Just passed 48 hours with no alcohol. The longest streak in 2 years. I have been averaging about 6 drinks per day

Just passed 48 hours with no alcohol. The longest streak in 2 years. I have been averaging about 6 drinks per day.

I feel pretty great actually. More energy. some headaches have come and gone but that's it.

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I hit 9 months last week

nice job guys

congrats user

Just drank just 20 minutes ago.

But I make sure to only drink on friday nights.

Damn that's big. I'm not looking to quit entirely, just let my body heal. I'm thinking eight weeks oughta do it.

congrats now keep it up

Keep up the good work anons. Life is so much better sober.

>Just passed 48 hours with no alcohol. The longest streak in 2 years. I have been averaging about 6 drinks per day.
Holy fuck. How could you even afford that? Booze ain't cheap. This is the weird thing about addicts to me is where are you getting all this money for this shit?

Trying to do this but with weed. 4 days so far. Been smoking nearly every night for the past 5 years. Just started getting dreams back in REM sleep. It's tough to break out of a habit. Congrats brother even on the small victories

what does it feel like to be drunk?

I have a job man. It's like 10 bucks a day, hardly anything.

Good job guys

Im on my third day without meth.
i cant get ahold of my drug dealer. when i find her im gonna fuck her so hard.

hang in there, the short term is easy(ier) the real hurdle is when life turns on you, and you want to go crawl into your old friend the bottle.

Do whatever you need to do, push ups until you forget, run until you want to collapse. Anything but pick it up.

when you hit 5 years. Have a drink, and understand that it can't control you so long as you control yourself.

good job user

2 weeks without alcohol now.

that shit truly is poison. my body and mind are in optimal shape, I FEEL GREAT.

Looking to continue my streak

You don't dream on weed? Weird.
Try binging alcohol instead if you want intense dreams.

Feels bad. I started getting legitimately concerned about my liver and kidneys so decided to stop. 6 drinks a day for a couple years isn't irreversible damage levels (I hope) but it I knew I had to do something.

5th beer, I'll have one more then that's it.
Haven't had a drop in the last 2 weeks.

Ck has an alcg plz go there and stop sliding

Just be sure to meth-gate-wander aimlessly through crosswalks, driveways, etc. while you wait for more meth.

Not that I don't dream at all but it really downgrades the vividness and quality of your dreams. I don't care one way or another about the dreaming itself but its nice considering it was gone for so long. Weed makes it harder for got body to go into deep sleep mode

Waiting on some hexedrone as we speak. I have no idea why but despite being a kind of shitty fleeting high I just love the shit.

Take a vacation or weekend off two years isn't long enough to succumb to dire alcoholism but it sounds like you just need a break in routine before habit gets you

the real challenge is ending sugar addiction.

Same here cept I was on it daily for about 8 years. Been sober almost 30 days now. Dreaming again it's great. Don't even have the urge to smoke anymore.

If you start up again you will end up right back to drinking alot everyday. Trust me, dont put a timeline on it just tell yourself you are stopping for good. It might sound weird but consider eating a couple grams of magic mushrooms and it will change your life for the better. I was an alcoholic for years and and after week 2 of being sober i tripped on mushrooms and the next day i felt like a new/better person and never got the urge to drink again. Going on 5 years sober and i still thank god my friend talked me into eating those shrooms, it changed my life and i dont think i will ever need a drink again.

One year on Oct 10. Feels good man, keep it going

I think maybe at least for me I used to get stoned before I went to bed. Which in turn made me not remember my dreams.

You cannot have normal vivid dreams if you smoke weed regularly. It affects your melatonin levels and REM cycle.
And YOU. Don't make a thread for going two days without a drink you early 20's faggot. Sure, you drank a couple 6 packs, you're not an alcoholic you just are young and have problems with impulse control. Sort yourself out and don't waste a spot on the catalog every 24 hours you don't take a sip.

Shit psychedelics are why I drink... just don't do too much or loose the ability to smoke pot, regardless of Sup Forumss opinion it's the only thing to keep you sane once you're in the boat

This is what I do and its not so much that you don't remember but the quality of sleep is actually worse. There have been studies done on this, very interesting stuff. Paradoxical since you feel so nice and sleepy but the effect it has on your brain is there. I've been using a little bit of Zquil to fall asleep (benadryl) but tonight I'm gonna try without that too. Soft reset into normal mode

3rd month clean from meth. I think about it everyday though, I miss that intense drive to work on commission jobs.

I dont smoke, and i only did shrooms one time and thats all it took for me.

Unless you're a 90lb girl, 6 drinks a day isn't much of anything.

fucking casual


Serious congrats, if you've been averaging that, that's not easy to just drop off entirely. Keep it up, you'll be surprised just how much better you will be at work and your social life, its like you've had an anchor on you.

