Why aren't you on /r/politics arguing with liberals for one hour a day? Everyone on Sup Forums already knows...

why aren't you on /r/politics arguing with liberals for one hour a day? Everyone on Sup Forums already knows. It's a very high traffic, cucked place and you are guaranteed multiple responses. It is entertaining, it will sharpen your debating skills, it will also redpill you further to see how retarded the redditor is. If you happen to get outsmarted by a liberal and made to look foolish you can just make a new account in 15 seconds and try again.

literally fuck the donald. the only reddit that matters is /r/politics. If you don't have the balls to go into the lions den right now and battle with Ivy League CTR shills 1 v 10,000 you're a little fucking bitch.

>he goes to plebbit

>he's too scared to actually debate politics with liberals and potentially change the world

What a fucking eyesore Reddit is.

don't you get insta banned from certain boards for even insinuating - NIGGERS and the likes

Hahah look at this faggot thinking hes rallying troops and making a diffrence. What a fucking loser!

>too fucking stupid to realize that reddit is astroturfed out the asshole
Die in hellfire degenerate

Heryy!! Yeah!

i'm fucking burned out from even just thinking about the left. no way i could burn that much time in that hellhole arguing with those hopeless fools.

Reddit is a broken website that is poorly setup and even more poorly (autistically) moderated.

reddit is garbage senpai. Your posts get deleted or threads prevented from being submitted for any variety of niggertarded reasons that actually curb discussion.

Reddit is tremendously fucking gay and its all just wikipedia-tier autistic normie mods who squatted on a subreddit name who jerk themselves off over allowing you the ability of free speech, often with magnificently mongoloid post histories usually going as far as doxxing themselves, which wont stop them from thinking they're a "webmaster" caus they deleted a post that disparaged jews or "niggers" or was out of bounds beyond the myriad of any number of roleplay chatroom rules any subreddit can arbitrarily claim.

Shit's fucking gay. You're fucking gay. Kill yourself.

Got banned for this


>unironically a roddentor

Looks like redditors are immune to humour

Poltards need their safety in numbers

R/politics just seems to be trump hate. Sad to see that most of it is backed up by little to no evidence and what evidence is there is farfetched or outright lies.

I got banned for saying "fuck drumpf and fuck white people"


This. Shariablue 'owns' /r/politics like Sup Forumslocks 'own' Sup Forums. Makes zero sense to "debate" on that forum when it's a singular hive-mind. Even the normies stay away from that place. It only has so many subscribers because it's a default forum when you sign up.

Fine. Gotta give it a try later. Wanna see how my debate skills are.

so what you're suggesting is that we draw battle lines, and pick smaller more suceptible forums/subreddits to have comment wars on?

i like it

I got banned from r/Australia for saying I'm voting against fag marriage

I've been banned several times. Once I asked for a more neutral source than Buzzfeed, and another time I told a dude who was mocking Republicans in Mississippi as retarded that the average Mississipi Republican is at least 1 standard deviation more intelligent then a Mississippi Democrat (aka niggers).

I marvel at the open propaganda. They don't even try to conceal it.

>if you have too many negative points they HIDE your post
They are
I've seen subreddits where the whole point of the subreddit is to complain about how racist memes aren't funny
The only memes reddit finds funny is shitty puns and shit like "Drumpf? More like idiot!"

you just get benned

I'm honestly tempted to get a reddit account and post dissenting opinions just to see how quickly it takes for me to get banned from r/politics

ITT we pretend we are on reddit


You forgot to put deleted in the name field

OMG Hillary should have fucking won.
these virgin losers.
[comment hidden too negative]
ugg fuck off with your cheeto umpalumpa joke IMPEACH
OMG whats with all these nazis

yeah i can't imagine why anyone would not spend an hour there.

post results

I will if I ever do

>Signing up
That's why I don't go anywhere but 4chins.

take the bullet and sign up faggot. you can turn it into a d*bs decide thread with reddit vermin

>thread grows in popularity and hits /r/all
>people start post dissenting views
>"wow, so much The_Donald in these comments"
>[thread has been locked]

>person posts dissenting view
>everyone talks shit about his post history/username instead of actually arguing

I like to argue with Slaveblue on other forums than reddit. Yahoo comments are my guilty pleasure.

well when you are a dipshit racist shill its easy to get spotted and banned for trash speaking. that being said i never go there

good, fuck off you closet queer bait


>going on ever

aside from the terminal cancer that is the reddit community that is the worst thing about it, it just fosters ad hominims instead of debate

>he isn't in youtube cartoon stream chats redpilling kids age 8-16

errrr I'm WAY ahead of you m8

Yes. You get shadow banned if you stray too far from "the narrative".

