All mexicans-americans are democra-

>all mexicans-americans are democra-


no such thing as mexican american
just mexicans currently taking up US oxygen

learn trigger discipline, paco

was a mexican with a gun supposed to make us feel at ease? LOL

every legal mexican-american is a republican

dunno why you posted that, 80% of them vote dem. but if you say sooo

All the Mexicans and South Americans I've known in Canada vote Conservative, I really don't know what you guys did to cause yours to vote left, is it the whole "occupied territory" thing?

Maybe it's because our Mexicans are actually legal.

here in america its more about white vs nonwhite, as opposed to liberal or conservative. shitskins might hate gays, love guns etc but they still vote left for more welfare, more immigration and to vote against whites. always.

>only 75 percent is

Looking good, Paco. I would almost consider hiring you even.

Get yer fuckin' booger hook off the bang switch, Carlos.

Why are americans always posing with those shitty ar-15s? It´s litteraly one of the worst rifles around.

t. Muhammad

Not all black people are thugs but when you have to literally note when one is a good person or X isn't Y but Z it should tell you everything you need to know about the race/races
Why are swedes always posting with their dildos?

This. Swedebro knows what's good

Would you like it if we posed with the quran?

All I see is some kid who doesn't know how to hold a rifle properly.

Have you seen Sweden's battle rifle? I have mate so I'd shut up if I were you.

>he has a gun so he must be conservative xDD
he's probably a communist revolutionary LARPer

I didn´t expect this amount of butthurt :)

nigger teir

>Non white

pick one

So he is a democrat because he still doesn't speak english.

Hey janitor at Wendy's! I see you bought a rifle now! Keep speaking spanish and pidgeon-holing yourself into janitorial work spic.



Which one? ak4 or ak 5? They are probably among the best around. I´ve only shot the ak4 though.

better recommendations? I might save your country with it the way things go

i'd assume not since ahem is doing the rounds on your gf tonight

The ak 4 is pretty good, you can use it to increase those 52% white numbers.

> doing the rounds on your gf tonight
Sorry, im not with your mother anymore. She was just too loose after all that bbc.

>finger on the trigger
you have to go back

When you see this kind of Mexicans, always remember the term NARCO JUNIOR

Is this bait? I can't read spic. It's he trash talking the US? Is he a drug king pin?

Apologize for making slide threads

Reminder just how corrupt DC is

Mexico is in America

seems like swedes are obsessed with this 'BBC' meme.
they mention it all the time, why is this?

meant to reply this guy.

did you not read that his cock is on the loose? anda suelto motherfucker

>some beaner cartel lackey has a DPMS with shitty furniture and no TD, or safety

okay, what am I supposed to think here?

>No trigger discipline

as opposed to what? Ahmeds wasr?

-t spics
I grew up around them, don't lie.