with stars
Fuck cityfags. Let all this mental viruses be quarantined there. I'd love to see them react when a fucking wolf is staring down their eyes.
Cheers & bump, wheelbro

nigger flag is a dot not a wheel faggot

> I'd love to see them react when a fucking wolf is staring down their eyes.
Squishy city leaf here, can confirm. Went walking my dog up at our summer cabin a few years back and was stalked by a mountain lion, nearly shat myself.

Racism is fake news.

>a way for the white male pilot to assert his dominance over a young, black, female passenger.
If this is literally what she said, then I think she might have been into it and was embarrassed. If not her, then the author of this article was certainly into it.

Sounds like a summary for the plot for one of those "pornos with a story".

I bet she yelled at the gate agent and would have been annoying on the plane too.

American Airlines was pretty good the last time I flew with them.

Why do people disrepect authority? It's right in the name, they have authority over you. Be it the police, your parents, the pilot in charge of safely ferrying you through the fucking sky, etc.

Maybe I just don't fly as much as the average person, but when I get on board, all I want is for the wheels to touch down safely at the other end as soon as possible, yet people always make such a scene at airports. I barely want to talk to a cab driver, lest he be distracted and crash, and these baboons are literally weeping and yelling at the pilot.

Dumbass phoneposter here.
What the shit is OP's flag?

People do not realize you cannot fuck around on planes no matter who you are.

Shit boy, my ass is being a mobilefag without my glasses, give an old hog a break.
Always be loud and make yourself big. Always have a sidearm too. Them big cats know to attack the jugular vein. Watch out, son.


Luckily I guess it wasn't hungry, I didn't notice the glare from it watching me until I was on the return trip, it had plenty of time to step out onto the path and eat me if it. I saw it again a few days later when I was riding by on my dirt bike, guess they just hang out and eat the free range cows.
>sage because my post is horribly off-topic from OP's

The harshness of reality bites deeply when it finally catches up to you. This is how affirmative action and nonstop gibs holds black people down. Her whole life white people bent over backwards to accept her and give her special treatment, but on an airplane you absolutely must stay in line or face consequences no matter who you are. Of course since she is so used to the gibs so she thinks it must be racism, but the truth is she is being treated equally perhaps for the first time in her life.

Just so you know, you can click the flag and get the country code from the url, then look that up.

I would bet that she fucked up while using the kiosk and lost her shit.

Alternate possiblitly. The airline fucked up with her seating, and she lost her shit.

Still, she's clearly an unhinged lunatic. Not having her choice of seat shouldn't cascade into this level of insanity.

She's a professonal protestor. This won't hurt her.

*Black pilot steps out* *smacks lips* so whatchu tellin me is dat im some sort of cracker?! *stares in disbelief* *big lips being to hang in awe* bitch youve gotta be the DUMBE- *reaches to slap a hoe*

nigger asserts dominance over retard nigger passenger

Amen. I work in the city because of my skill set. I will return to the country after I serve my time around all those hyper-high IQ city dwelling Hillary supporters and get huge tracts of land, some solar panels, and the rest in the middle of fucking nowhere.

It must be nice to be a black female, society can't blow enough smoke up your arse and you have a premade excuse for everything that doesn't go your way. Muh sexism and racism.

But you're also incredibly unattractive and 50+% chance you're fat as fuck.

>causing a scene in the secure zone
Pilots, more than anyone, do not fuck around with retarded passengers; They’re career disappears the moment s fuckup, that could have otherwise been avoided, happens

>pilot sees someone disrespecting coworker
>kicks them out

Seems fair to me. I did that shit a lot back in my retail days. I understand that you will have problems with services/products but you can't be disrespectful to people just trying to do their job

well, the dude next to her was screaming that he had special rights because he's white. that was the dispute. so if anyone sides with that asshole, then she's right.

This - THIS - is the definition of privilege. Her seat was changed and she began to complain at which point the pilot had her removed from his flight. And immediately she makes it about race. It's actually about 'I need to be treated like a princess and get my way.' She chimped out and of course after the fact she makes it sound as if she was being really polite about it all and the removal is unexplained and unfounded.

Fuck her. When I fly, I don't give a fuck where I sit as long as I get to my destination in one piece. Sometimes people have asked me to change seats because they want to be with a family member or friend and I don't mind. But this bitch was put in a seat that she didn't like and started bitching about it. She's the one that needs to climb off her high horse and understand that she can't get her way all the time and that her actions have consequences.

>as a platinum member.
you can suck my platinum dick.

"To someone who is used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination." - Thomas Sowell

Might not be the quote verbatim but it's something like that

So she doesn't like the seat she's been assigned for her ticket, out of sheer preference, so she tries to change it from a middle to aisle but fails. And yet, somehow it's the airline's fault when they can't rearrange things at the fucking departure gate and expel her from the flight outright when she causes a big scene and delays the flight for everyone else. Fucking wow.

deys raycits an sheeit

For all we know she selected the new seat but forgot to hit "OK".

That's why I said failed. It's likely she did fuck it up at the electronic kiosk, or left it far too late, or got there late for check-in, or any number of irresponsible things which caused delay and disturbance for her fellow passengers. Fuck her.


A big percentage of blacks are extremely disrespectful and liberals accept it as "part of their culture" at best. At worst they encourage it as #resisting.



Al Bundy never fails to deliver

Any kind of service industry, the worst customers are, and always will be, black women. Absolute shit, disrespectful as fuck, want as much as they can for as little, always trying to get free shit after starting shit, and always leave shit a mess

The typical thing I see them doing is driving their suv to the store, parking in a handicap spot, walking their fat asses in, and at the counter spend forever getting payment in order (ebt I assume).

Jewish women can be pretty bad with the coupons but I never see them being so loud.

Get Colonized bitch.

These are my favorite videos ever

pilots can kick anyone off the flight that they want. Bitch needs to read the FAR AIM.

plenty of black people travel our airways every day without issue

no one becomes a target of interest unless they are causing disruption, it is entirely up to the pilot if they are willing to keep a cantankerous passenger

The more these nogs play the race card, the less value it has.

Keep it up, bunch of one trick niggers.

Top Kek

All I see is another childish monkey bitch who can't behave in public and has to have time out.
Black people go on time out a lot.

Nigger chimpsout when she can't get her way, then cries racism.
Nothing to see here, just another day in America.


What difference does it make? They are all made by the same manufacturer.

The Pilot did not handle this correctly at all,
He should have waited until he got to 15,000 feet before kicking her off the flight.

he dominated white male presents by fucking her in the ass then throwing her off

Checkout time

people can become irrationally stubborn

one would think her priority would have been to get to her destination... :/

Isn't it great how this bitch gets to be a cunt then cry racism and send the airline in to panic mode when the only response needed is
>you were being a cunt, now fuck off or we won't let you on our planes ever again