German soldiers are Vlogging on youtube

German soldiers are Vlogging on youtube

WTF is this shit

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can't understand what they're saying but I assume talking about the plan to storm the government buildings, hang merkel and install national socialism. Sounds great, can't wait

>can't understand what they're saying

theyre houwling about the fact, if they were there, africans will bang their ladys ...

if only...

Behold, the german masterrace

That wouldn't change even if they were back home.

“Soldiers” German army is in dire need of more people joining so they try to make it hip b]with shitskin making vlogs

i know :)

Frankfurter Schule ;)

Germany stopped existing after the third reich. Its just a puppet state now.

Why would smart people even consider joining german army, when they can't even shoot when being sent to the warzone in Afghanistan...

The only thing they were doing was visiting safe local villages and giving away bottles of water

Lets look at other factors:

German submarines: 8/8 broken and unable to sail
German Eurofighters: only 8/109 are in use, other are broken and there are no replacement parts

German KTO's: no cash for ammunition so they train with broomsticks

and so on.

Fucking kek

>12 second
Hans please.

who do you think is responsible for that??
what do you expect from a female warminister, who has been familyminister before. SHe has 7 kids i think.

Nachtigall I hör Di trapsen!


Well in fairness weren't most actual Germans wiped out during the war and what remains are simply Soviet rape babies.

Why does Germany even need a military anymore?

They're ads from our military to lure idiots to die for Mohammed and Abdul.

Are the German army allowed facial hair?

German men look alpha but act like effeminate sjw

what a stupid thing to write

Well think about it. The prime part of the German gene pool were the guys fighting on the front lines from the word go. Unfortunately the majority of them died and were unable to reproduce. So what you had left were lower quality aryans who survived the war and managed to reproduce, thereby creating a poorer standard of German. Then on top of that you have the millions of rape babies.

>millions of rape babies
except we don't
also Germany has dominated in athletics, economy and science since WW2 so your "best Germans died in WW2" is false as well

Hardly dominated. Just done well enough because you have a large population that contains just about enough top level people to achieve success.

Your economic success is largely based upon others bailing you out in the post war period and your government capitalising on the Cold War. For example your car industry was nothing compared to that of the British up until the 1970s right around the time when the British and Americans were pouring their R&D money into military tech to defeat the Soviets. Germany was under no such pressure to do so and its car industry was able to expand and overtake as a result. Same thing happened with Japan and the American car industry.

I don't how you can qualify Germany "dominating" science when a lot of it is funded by foreign schemes and a lot of the science itself is done by foreigners working in German universities etc. The majority of major groundbreaking German pharma patents are held in the US for example.

Lastly if there ever was a sign that the German "ubermensch" is dead and gone its is shown in the state of Germany today. It is an awful country with poor social cohesion and terrible prospects for the future.

They weren't winning because they were any superior
Its a well known fact that all of german sportsmen back then were on doping. They were so doped that they actually turned into males.

>Its a well known fact that all of german sportsmen back then were on doping
and now they aren't doping and still had the best WC qualifiers out of all European countries

Jesus Christ, you people are fucking cucked.

>Lastly if there ever was a sign that the German "ubermensch" is dead and gone its is shown in the state of Germany today. It is an awful country with poor social cohesion and terrible prospects for the future.
all of the West has terrible prospects for the future, and quality of life is still amongst the world wide highest

Very few members of your national squad are ethnically pure German. Mongrels can't compete with pedigree. Even a pure Turk is superior physically to a mixed race German.

I mean they usually look cute (more than Americans at least) but they aren’t exactly masculine.

knew this shit was coming
the only non-Germans in the regular starting 11 are Özil, Khedira and Boating
if Turks are so great at football why is their best player in Germany when he could have played for Turkey instead? same for Klose and Podolski with Poland

Quality of life is only high because of the work of previous generations. Millenials and Gen Z are going to be the last generations that will get to somewhat experience what it was like to live in the prosperous West.

Not an argument. Why bother posting anything at all? Baseless insults are meaningless online.

>hardly dominated
there is only 80 million germans
vs for example 1,4bil chinese
we have for example twice the gold medals that france has won
but there is not twice as many germans as french
so we are performing far above average


We're doing quite good.

only think about patents.
And again, the money is a big player in here ;)

They need to get a permisson from a higher rank and the beard must not hinder their work

>literally whos who barely played + people who have on German parent
and again, if those countries are so great, why did they play for Germany?

