How long does being redpilled last for...

How long does being redpilled last for? Does it eventually fade away when we realise our insignificance and that our virginity and anti-social behaviour isn't caused by a slut or negro epidemic but our own flawed nature?

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Yes. As you get older, you realize that the redpill is teenage tier edginess and unless you want to sound like a fucking idiot to everyone around you you'll grow up.

Eventually you start to understand the lies are necessary.

>posts a foto of a kaffir bitch
Asks about anti-social behaviour

She reminds of Lacey Duvalle

>The redpill is teenage tier edginess and unless you want to sound like a fucking idiot to everyone around you you'll grow up.
You don't necessarily have to be open about it, user.

Hah, virgin? I have 2 kids so I assure you I have had sex TWICE!

You produced a child with every time you got laid? Goddamn man, ive been trying for a month with my wife and nothing.

I think the anthrax vaccines in the military sterilized me or something.


Where's the correlation?

It hits you hard at first and you'll feel angry, depressed, and agitated about a lot of things, but like anything you build up a tolerance and get used to it. Eventually you just take everything less seriously and enjoy the many bants and lols pol has to offer

1. I provably turned down sex not even ~3 weeks ago.
2. My anti-social behaviour is caused by my rejections of modern society, which I stand by on principle.
3. I will never "realize my insignificance", because I will always know that deep down, I am better than you could have ever been and only my own self destructive, stubborn nature held me back.

that's not her natural hair

It is a pretty good weave tho, give a girl some credit.

you can literally see her balding hairline

Hey /leftypol/
Hows it going

Wife and I spent three months going at it for our first kid

There's only a few days a month they can conceive anyway, the rest of the time it's just fun practicing

Red-pilling goes away when you go full red and achieve class consciousness.

You're not the beneficiary of a red-pilled mindset... they're just dividing and conquering.

fuck off back to leftypol

I studied Marx extensively in college, I have no use for him
He is a man utterly lacking in poetry of the soul, beholden to petty materialism
Money and power are meaningless to me, someone like you could never understand me

around the time they get their first job or first kiss

Well, we used to live in paradise in the Garden of Eden and we still fucked it up, at least Eve did.

Depends on what you mean by redpill. If you're referring to things like
>all women are whores
>let's lynch all jews and niggers
>hitler did nothing wrong
then yes, it fades away because those ideas are ultimately 1) counter-productive and 2) unimplementable.

What doesn't go away are the truths underlying those ideas. If you've actually done your homework (and not just get your history lessons from infographics), you can't unsee the truth.

then blackpilled
the silver pilled (practical redpilling)
>Golden Tabbed
The stage where you cease caring about anything non-conductive to human emotional growth.

Its like Hermes Thrice Magistus level shieet

It doesn't go away. You dun fucked up by deprogramming yourself from the Jewish matrix basically, and now you have to live with the knowledge forever. There's a reason for the saying "ignorance is bliss," faggot.

Yes, goy. The whole "lynching Jews" thing is unrealistic in this day and age, trust us.

Hey Shlomo. Afraid already ?


I said all Jews, you said Jews.

You should be.

pic is fucking beautiful

Okay then, instead of sounding like a fucking idiot you believing fucking idiotic things deep down. Way better.

what games are you currently playing?

stop apologizing your sorry beta-ass by presenting your miserable life as a pattern

Been there done that.
Before I hated you because I was a leftist, now I hate you because I'm a Leftist and a Rightist.

I'm a grown man, I don't have time for vidya. I work, lift weights and study engineering.

>I'm a Leftist and a Rightist
Blows my mind. Fuck, how can you even breathe?

whoa there... sorry sir didn't mean to affront someone who is obviously very smart like you

protip: next time don't name drop high-school tier bullshit like Marx.

lying finish nerd
long hair computer addicted faggot

>fucking degenerates taking pohoto of a tragedy and flow of emotions of a broken father to be edgy on inernet...

fuck this world..these people should burn

you sound like a mentally healthy person

>y-you should be

>our virginity
>picture of black bitch

Learn to punctuate, kiddo. Come talk to me when you're paying your own bills.

There's no going back nigger

This is just stupid, even for you. You people literally tell me to read Marx every other fucking day on here.

Redpilling lasts forever, but it's possible the lesson fades if you're not around nigs/spics/kikes and forget how they really are, and then there's the "black pill" where you pretty much go full sperg nihilist

You included /mlpol/
ah... are we allowed to talk about /mlpol/ ?