Keep going, my dude.
I've never experienced alcoholism myself but my dad is clean 30 years. Keep it up.

2 days is your longest streak in 2 years? Shit man, you're going to save so much money.

>six drinks a day

Whoa, watch out everybody. We got a regular ol' lush over here!

That was sarcasm, you cocksucker. Six drinks a day ain't shit.

What's up with people pretending to be alcoholics online? "I was putting back SIX WHOLE DRINKS A DAY!" It looks really stupid. I actually know a couple ex-alcoholics, there's nothing glamorous about it.

>The longest streak in 2 years.
Quit forever if you can. That stuff is the devil.

I drank at least a 6 pack a day for years, and the last 4 years its was at least a case/day.

keep up the good work!

t: 2 years clean

Have you ever heard scientists refer to 'moderate drinking'? You know in those studies that come out, "moderate drinking of wine has x and y health benefits".

How about you actually read some of those papers. Because what they define as 'moderate' drinking is in the range of 2-3 drinks a WEEK.

6 drinks a day is solidly in the "raging alcoholic" range. Most people don't even come CLOSE to drinking that much. You are like the top 2% of the population in how much you are drinking. The alcohol industry loves guys like you, because you make up a solid 80-90% of their profit.

Proud of you

Did you get the shakes? It takes a couple weeks for them to go away.

I believe in you, kiddo. Make mom proud.

Order some glutathione from Amazon. Help your liver get tip top. (Do it)

When a leaf makes a good post.

Cool user. Keep it up!!!!

good job bros
it's hard as fuck bro.

here's how you beat weed. I've been off and on for years at a time. usually if i can or want to. current run is 2 months. I'm about to move to a new job and i just don't have time to do it. here's what i do
1. first 3 days. stay inside. stay online. you will be fucking agitated. eat soup like crazy. stay online. vent your anger online. just get that shit out. smoke cigarettes like a beast. stay online. this is so important but trust me MAKE YOURSELF CRY ONCE A DAY. WATCH SOMETHING SAD. IT HELPS WITH STRESS
2. First week. start coming out of your hole. keep going with soup and fruits. stay online. i repeat stay online. watch movies. do not be social with anyone who smokes. your sleep will now start to get fucked up. get benadryl or somethign to make you sleep. the lack of sleep and agititation will break your ass. don't think about it. keep your mind busy. stay away from anyone you cant say crazy shit to. be quiet at work or school this first week. you will be going up and down. make yourself cry atleast once a day. watch something sad. it will relieve so much tension. it sounds like a bitch thing, but serious ONCE AGAIN MAKE YOURSELF CRY
3. 2 week. it will feel like a month. gradually start working out, stay online as much as you can. you don't need to cry, stay busy. just hold on
4. by week 3 you'll be out of the woods. it will seem like months from the last time you smoked

I've been drinking an 18 a night for 10 years.
>Get on my level.


I drink nearly a 26 of liquor nightly. Except I stop for like 3-4 days sometimes. I get absolutely insane nightmares when I stop, like pure terror.

Anyway it is going to put me in jail, I keep getting arrested for fighting and threatening people when Im blacked out. Also ruined all my relationships and jobs, though that might also be because Im an asshole.

I love drinking though, I could never understand what people saw in heroin or coke in comparison. It sets off my manic or hypomanic phase of bipolar also, which I love even more.

I'm 1 year clean and not going back. 12 pack/day, quit cold turkey

Congratulations user!

Here's some truth for you brother. If you don't feel depressed after 2 days your on the best path possible. You still have a chance to be normal again. Good luck. Hug your family

Good for you. Helps to have hobbies to take up your time that you can't excel at when you're drunk. Also be sure to do some good exercise at night to wear yourself out to get some good rest.
If all else fails order some Kratom online, Maeng Da or indo green and take that in small quantities anytime you'd get the urge to drink. Just don't get hooked on the Kratom though lol.

You don't sound like an alcoholic either... more like a teenage faggot.

I guess Canada should change their age for alcohol to 21, so dipshits like you can't drink.

How do you become a big enough a loser to the point that you think it's okay to spend tons of money every night just to get fucked up? Weed I can understand. At least with weed you only need ~$10 to get enough that would last anyone other than stoners with retardedly high tolerance a week or two. But booze? Even the cheap, low end stuff like 4 Loko is minimum $2 a can. How does the sheer amount of money you spend not deter you from drinking?

What if he started drinking because his family died?

Are the mods going to allow this topic to stay up?

I've had a couple three day bans in the past for posting "off-topic topics". More like I think the mods were just butthurt faggots about my posts... because this motherfucker talking about alcohol has ZERO to do with politics or current events.

Motherfucking ZERO.