Didn't watch
But im sure this is how it went

overall medal count

>German soldiers are Vlogging on youtube
>WTF is this shit
>theyre houwling about the fact, if they were there, africans will bang their ladys ...
>That wouldn't change even if they were back home.

>Why would smart people even consider joining german army

Pay & benefits. The military is a sweet job tbqh famjamalam. At least in 1st world western nations. You get paid to stay in shape and learn high speed shit for when the race war starts. And at least in the US, you get more monies for getting married and having kids.

>Well in fairness weren't most actual Germans wiped out during the war and what remains are simply Soviet rape babies

Yes. I thought you bongs were allowed to have beards too..

The Soviets/Russians have dominated even more, and they're the ones who raped Germanistan out of existence.

>Not an argument.
Nor is any of the retarded shit you faggots are posing. I mean, you're not even making any arguments. You're just making shit up.

Seriously, how absolutely retarded do you have to be to think the ethnic German gene pool has changed? There were tons of children born after 1930, who never took part in the war because they were too young, and whose genes were passed on unchanged. There were also plenty of Germans who survived the war, many of whom were likely genetically superior stock, because they fought well enough to survive. Many of them also had children before they were sent to war, so even if they died, their children lived on. Most of the German deaths were from a single generation. They ones before and after were largely untouched.
Also, abortions skyrocketed in 1946, because the rape victims who were impregnated by Slavic mongrels aborted their children.

Basically, your whole argument is just retarded.
Germany's problem is with guilt, politics and propaganda, not their genetic stock. Granted, if things don't change in the next few decades, Germany will be destroyed, but there is still time for Germany to save itself.


Peter Cornelius says putting Germans into a coma will cause a "Bad Awakening"

thanks bro.

>Other sources estimate that rapes of Soviet women by the Wehrmacht range up to 10,000,000 incidents, with between 750,000 and 1,000,000 children being born as a result

that's over twice as much as what Soviets did to Germans

Don`t know. Maybe because Germany doesn`t pay in bananas?

Werner, Muller, Kroos and Neur are the only ethnic Germans in the squad at a push.

Ozil, Khedra, Hector, Hummels, Boateng and Kimmich are not German ethnically. No DNA test required even to prove it, just look at them.

all European countries even many north of Germany have ethnics that are a bit swarthier, pic related, one from your country
also what's wrong with Kimmich? he looks perfectly Bavarian

No problem. I've always been fascinated by German culture and history, and it's just depressing to see how you always end up getting the short end of the stick.
A Germany with pride in itself would be unstoppable and is necessary for the survival of Europe.

Maybe but I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. If Germany was so genetically sound these days then that doesn't explain why the country is in the situation it is in.

I don't buy the German guilt thing either. Every nation has done bad things and has had it used against them later. Look at the British for example, how many people have they killed, enslaved and used to enrich themselves. They don't feel bad about it, fuck they practically celebrate it.

>Vlogging in Germany.
>Not having a broadcasting license.
They're asking for trouble.

Because they have no reason to lie

they look like pasty and retarded burgers

Yes. Ist feels like Don Quichote sometimes. But the weak fear the strong :)

>citing Wikipedia as factual
>Making excuses for the people who raped your grandmothers
>Hating your own nation and people this much


Can i join ? i wasnt able to make the cut with the american military because of health issues even though i can pass all the physical requirement but your army seems pretty laid back

Guilt comes with defeat and how far back in history their supposed atrocities took place. Germany was defeated, divided and pumped full of anti-German propaganda for 70 years.

That being said, Britain certainly seems to struggle with their own form of guilt. Their cities are being overrun, and their government has implemented draconian laws to suppress free speech and promote "diversity". They're bordering on being a carbon copy of 1984. You see the same shit happening in the US.

They look fat and pudgy

there are four sources behind the sentence
when you call us rape babies because one part of the country not even four generations ago had people rape with countless abortions following afterwards I can't just let that stand there


That's not how it works you dumb fucking potato

Britain has countless migrants, leftists and a bleak future as well
a third of the kids born last year were born to foreign mothers
Does this mean that the British have bad genes, and that all good Brits died in WW2?