So you don't even know you are banned. You are literally yelling into the void.

Also you aren't allowed to make new posts on /politics. They control the content by only accepting links from left wing sites so all you can do is argue in the comments.

Once you get a certain number of downvotes you also get a timer, so you can only make a post once every 6 minutes.

Reddit is engineered from the ground up to censor thought.

do you honestly think you're being funny

are you jesting homo
r/politics is JIDF central
they wont let you argue shit
even r/the_donald is jewcentral

i have a short limit of how much leftist shit i can look at

....... user, i wasn't trying to be funny.

He who controls the youth, controls the future.

Futurama streams & South Park streams are the best because the kids are already conditioned to edgy content.

it's the jews that are AIDS

pick a battlefield you can have success upon
r.politics is no battlefield unless you wanna infiltrate the mod team, good luck with that they're uberkikes of high status in the leftoid pyramid

>go to rebbit
>state an unpopular opinion
>get le downboted into oblivion until a mod removes your post and bans you for hate speech

They will frustrate you and make you quit rather than banning you.

You'll get a post timer that will limit the number of replies you can make. So cucks will bombard you with 10 fallacious arguments per minute and you will only be allowed to respond to one of them once every 6 minutes.

Then if that doesn't make you quit, they will just shadow ban you so nobody even sees your posts.

The state of Sup Forums

depens on your power level
say nigger or fag once, or say anything about the jews that isnt lavish praise and you're out
it's disgusting how the kikes turned reddit into a shitpool
op may have a larger point though
why target r/poltiics?
we could target reddit as a whole
instead of letting the kikes rule over there
learn how reddit works
some subreddits are pretty redpilled

>He has no clue why free speech is so important to the right

>not specifying any claim, just naming pol's state
>thinks we will know what gender it is just like we will understand what xyr's implying
kys faggot
all animecancerfaggots should die
even before the kikes or niggers

I do it all the time just for the keks. You guys should really do it. They get so butt blasted.

This is why faggot.


Insta-banned by the Muslim Mods.

>posts telling you to check out reddit
Sounds like Sup Forums should die first

[This post has been removed for violating reddit's guidelines for keeping everyone safe]

I prefer the based subreddits like r/debatefascism


Seriously? You'll get downvoted because you hurt someones feels or banned by a retarded butthurt mod. Get the fuck out of here.

I tried that and I was banned immediately


*Message from the moderator at r/anarchism*
>You wont get the ability to comment again until you write a 2000 word essay about why not being a feminist makes you a sexist pig mysogynist

... sneaky and vile almost had forgotten about that

>Defending reddit
>Bringing it traffic

Le cuck


And what happens? I get downvoted to hell because I don't follow the circle jerk echo chamber opinions.

No thanks, there is a reason why reddit has a terrible reputation for discourse.

>implying you wouldn't get banned after the first comment

>He wastes his time circlejerking on a containment board instead of red pilling the masses

Although don't bother with /r/politics, its pure cancer. /r/news and /r/europe can be swayed

Liberals are largely devoid of principles so they tend to pile on logical fallacies in order to wear their opponents down. There is no debate in such an environment.

>>going on ever

How do you save people drowning in an ocean of piss if you dont swim at th ecean of piss?

If at any point conservatives start becoming more prominent on plebbit than the left the admins simply tweak the sites algorithms until its the left wing circlejerk again. This is if the moderators of the default subs who are a tight circle of people who have been on the site for a decade do not ban you first and remove your posts.

Aside from this, Plebbit has been manipulated by shills for years and years and anybody can pay a couple hundred bucks and hit the top of a default sub. You're wasting your time and are plebbit scum. If you're gonna try to influence them it makes more sense to abuse the site like monsanto and the US military does than to fucking actually play by its rules like a cuck and try and win people over through reasoned debate when the admins and mods will simply abuse their powers to silence you.



>circlejerking on Sup Forums

Are you implying that the most dissenting posts DONT get many replies?

Good bait Brit.

I was banned and my post deleted from worldnews just for dropping quotes by the founding fathers in a debate on gun ownership. I was arguing that gun ownership was a core principle of the USA. They literally banned me for backing up my argument with factual quotes from the founding fathers. I didn't insult anyone. Zero racism or sexism. They just deleted my post and banned me for backing up my argument. That place is like the soviet union.