They have stopped their interracial race baiting propaganda shilling and are now doing the same old "well, pol" shilling.

Stop responding to those threads.

Stop their shilling efforts with gore pics.

Other urls found in this thread:


It could also be automated bots, because the "(comma) Sup Forums" is used like a template.

it prolly is. It's bullshit the mods do nothing about it.


There have been numerous blacked posters yesterday, non of them were banned. They posted their flith even in non-race related threads.

It's the mods who shill this board. THose mods could be anyone, from shareblue to some FBI agent.

It's the mods.

Hey Mods!! We got one!!!!!

Also I've noticed they ALWAYS auto-sage meta threads for some reason. It's super lame.

Op...didnt you just do the same thing?

>It's bullshit the mods do nothing about it.
Those faggots spend all day banning everybody who responds to HWNDU threads.


>low quality fb "meme"
>changes the file name to resemble Sup Forums file-names, while being too long

Nice try shlomo. Or you are just plebbit cancer.

Using the // was a sign of someone not being a newfag.

in the past 3 days there's been like 100+ Richard Spencer threads.

Here We'll post a Negro!! Will that make you happy? See we love black people

This too, completely usual.

Good observation.

We were never that obsessed with him.


Bump and Sup Forums

There's also the random LARP where some faggot posts bait for the fun of it.

yeah, but they are easy to identify and aren't constantly posting.

>in the past 3 days there's been like 100+ Richard Spencer threads.
And “Hillary Clinton was hot” threads.

The shill thread read like either a nu-male or a middle aged woman is the OP.

I have been boilerplating this today:

We are currently under dedicated slide attack from what is probably Soros funded cadre. Though this may be a legitimate discussion for recreational time, it is helping to displace discussion of breaking issues. Right now the priority items are:

Uranium One

The Vegas Shooting

Pedophilia network destruction

Awan espionage investigation

Most of the other threads are intentionally contributing to slide the discussion of these breaking issues.

theres about 5 of those RIGHT NOW.


Its not hired teams of psychologist by large governmental spy agencies that for sure.


They come full force around 12pm mt(az) time. That’s when the blacked threads take over the catalog

dear god.

I've never been banned for outright telling people to sage threads

Are you saying it is JIDF and not Soros cadre? I am perfectly willing to accept this. My assumption was based on the recent transition of his money to the trust.
I am just trying to do my part the best that I can.



Also don't forget the "He's right" threads.

Neither have I. Is that even a thing? I thought that was our responsibility as a community.

Yes. They do it FOR FREE. They have an app that gives them notifications saying go to Sup Forums and defend against anti-semitism


It's the Austrian election desu. Every (((analysis))) is about the danger of "right wing racists coordinating internationally to promote le bigotry, etc". Driving a wedge between American and European whites is the shill goal

Bump for logic

I either read the rules wrong a while ago or they changed it but now it's
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
So now that I've saged this thread. Telling you've I've saged it. I'm banned worthy?

happened before

>still using Sup Forums
>not using infinityu chan

Thank you user. I was unaware of this. I have noticed that the threads were being manned - not just dumped. It is definitely a dedicated attack.

It moves too slow to to have a constant stream of stuff tho. That's why Sup Forums is chill.

>the goyim know
>we literally must shut it down

Sup Forums is narcissistic as fuck. You faggots like nothing more than to jerk each other off about how important and influential you are. There are no shills after the election, just trolls.

You used Sup Forums you shill faggotb

>>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
Holy shit. It was always my impression that coordinated saging/red-pilling was what allowed us to maintain the quality of the board.

It's too late now.

wow, a kraut did something good for once

bumping. I see them a lot once it gets to night time in EST

>shills aren't rea-

So, what am I supposed to think when the volume of low quality threads starts to peg? The influx is real. The low quality is detectable. The nature of the board changes.

Point taken user, thanks.

Your sushi has been comped.

Posts here have always been like that. Half the threads I myself post here have "Sup Forums" somewhere in it. Fuck off reddit-spacing newfag.

this is why reddit has become an even bigger cuckshed over the election


Y tu Sup Forums??

>coordinated saging
Are you fucking retarded? The newfaggotry here presumably ever since spencer's speech is disgusting.

please stop embarrassing yourselves

The mods barely do anything about pro-Trump shills. I don't think they'll touch these unless it's interracial porn (and even then, the thread will likely get over 100 replies before they delete it).


Trump doesn't have shills. Show the companies. We know for a fact CTR/JIDF/Hasbara/Leftpol shill here constantly.

I can't tell if this is some top tier oldfag humor, or if you really are cancer. 10/10 OP
Also, this thread is full of shitskin newfags regardless


>pro-Trump shills
This is a pro-trump board. itt is just a bunch of shills shilling each other.

>Are you fucking retarded?
Nope. That was always the process: Identify shill thread - drop red pill - sage - advise others to sage as well. Standard procedure. Nothing new.

The comma is called using fucking correct English punctuation, Hanz (see?). Go back years into the archives if you must and educate yourself. The actual red flag is "/pol" -- but it can just be some T_D newfag as well.


need anything else added to your collection?

What do you think of somalia/somalis?

I've met a somali before, they're fucking alien looking niggers, a lot different from your average nigger around here, have the most blank-minded looks i've ever seen

Actually, Hanz, I think you may have found something.


It's pretty difficult in 2015 to find thread titles clustered together in the way you've shown, and it seems most of them use incorrect punctuation.



Holy shit! Sup Forums is being raided by... Sup Forums?

anyone not seeing Sup Forums being raided is a redditor retard

ps. german sucks


sage, hide, and report all slide threads.

convenient how I found this thread just now, I usually don't use Sup Forums

>It's pretty difficult in 2015 to find thread titles clustered together in the way you've shown, and it seems most of them use incorrect punctuation.

...and there aren’t 50 “Hillary was hot” or “what do you think about these nogs fucking white girls?” threads in a row.

Let me get this straight, Sup Forums. The latest Sup Forums boogie man are redditors ("memers") trying to post le hilarious meme threads? Truly a board of intellectuals.

GAD DAMN. plz tell me how to get these cool flags.

you don't

VPN fuccboi.

The shitposting has been strong all week. Not sure what's going on. This place needs way the fuck more mods though.

have a comp.

>putinbotlet tired of Sup Forums getting KTFO.

>thinking VPNs work on Sup Forums
>thinking they aren't rangebanned
I just live in Palau

Sup Forums pass bypasses VPN blocks.

No, its just incompetent mods who don't remove shitposters

post proof


its 11:45am there..pics

In the past 3 years there's been like 60,000 blame the joo threads.

that'd be a lot of work to pay both a VPN and a Sup Forums pass, wouldn't it? Besides I don't think there's any VPN that serves Benin and Palau.

on the off chance you live there
>what do you do
>what is life like

Good looking out brother

6 million. You dirty anti-semite

I genuinely believe the occupy democrats posts are posted by the muslim spic that runs the page plus people shitposting.
Many of them advertising tickets for the gay rallies.

So this... is the power... of schizophrenia... woah...
No but really, it's probably bots.

How is this schizophrenia at all?


shill at the shills

There are so many actual schizophrenics on this board it's not even funner, and that's whether or not they're right.

>>changes the file name to resemble Sup Forums file-names, while being too long
The "file name" you reference is a UNIX code, did you just show up here yesterday? That is the time and date that image was downloaded, you should stop posting, you are a fucking retard.

Nigger you can't diagnose someone on Sup Forums are you retarded?