Kimmich has a round face with tight eyelids, looking more Finnish than anything else. Just because he has blonde hair and blues eyes doesn't give him access to the club.

I don't know if Eddie Jordan is a good example, I've no idea what he looked like when he was younger before he spent his elder years living the sun in the South of France.

Plus we have a reason for the sallow skinned Irish and again it is race mixing due to thousands Spanish sailors who were marooned here centuries ago.

Irish people have the palest skin in Europe.

Le as a proud German, I am proud of our le diversity and our le transexuals and le lesbians.

Eh mate.


i bed they were jokingly calling it like THIS

see how their names are blurred? lefists would harass their families

I thought the Irish had a significant portion of swarthy people. Granted, that goes for all of the British isles. It's like you have three different archetypes, where one of them is particularly swarthy.

Britain is in the situation it is in because they voted for Labour in 1997 who threw open the flood gates to immigration from all around the world. Even after its colonial past, Britain was relatively okay before that point.

Its problems are political, not because of some form of guilt they have. Even the most left wing British person has little to no caring for their colonial past.

Yes though a lot of the non-European immigrants who are established in the country a long time now are literally there because of the labour shortage in the post war period.

How does it work then? Seriously whats with the "nordics" and throwing out pointless insults without giving any real arguments.

What the fuck are those beards? Where are the standards?

>four sources
First of all, no one knows the exact number because most went unreported because the women were ashamed. Secondly, who were the victims to report to? The non-existent German government? The Soviets who just raped them and the officers who encouraged them to? GET REAL. Thirdly, most "sources" on Wikipedia are leftist cultural Marxist swill who push their own agenda. No one knows exact numbers, and anyone claiming to know is a fucking idiot.

>when you call us rape babies because one part of the country not even four generations ago had people rape with countless abortions following afterwards I can't just let that stand there

Most women didn't get abortions you fucking tard. The majority of people back then were against abortions, because they were Christian. Also, they couldn't afford it and there weren't any doctors available in the immediate aftermath of the war willing to perform abortions when there's millions and millions of people starving and suffering from war related injury, illness and death.

Also, it happened ALL OVER the country. Not just Berlin like your Marxist grammar school textbooks say. Look at who controlled half of your country until the collapse of the USSR. Yeah, the Soviets did. You think they didn't rape and pillage in other cities as well? How dense could you possibly be?

Stop making excuses for the Red raping menace.

But you only managed to beat USA once you know...

The UK, France, Germany, Sweden. All these nations deserve every bit of suffering they get. After all, they voted for it.

The people always get what they want.

I see, so when other countries like the entire West have leftist policies it's ok and just a normal thing but when Germany does it it's the genes that are too blame

>I loved that the soviets raped my whole country!

Couldn't even finish the video. All of those disgustingly soft German soldiers makes me want to puke.

Shame on you Germany. I hope you get your shit together at some point.

>meritocracy doesn't w---

The very act of opening up the floodgates to former colonies is a result of an extreme form of guilt over its colonial past.

That is not what happened though the British public was against such measures

>No one knows exact numbers, and anyone claiming to know is a fucking idiot.
it's called estimates
>Most women didn't get abortions you fucking tard. The majority of people back then were against abortions, because they were Christian.
>Also, it happened ALL OVER the country. Not just Berlin like your Marxist grammar school textbooks say.
only in East Germany, although also in Poland, Czech Republic and other Eastern countries

The man in the picture is called a black Irish which is the decedents of Spanish and Irish mixing when the failed Spanish armada became stranded in Ireland. Most irish are pale skinned with brown hair and light eyes.

what the hell our implying? y

Virtually all countries in the western world are against immigration according to most polls. That doesn't stop them from voting for parties that support immigration, though.

Not what I am saying.

Simply put if I go up to an average German and say "Hey you Kraut fascist cunt, your country ruined Europe and slaughtered so many innocent people. I hope you all die" it is unlikely anything will happen in response other than an admission of guilt.

If I went up to your average Brit and said "Hey you colonial cunt, fuck you, your empire and your murderous queen. Your country enslaved and murdered millions." I would likely get a punch in the face or at the very least I'd be told to fuck off.

Because Germans are so mixed genetically these days they have no allegiance to their national identity.

