Is Loomer blackmailing people??

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God I would fuck the shit out of Loomer's kike cunt.
Something about kikes man, shekel fever is rough.

Full context?

A jew jewing a jew, how fascinating. Not really.

Don't fall for this shit. They're lesbo lovers.


Checked. Jewish women are a real-turn on for me, however Loomer is not one of them. She’s fucking ugly, and she seems shady AF. Not to mention that meltdown she had with her rotten tires. She’s always a day late & a dollar short.

i was starting to like loomer with her investigations but she couldnt hide her kikery for long by threatening to sue lauren.

does anyone have info on the tires?

which one is which again?


based gypsy

Seems to like Bill

They look exactly the same.

yeah, wtf is a matter with these wingnuts, make up you fucking mind

Check ya eyes, goy

i love jew chicks but shes fuck ugly,bro. heres a good looking one to cleanse your soul.

A character who has similarities to a good or not as evil character, but is evil(er). They may look like that character and have/had abilities and obstacles similar to them. Sometimes, but not always, a Big Bad. Classically, an Embodiment of Vice pitched against a correlating Embodiment of Virtue.

Frequently, the Evil Counterpart is the character equivalent of For Want of a Nail: he represents what our hero could have become as a result of a very small change in his backstory. They also save creators the trouble of thinking up new abilities to give their villains, especially for comic book heroes and video games (where new abilities have to be implemented). Because The Hero and the Evil Counterpart are such great foils for each other, the counterpart has an excellent chance of being the hero's Arch-Enemy or a Classic Villain, although this is not always the case.

Her face looks like a rubber mask

Can I get a quick rundown on what happened between those 2?

ITT: two kikes fight but at the end of the day they're part of the same European hating, Israel First tribe and they'll make-up to scam shekels from the dumb goyim

I love you Lauren, come visit Australia sometime. We'll hook up..

why would ezra hire her? loomer is hideous

Cassandra Banks started making vague accusations about Loomer being a cancer and a bad person. This started a war of words then Lauren entered the fray by saying Loomer was like Weinstein. Then Loomer replied Lauren dates her exes then Cassandra made vague accusations that Loomer blackmailed and raped men then Loomer threatened to sue then Lauren said that would be fine considering the facts then Loomer accused Lauren of accusing her of rape and threatening to sue her then Lauren posted a pic of tiregate saying false accusations are bad.


Genetic sewage

Ill be there ill make you look like a manlet. She'll leave with me

Titted Kike filth in reality. Jew garbage version of a first lady


If it just turns out that the Kike fucked someone's boyfriend when they were drunk then you should are learn to never listen to women.

Jesus, she looks like she's beat with a brick about the face and forehead.

not even fucking close, you cia niggers should've upgraded your image software like we did.

fuck all e celeb cancer.

>Implying anyone's been drunk enough to fuck loomer
She probably has to pay men to fuck her. That's why she keeps scamming people out of money.

Loomer just showed her real colours. She is really just a kike whos in it for the money and now everyones turned against her and shes mad because the goyim know and they cant shut it down

Fuck off cunt I'll glass ya

You should have known she was a no good kike after the theatre fiasco. That was dumb as fuck and a perfect example of kike subversion by self promotion.

this has to be a tranny, right?

Pay to have those jew lips hacked off too you bottled blond Semite

My philosophy is, if you can't cover your theft 100% it's not worth it. The gypoo way.

totally normal to gain 28 lbs in ~24 hours

>no rape culture means no rape

fuck she is dumb. zero redeeming qualities.

opportunistic. ugly. shallow. attention whore. literal whore. jew. jew's puppet. petty. fake.

I dont keep up with eceleb stufd so i didnt know about the theatre fiasco. Shes always made me feel uncomfortable though. Shes so ugly.

Big if true

Is she Jewish?
If yes, then yes.


and all that while she's doing the Single White Female/plastic surgery thing

Loomer is uglier than half the trannies I've seen and I've seen a few

Why are Lauren and other Lauren fighting? It's not nice

oh look another eceleb thread. Imagine my excitement.

>that filename
let the leaf burn

we have a lot to learn from jews my friend.

Laura got upset that she wasn't invited to a Halloween party when all she'd do is get drunk and start begging random men to fuck her, so she tried stirring up some drama with Cassandra Fairbanks. After everyone started laughing at her because she's Laura Loomer she got even more buttmad and started threatening to sue anyone making fun of her.

...What the heck

Is Lauren Southern unironically the most "attractive" woman on the alt-lite? Most of you are so ugly that a woman with mild fetal alcohol syndrome comes out on top...

Something about fake blonde hair.

I'd fuck them both at the same time while they're messily hate-kissing each other.

she looks like an actual pig, the way she stands and everything