Huh. My wife was like “let’s have a baby” and I’m like “ok,” and we planned it all out for a few months and saved up and the first time I came it came back positive

The red pills come from truths you can no longer turn a blind eye to. Even your subconscious with it's near infinite denial can no longer ignore it because deep known you know better.

So realistically alzheimers or death unless you choose to do something about those undeniable truths which means changing them while alive. Jews fucking your country over? Make the holocaust a reality. Niggers destroying your housing values and raping your women? Lynch them. Chinks flooding in and buying up all property soaring prices to insane levels? Petition the government to ban all forms of real estate from being held in foreign hands.

Alzheimers it is then.

>another socially retarded pasty cracker kid born into this world
bets on how many he will get in his future school shooting?

quit projecting, plus being from SA you should understand the eternal nigger and his ability to savage a society better than anyone


It must be the women man. I’ve had a divorce before, and have kids in separate families. The first wife had a baby after three tries and the next wife had a baby in thirty.

>our virginity

nice projection there Shlomo. Get that ugly negress and get the fuck outta here kike

When you get older you realize being "redpilled" is just a juvenile term for getting out in the real world and seeing how things really are. You have to lie to yourself and ignore reality to believe the shit we are force fed 24/7.

>When you get older you realize being "redpilled" is just a juvenile term
that's the only true part in your sentence, freak

redpill has always been a sophomoric term and especially now only faggots continue to use it unironically.

You're telling me you haven't been redpilled since childhood? What fucking country do you live in

In Sup Forums it never ends for some people sadly :c

I'm so glad that I grew up in the 80's when being "redpilled" was the standard thinking and all else was considered mentally ill.
>oldfag detected

>When does it end
>No, really guys, any minute now, right?


you're here forever.

>the best mind-expander meme ever
also, cocaine-ing this thread

no matter how many time i spend here i would still fuck this hot bitch. Penetrating her giggly butter butt and grabbing her big boobies from behind

oogah, boogah, muh weave.

No one who uses pill shit is "redpilled" because it's tranny vernacular.

There is nothing Satanists fear more than virginity because they are enslaved to their lusts. If you are fornicating outside of marriage you are committing a capital crime in Gods eyes and in the eyes of all the righteous. You are on the level of murderers.

How come nearly every time there's some inclusion of virginity in anti-conserative post?

It's such a poor form of argument. You could have have a valid point and then you baiscally just shame someone for having sex or not having sex. It isn't even related. It's just a way of showing what threads to avoid or not.

This thread is leftypol psyop. SLIDE

At the end of the rappit hole you have learned so much that you see the truth in everything but the value in nothing

You will understand how the Jewish clan could do what they did, you will either join them and use it for your personal gain

Or you will kill your ego and do anything in your power to turn humanity back to a positive foundation myth

Not anti-conservative, not against virgins. Just people will find any excuse other than their own awkwardness and lack of ability to blame on the fact that they're not getting laid. That's the 'redpilling' I'm referring to.

you realize that honesty doesnt get you anywhere.

It lasts forever once you see the truth you cannot unsee it. It exists in every face, is spoken in every conversation, the truth is reality and liberals do not see or understand reality.

As you get older you realize just how right Hitler was.


This has better be a meme

I'm 21 now and have been growing out of it for the last year now. Its foolishness and folly. God is the only thing that matters. God gives gifts, and God can take them away. The wise man will be justified by God, and the redeemed man is worth more than any scorner.

It was the best time. t_d niggers and kikes got the fuck out of Sup Forums and it had a obvious improvement

Nice loaded question, s. Africa. Do you think maybe the negros have something to do with your country going down the shitter?

And no, I'm 42, 3 kids, small biz owner. You cant un-see, especially on the JQ. The woman thing is diff for me because at my age/income I'm on a different side of the slut equation. I've made peace wrt the negros. Dey be wut dey be--im angry at the jews popping quarters into them and setting them upon us. Ppl who aim at niggers and Muslims before jews are merely beaten dogs who lash out at the club the jew uses to beat us with.

My wife just stopped taking the pill and we just fucked normally.

You joke, but the top tier is happy to see you not breed

>implying the red pill is only about race

>This bread and circuses argument.
I thought jews were supposed to be smart.

I can't believe nobody's been shot over attempting to "punch a nazi".

Your tax dollars at work, fellow Americans.

>disavow Israel
>bomb their nuclear sites
>apologize to those hurt by israel Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/ Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Enough redpills turn into black pilled nihilism

The red pill is not why youre a virgin.

*horn sounds* wrong answer kiddo it's the jews