Im a 2 drinks per day kind of guy, how do i stop nigger i dont even seem to develop a tolerance its just a calming feeling

Yeah heavy daily weed use will alter the quality of your dreams, and dreams are very important for your unconscious to regulate your conscious mindstate, attitudes, drives and so on. When you stop smoking completely it can take a few months for dreams to come back to their regular state. Oftentimes people even forget what regular dreams are like and think their reduced quality dreams during weed use are normal, that's a very insidious effect of the drug.
The sideeffects of all this is that people when sober arae shorttempered, overly sensitive to emotional stimulus and so on until they abstain long term and get all that junk out of their system and their sleep schedule recovers.

Keep it up user! I'm on day 14 after 15 years of the nicotine jew. Just remember, if you can make it two, you can make it twenty.

been about 20 years for me and i can tell you i absolutely detest the smell or thought of alcohol

you should dump all your friends that drink, dont even speak to them

nothing is worse than being an alcoholic

maybe 5% of people quit entirely, are you a 5%?

the gifts of sobriety await you

>tfw in college & black out 2-3 times a week and still excel
take control of your body you autist

>nothing is worse than being an alcoholic
bullshit, try anxiety so crippling you feel like you're leaving reality

Watch out for the withdrawals, user. If it gets bad, check into a hospital, it'll kill ya

Congrats! Time to celebrate! With some whiskey!

Alcohol has nothing to do with politics? Lel

I've been smoking for five years and my dreams are still the same. I'm by no means a hard user though, just wanting to point out that this effect only applies to degenerates.

couldn't you theoretically just have a drink and ween off it slow, im pretty sure the cure they give you at the hospital is more alcohol, i may be wrong though, please dont take my advice



You made me think of this!

there may yet be leaves who can be spared on the day of the rake, so long as they meet us with their arms in hand, ready to save their country side by side.

Good job user


I'm glad of it. I hope you continue to drink only what's healthy for you. If that means 0 alcohol, so be it.

If you ever crave a particular flavor, you might want to look into bitter soft drinks. I personally really enjoy the super-"earthy" bullshit they sell at the Whole Foods. Think whole-root ginger beer and the like.

In any case, good on you, friend.

I quit drinking once.
No withrawal symptoms, but had killer cravings every night.
Doubt I can do that again.
Easier to go without food.
Alcohol is humanity's friend, and I can't abandon a friend

$10 per day is still $3,650.00 USD per year, man.

5L box of goon is $11 if you shop around.
That'll get you fucked up for three nights easy.
Cheaper than weed by a large margin

You're not hurting yourself with a couple of beers a night.
And especially if you drink for a mild buzz rather than full on drunk.
I would be so happy if I could be contented with a couple beers

I don't get the appeal of meth.
Having your brain on fire and intense concentration without anything productive to do so you end up sweeping your home for FBI bugs and picking bugs out of your skin?
Sounds like hell

death is the best drink of all.
you should drink deep and die cuddling your waifu, it'll be the best you ever feel.

What's with all the druggies and drunkards on this board?

Most alkies on here are just college kids doing what college kids do I think.
Dunno about the druggies though

Have been on accidental no fap for 10 days now, which is pretty good considering I was regularly squeezing out two or three times a day. Was busy with work, doing a lot of extra errands on my free time and had no chance to even get behind pc at home hence no porn in sight. Loo and behold, without that kind of stimulus, I got over a week without flapping. By day 4 I stopped being tired all the time, started getting more rest after sleep and weirdly enough got vivid dreams back, which was really confusing at start.

I just deal lAlof, and M phone postings, good night ffiebd

Congrats bro. Not your personal blog though, faggot.

Me too, only it's been 3 days for me

Stay strong. I'm trying to.

are you going to help defeat the Kike?
otherwise good for you why do I care?

Because you are imagining adding that on top of your fun money where a person that drinks would just allocate more to drinking and less to other shit.

>why do I care?
non-white detected

I call bullshit. Weed sedates you and that means deeper sleep not lighter. You literally need just not to get high for two days after years of daily use to get dreams back - the same goes for jacking off. Just two days - and you will be having the most complex dreams. Sadly it brings with it the unfortunate low quality of sleep

thanks for that pure kek you nigger I was born in Europe like my ancestors

youre going to feel like shit but don't be a bitch

I love you

Keep it up. Have a female friend who is 2 weeks clean, she was drinking a fucking HANDLE of vodka every day at the end, had to check in for full medical detox to make it work. Never let yourself get that far, apparently, coming off is pure hell.

>female friend

Good job, user. Keep it up!

You're right, people manage to find a way to live just within their means if they're responsible -- and beyond it if they aren't. A $300/month habit isn't necessarily uncomfortable for most. It just isn't "nothing."

t. someone who coughs up $30/month on Juul cartridges. The nicotine Jew is strong.