How come, all of a sudden, liberals are the biggest supporters of military members and veterans...

How come, all of a sudden, liberals are the biggest supporters of military members and veterans? Did they not spend the last 50 years spitting on them and calling them baby killers, oil mercenaries, etc? Why must they pretend to support the military?

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What are you talking about?

The military largely supports Trump, they simply want to create a divide between Trump and his core base.

That, and they see the writing on the wall. They know helicopter rides and the DotR is coming and they need protection from people who aren't complete pussies.

>wow look at trump disrespect this veteran
>wow look at these racists boycotting the NFL, don't you know brave soldiers died for their right to kneel?

They think it will win over white moderates to act patriotic. It's wht Sarah silverkike has the I

The neolibs really pushed into the inordinate praise of anything military after 9 11. Lefties have been working their way into key positions of power for awhile now. The generals and admirals are highly infected with neocons and neolibs.

To be an admiral or general in the armed forces is to be a politician. Very many are compromised. The Marines are a particularly nasty branch in its highest ranks.

I wouldn’t say it’s the left in general, just democucks and the MSM. They are two faced in every aspect. Just look how McCain and G.Dubya are being portrayed as righteous heroes in the “Resistance” right now

>reminder this would have been 10x better an ending to the prequel series then we got.

These fucking crypto-kikes have been trying to co-opt American nationalism for a long time

>hurr durr we are a nation of immigrants because a plaque containing a poem added to the Statue of Liberty in the 60s said so, so unless we let in unlimited number of no skilled shitskin immigrants we are un-American

Until Trump, (((academics))) critiqued American imperialism. Now, trump is compromising “America’s leadership in the world”

Gotta give it to the left, they are very good at scheming word games

Idk many liberals that support any of the military. They might jump in to defend a homeless vet whenever their opposition bashes one for some dumb reason, but they usually forget them the instant the shit blows over the media and move on to the next thing that might make them look cool.

Sauce? I've seen nothing but contempt for service members even going so low as to use a SGTs death to attack Trump through blatant lies

>using a SGTs death to bash trump

This is exactly my point. They pretend to respect the military when really they only use them as a talking point to btfo drumpf.

If they're using one incident to bash a dude they don't like, they aren't really supporters of the military then.


What ever happened to that mulatto commie that was in West Point?

Did he get discharged, or are the cuck generals gonna let him walk-around with military secrets and a gun?

>hating on the prequels

How Reddit of you. Sheev was one of the best characters in film history.

They support whatever is politically convenient. Anything to give them the implied moral high ground

>implying that any punishment of any sort will be given
West Point is dying, just like the rest of America.

Liberals called Vietnam veterans "baby killers", but to be fair, if you actually research the Vietnam war and the rules of engagement the troops had there, it's honestly a pretty accurate term to call them.

I have zero respect for Vietnam veterans.

Idk it's completely dishonest and subversive. It's the same thing when they call people flying the confederate flag traitors flying a traitor flag. It's the pinnacle of irony coming from the very people that shit on the very spirit of America every waking moment of their lives. But hey, nobody said commies were honest.

>in a war

When will hippie faggots be gassed?

What happens here?

>they kill men, women, and children
>"wahhhh how dare they be called baby killers!"

>"men women and children"

Pick one.

Straw man. He's arguing on the basis that they killed people during war, which Babies are, and like soldiers do. You're the one up in arms about "baby killers", not him.

I was thinking about this, how they are calling Trump a draft dodger.
I'm like what the crap? I thought the left hated the draft and the Vietnam war.