Constitution no longer relevant

Sean Taylor is an antifa leader at the University of Utah. He says the constitution is no longer relevant. Can we just gas all these faggot white people who don't support the system of government that has create the prosperous way of life Americans live? Fuck these dumb faggots.

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Remember kids, liberalism is nothing but personal projection.

When this random nobody says The Constitution is irrelevant, he is merely talking about himself.

>our future leaders are going to be mostly minorities and people like this
Is there any hope left? Why the fuck did we have to be born just in time for America's down fall into shitskinity.

Kill them.

What fucking planet are these people on? Did they just take a bunch of LSD and ectascy in highschool and just show up to college completely fucked in the head?

You were born just in time to participate in the Right Wing Death Squads.

Can anyone post his facebook? its fb/leftbonapartism

i just read /pol usually. i never post. this is my first time posting on here.

These are the faggots that kick your ass when you have your gay little tiki torch marches. How embarrassing

>faggot fingernails

checks out

at least he agrees the Constitution is shit, too bad he's a Communist.

"You no longer have a Constitution in this land. The most vile criminal people that ever walked the face of the earth now reside in Washington DC and they are your masters!!!
And Jesus Christ is going to bless this land?!
How dare you even consider it!!!
I'm asking you to make measly, miserable worms out of ALL Federal Agents! This is our country! When you raise that hand to feel the power, that comes from total absolute unconditional commitment!
We win or we die!!!"
-Louis Beam

the only relevant sean taylor is dead...
He played football

he was not
an faggot

>He says the constitution is no longer relevant.
Well, its not. Just look at the 2nd ammendment. Gun control is infringing on my right to bear arms.


It's always freaks. Why do we let freaks have an opinion?

Democracy is nothing more than a stop-gap against violence. If people disregard Democracy and the system of rules, then it is a de facto state of violence.

How do we solve the white numale problem?

How the fuck can you say the constitution is relevant when shit like this exists:

Is the Communist Control Act of 1954 still the law? Why is it not being enforced?

betas leading betas

you know , we keep saying that but the past few days Ive been writing down how we can make it really happen... if antifa kicks off on Nov 4 its a fucked up deal. we are dammed if we do and dammed if we dont so.......................... I think we should slaughter them. totally. en masse. sure some of us will suffer but antifa will think twice.. we also should be hunting down the soros money and take it out.


they will be easy to spot and thus gutted like pigs.

yes its still valid. hence we kill commies is a very legit thing

Shit talking the Constitution should be treason.

And when the revolution ends, he gets the bullet first.

free helicopter rides for communist

oh fuck off when the dollar disappears so will you idiot.

I don't know about you but I think it would be excellent entertainment to draw and quarter numale commies. A few horses and some rope would put a quick end to their LARPing.

His facebook is cancer.

Not everyone is a faggot on your level

Since the 60s the academic caste have been doped up to the eyeballs voluntarily.
Consider that snorting ritalin is a common study aid now.
It would have been better if they stayed with pot and moved up but little.
But now they are well into uppers, hence violent groups like Antifa.
Much like the negro before them, the academic layabouts will be chemically contained while they rave about the opiates of the masses.
Just another group of upstarts that need quelling.
The opioid epidemic should be having an impact sooner or later.
It will be good, conservative folk passing through higher education in no time.
This rash of borderline communist sedition will abate soon.

i could literally drop you nip

What are you going to do about it besides whine?


What was the number of people who decided this? Was it a majority of Americans? Or a small number? I'm just wondering what kind of government he envisions and what number of people he thinks are necessary to make this decision.


Does he have polio in the left wrist?

>He says the constitution is no longer relevant.
Time to rev the engines and test his little theory out.

by the way

just dont be a fucking retard and youll understand this


Somehow i doubt this

anyone could.

its really not. its just a few vague suggestions + the 14th amendment
t. far-right
t. lawfag

>tin foil faggotry

I love hypothetical fights. I just picked up a cz sp01. I hope and pray that these little faggots will try and break into my house. My CQC fantasies will become a reality.

>1 post by this ID

How the fuck is it not relevant? Freedom of speech? Requirement of a warrant for search? The constitution is divine.

The constitution was doomed to fail right from the beginning. And subsequent generations of governments and supreme courts wiped their asses with it, rendering it even more meaningless.

Why does he look like hes the leader of the UU antifa

yotta mother base is a fucking joke