There's a lot of shill and slide threads right now

What's going on? What's got (((them))) nervous? The JFK files? November 4?

Other urls found in this thread:

probably some offsite coordinated raiding by kike niggers

Can't those fags just leave us to shitpost and bring down the zog machine in piece? Are they really THAT scared?

the bro-pride bastards in full force lately since they lost their home at stormfaggot

notice there are no las vegas threads, lelu


No, they want you to think Alt-Right is your thing i.e honey pot


Yeah, I noticed that. The Vegas threads have ground down to a near death crawl since Jesus was on Ellen. And once the JFK folders got dropped its gotten really bad.

Well, for one the spencer, blacked and race baiting threads seem to have gone.

There is a lot of Christian/Islam´shilling though.

Now you see what a behemoth of evil stands before you

Shareblue is pissing themselves.

Maybe you're developing a mental illness. Go see a doctor.

>What's got (((them))) nervous?

trump's executive order recalling all retired military personnel to active duty

Just fuck my grammar up.

Bump becuase everything is being shilled once again like usual.
Cant wait for the next happening


It's been this way for awhile now

>There's a lot of shill and slide threads right now
including this one
SAGE and HIDE thread

Pizzagate is real.

Hebrews cannot fool the Fat Templar.

The storm is almost here.

Military Tribunals coming up.

It's the Uranium One stuff.

Shills went into overdrive after this was posted

What do we do kraut?

That's good. I hate having to see nigger dicks here constantly. How anyone even saves those pictures to their computers in the first place just to post them on a Indochinese spittoon making forum....even putting it into those words is mind boggling.

I've more or less "known" for a while of the lecherous lows der juden stoop to to maintain this false reality. You would think of all places they could divert their attention to, here is where it they fear it could all come crashing down like a pack of cards


(((They're))) riled up about Hillary going down as a lot of (((them))) will be implicated. (((They))) see it as a point to lose support amongst bestest goyim. (((They))) still want to get elected and drive policy so (((they))) fight harder.

Why is that a bad or good thing? Does that in any way imply, you know...pic related of North Korea?

there's a uranium mine in niger where those spec forces were killed

mebbe that has something to do with it also....

I'm not a shill and this ain't a slide. I want to know genuine things. If this is a slide thread, what's being slid or covered up?

Maybe you're missing 1 foreskin, Ishmael.

(((Their))) influence is waning that's the problem. The general public has rejected (((their))) globalist agenda and the (((LGBT))) movement.

It destroys their optics. It completely goes against any narrative they want to establish with a thread.

"Pizzagate is real" out of the blue fucking their things up.

So King Jew Jepetto is making his puppets dance, huh?

You have my attention, Anonbro. Let's make them sweat: What would $18 billion be used for?

Isn't there bloody baby dick you should be sucking off here, Chaim?

Do you have suggestions to accelerate its demise?

Shameless self bump

A color revolution in the USA