British and others, even the French for gods sake, still have a national identity that they cling to and fight for. You see no such appetite in Germany. None of your mainstream media publications mention immigration or immigrants in a negative light, where are in Britain or France there are many that do because there is an appetite in the general public for that kind of article.

got any statics to back that shit up?
Most people were very against abortion back in the 40's so you just saying
is pretty fucking retarded. But then again you are a german and you guys have been known to do extremely retarded things.

Read up on California Proposition 187. Even when people vote against them they still fuck them over

and no one asks the right questions.
but soon :)
dropping like its hot :)=

The swarthy people are probably people with pure Briton stock from the ancient times (AKA subhumans).

Most Brits are either of English (Norman or Saxon stock), or Celtic (Irish, Welsh, Scottish), but a lot of intermixing happened.

If you live on the British Isles and don't have blue eyes, you're a subhuman to me.

> :)
> :)=

Neck yourself kraut

What about Sean Connery, Rowan Atkinson, Ricky Gervais, Micky Flanagan, Robert Carlyle, Russel Brand, John Oliver, Alan Davies, Kit Harrington, Clive Owen, etc?
I'm not even saying it's a bad thing, but there's a very distinct swarthy race that is common to the British Isles.

Tony Blair and his party did this without the knowledge of the general public. It was quite the scandal about a year ago when it was revealed that the Labour government was literally going to Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East advertising for people to move to the UK. They were trying to implement massive multicultural changes in the country in a short time period.

I'm telling you, white British people, have next to zero guilt over their colonies. They admit it was a bad thing but they don't believe it makes them inherently evil, like Germans do with the Nazis.

>it's called estimates
It's called speculation because there's no way to get tangible objective proof other than a DNA test. Also, I already explained how trying to get a somewhat accurate estimate is impossible due to the extenuating circumstances surrounding the war. What don't you understand about this? Anyone can come up with some bullshit number and claim it is an "estimate" without any objective way of proving how they got their numbers. And that still doesn't account for the ones who never told anybody.

True. Not even 20 years ago abortions were unheard of among most people. They were considered taboo, just like divorce was back in the 1940's. It's something you didn't do under any circumstances, and if you did you did it in secret and never told anyone. Are you actually denying this? Because it's a known fact if you're...gee idk over 20 years old and have ever talked to anyone who lived back then.

>only in East Germany, although also in Poland, Czech Republic and other Eastern countries

OHHH what happened? You said before it only happened in 1 city! Backtracking so quickly i see. How about you think about what you say before you say it? You're trying to shift the goalposts now because i called you out on your previous lie. Half of the entire nation of Germany suffering from mass rapes is enough to considerably and significantly alter a nation's gene pool, especially when an entire generation and then some of sexually active males died. And don't even get me started on all the rapes that the West Germans suffered at the hands of the Americans and other Allies.

You're suffering from cognitive dissonance. You're so hellbent on defending your rapists that you refuse to admit that your nation's gene pool could be altered in any way by what happened during the war. How about you swallow your fucking pride and just admit it? Admit that you're not as racially pure as you were in 1939. Why is that so fucking hard?

hehe no, why should i?
Wenn das Faß überläuft, dann knallts.

And its dropping like its raining 8)

>OHHH what happened? You said before it only happened in 1 city!

>Emma Watson (pre-Weindick) is a subhuman
>Jacob Rees-Mogg is a subhuman

------>why are you avoiding my question you fucking retard?

I meant to say of native stock.
Rees-Mogg is Germanic, his sister has blue eyes, his children fair hair.

Pic related is probably average here.

>Admit that you're not as racially pure as you were in 1939. Why is that so fucking hard?

German soldiers impregnated millions of women and you get mad when I point it out but I just admit that there were impregnations by foreign soldiers which I did right at the start of my argument? get a life

In case you're unaware, the Nazis have become the most reviled political group in history. And as I said, it happened relatively recently, the consequences were felt up until the Berlin Wall fell, and the Germans were actually defeated, rather than giving up their "evil ways" voluntarily.

You also don't see the Russians feel any guilt over the Soviet Union, against because they weren't defeated, but collapsed on their own.

most women weren't against abortions
Christianity wasn't big in the third reich

Like i said dumb dumb, Got any proof of this? because i have proof that the 3rd reich had to drop its eugenics program because of the outcry of the christian population.

>hurrrduurr i just talk out my ass and cant back anything up
Please neck yourself