"and they will perish" t. NRA


What did NRA mean by this *video*?

Other urls found in this thread:


they'll comp the sushi at the funerals

>Their fate, will be failure.
>They will perish


They're just larping for those sweet sweet cash donations from the Trump movement.

NRA willingly gives up gun rights. Don't support them until they change to protect what they say they protect.

They cucked quick on bump stocks

What a babe.


It shall BE unlawful FOR any person—

(1) IN OR affecting interstate OR foreign commerce, TO manufacture, possess, OR transfer any part OR combination of parts that IS designed-AND-functions TO increase the rate of fire OF a semiautomatic rifle BUT DOES NOT convert the semiautomatic rifle into a machinegun; OR

‘‘(2) TO manufacture, possess, OR transfer any such part OR combination OF parts that have been shipped OR transported IN interstate OR foreign commerce.’’ [1]

This includes any and all drop in trigger kits and standard trigger kits. This includes all after market parts and accessories such as charging handles, stocks, and forgrips. This includes scopes. This includes slings. This includes lube. All of these things could be legally argued that their designs end goal was to increase the fire rate. Having any of these things in your possession is enough to be charged with conspiracy to manufacture and conspiracy to distribute on top of possession.

This is something every single gun owner should be concerned about. The legality of this wording is a death sentence to the 2nd amendment.

The bill simply states that it will ban the production, sale, use and possession of a firing rate increasing device; but since semi auto designs have no set firing rate this is super vague.

So like a match grade trigger that reduces the trigger weight on an AR-15 from 13 to 5 lbs and the trigger travel/reset from 2 to 1.5 centimeters technically could be viewed as a firing rate increasing device as the trigger will be capable of being pulled faster due to it being lighter shooter and smoother.

The ATF doesn't have to ban shit all at once so stuff could slip from being banned and unbanned and the size of the list would be in constant flux.


>[1]: curbelo.house.gov/uploadedfiles/finalbumpstockban.pdf

Did this ever pass?




she's got a bunch of tattoos and general attitude problem (always feels the need to attack other women)

these faggots and their demonic (((wording))). this (((proposal))) is unconstitutional af.

dropped. (for the tattoos not the woman hating)

Reminds me of those command and conquer cutscenes. Is this even real life anymore?


> gunman casually kills dozens of people from the comfort of his hotel room

why are americans so fucking stupid?

Damn, that was amazing.

Nice. Wish we haf something similar to the NRA here.

Guns unironically do not kill people.

she is a stupid cunt who takes irders from her douchebag husband. if you notice, every one of these whores played their cards thinking cruz would be the nominee. only the judge, coulter and ingraham didn't- judge is based, coulter is based. ingraham... meh. too (((concerned))) with (((appearances))). btw the latter two are both lesbians. but at least they know it's wrong and they know trump is the patriot.

Right, bullets do.

>dutch nigger
>knowing anything at all
no one asked you, marxist faggot loser.



dana loesch is a never-trumper, she can jump off a cliff for all i care

Americans are so fucking larpy, they treat everything like its a tv show. Fucking worthless cunts.

NRA doesn't care about the 2nd amendment, they just want shekels, they are a bunch of fudds and rinos

Niger, please.

Found the dirty commies. Classic divide and conquer tactics.

>telling the truth
>a (((tactic)))
(((yeah)))? well i found the kikenigger (((faggot))).

>OOH nooes! dajoos are at it again!
Pathetic. Stop trying to destroy conservative institutions and people.

lel, now they NRA has a puppet in the oval office they're nothing more but government shills