ITT: Sup Forums humor thread

Let's try this again, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:



Feminist... Why are they such degenerate? This attention whore pretend that she needs diaper because of "cyberbullying", when she is really diaper fetishist.

Is very.. autistic man.

Is it this bullshit?


What a qt3.14 ;_;

>tries to commit suicide
>still ends up in the news


haha lol you are so funny haha

No, this is hot!


>every fucking roastie
>every fucking time







Come on people, give me some good green text


a (you) for you

Top jej

Sure, I'll dump some


Thankyou my fellow juden



WHO IS THIS Sup Forums?

>Mediterranean sea is an ocean


Your welcome anglo




>all that blonde hair

Must be America's whitest state



How can you leave out the picture of the kid?


Too vile for me to save on my computer


I miss all the memeball poster

That's clearly just some vanilla cake mix but I guess /k/ wouldn't know.

As an INTP, I didn't need the red pills to become like that


ok, maybe all you need is love

Bismarck was right



She's cute, why does she have to be confirmed retarded though? Life really is unfair


better eat dirt than eat nothing at all

Everybody post sarahs

Dude, what is that?




>pol in a nutshell



No idea
Get a life



I still like this story


Portugal (and other coutries but cant remenber now) had to use Atlantic when Mediterranean got dominated (also forgot by who) and they started charge taxes/sinking ships over there. While they go down on africa they had to stop for supplies, thus the colonys where born

I have more, 1 sec



I came here to laugh, not to be reminded of how shit and ugly I am








This is hot. I'd drink her piss.

Dirty Jews are the best Jews.

Thanks Bruce

Made me kek

I'm not dirty! B-baka!


>they have no money

Seriously? Money is just a way to exchange service/ressources provided/gathered by the workers. It doesn't magically appears.

>go on omegle
>ask this question
>someone unironically answers "because there were no animals to domesticate there, while Europe had animals to domesticate"
Imagine being so deluded

I wish I could be the top, and you the bottom :^)

>The hacker known as Sup Forums

this shit is gold

Someone post the web with bulgarians stoping the taxi to beat muslims.

kek. No homo brah





the fuck are these

Fucking lost hard


ere u go m8