What’s happening?! Are we living in the end times?

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The end times already came and went. This is hell son.


I don't understand, what's the problem?

>Guys I saw a human being with a passport where I live
fixed. Get fucked racist.

Stupid confused mortal, your world is already ours,

He probably stole it.

Here are the details: I live in a mid-size town in Bavaria, Regensburg. Friday night I went to a party in a rural area by bus.

The party was so-so, I got drunk, fell asleep early, awoke early (around 2 hours ago) and decided to head home. Went to the bus station, waited for a long time, half asleep in the cold, entered.

The bus was packed with niggers and other immigrants, but two niggers were especially remarkable. One had a burnt face, with unnaturally swollen lips, even by nigger standards. His face was fucked forever by some violent means. I thought he was an actual war refugee who fled from torture or something. So I sat nearby, to hear their conversation.

The niggers weren’t talking about war at all, they talked about fitness or something in their nigger language. Then, suddenly, the other nigger, who looked athletic and perfectly healthy, takes out a POLISH PASSPORT. POLISH! The country that hangs niggers at sight somehow gave him citizenship and now he’s somehow in Germany!

The nigger then made a retarded selfie phase and photographed himself with his Polish passport. While he was at it, I almost took out my own smartphone, to photograph the nigger photographing himself with his Polish passport, to show you guys, but I pussied out.

The niggers then left the bus. I still wonder whether that Polish passport was an illusion of my hangover, tired mind ... or the sign of the impeding apocalypse. If niggers can get Polish citizenship now, it’s all over.

This has to be it. Otherwise, all is lost.

Hungary and Poland want turkey "fully" in EU

Wouldn't it be easier to get a german passport?

Tell Merkel to not issue them Polish passports then.

Well yes since we will be out after 2020 we need to make sure someone who will destroy it from inside will be there.

user, they just recently caught some fucker with forged Estonian passport near Shitaly. I guess Polish passport of this negro is forged also.

user, you should have called police in the grounds that you saw a possibly forged passport in the hands of illegal immigrant.

How can you tell the difference between a nigger and a pole though? I call bullshit

holy fuck the world has fallen so far that niggers are taking advantage of the entirety of Europe. Like, why would they even want in these countries given they get welfare from other ones, and the Polish and Estonians hate them? Must they really infiltrate every last inch of unblacked soil? There must be some conspiracy here, I can't believe niggers would be forging passports for Estonia and Poland when they could forge passports for Germany or Sweden

>niggers would be forging passports for Estonia and Poland
Not niggers are forging them, niggers are having them. Somebody somewhere runs this op and is far from being nigger.

You should have bought a lottery ticket.

How standardized are passports in the EU? Maybe Polish and Estonian passports are easier to fake.

hes refugee from poland

Goddamn nigger with his forged passport so he can look like he didn't enter illegally. Niggers and towel heads are the beaners of Poland and Europe in general

a nigger speaking polish fluently, in fact I'd never guess his skin color from the voice.
I'm glad life expectancy isn't so great here, and I'm half way to finish line.

Estonian passport blanks are printed/manufactured abroad.





tell me this is not dubbed or shit like that, if i was blind he talks like a perfect Marek, kurwaaaa!

IDK. Retardation I guess. Or it is simply more cost effective to make all EU passports (they are all similar under the hood) in some centers. Our passport blanks are made in Finland (my data is from 2011).

There may be 10k of niggers with same name and forged Estonians passports roaming in the EU under one entry in registry. The biometric validation is there to try and prevent it but who knows.
EU is a mess. It should be disbanded and damages sorted out locally asap.

no shit if i saw stuff like this in my town i would do "sparta kick" and would not even frown


>EU forces poland to take refugees
>poland gives them passport, which gives them access to go where ever they want within the schengen area.
>Refugee leaves poland because it's a poor country without gibz

Are you sure the Pole wasn't just finished shining a pair of shoes?

on one hand incorporating fingerprints and other such biometric data seems like a could idea against stolen identities and forgery.
on the other hand seeing what the governments are doing to their own citizens it seems to me that maybe avoiding giving them such data would be even better idea.

Lol, you're a fag.


You're a fucking moron

It's fake/fraudulent/stolen. That's why he is showing it off.

You will be alright as long as you stop making slide threads

Reminder just how corrupt DC is

How Do you know what a Polish passports looks like in the first place, generic Polish name?

It had "PASSPORT POLSKA" or something written all over it, ya genius

Prepare your anus Germany, we import now niggers, give away them passports and give them one-way tickets to Germany
It is truly fun to see world burn
Next thing we will ally with Muslims and start jihad without them

See, I think niggers should get the fuck out, but if I could choose niggers, and we're forced to cuck, guys like this would be at the top of the list.

He speaks the language, conducts himself like a human, etc.

There was a recent scandal in Estonia about some university giving away visas to hundreds of niggers.







fake, niggers make fake passports all the time by buying someones passport then pasting their picture on it