Sup Forums watch out

Sup Forums watch out

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Reagan is spinning in his grave with the state of the Republican Party today.

Yep. And throwing up too

It was a different time.

Plus Reagan was a leftist. His sex adventures rival Weinstein’s.

Plus Reagan was a leftist. His sex adventures rival Weinstein’s.
What does that have to do with anything?


Yeah, that old Ronny Reagan.
What a sentiment there Ronny.
Sure prevented the media and academia from turning you into a Nazi for posterity, didn't it?
What you said there sure stopped them from using you as propaganda about how the past/white people were so evil.

We need more useless speechers like you.

Reagan was also responsible for the amnesty bill that turned California into the shithole it is today.
Hes also responsible for the 1986 hughes amendment.

Kind of a peice of shit.

No one cares about these dumb ancient presidents.

"Nancy, can one of those nutty soothsayers of yours predict how many butter popcorn jelly bellies are in this jar?"

Proof or you're a lying nigger.

Reagan also launched (((war on drugs))) turning the American government against its people. Kind of traitorous.

Reagan was never president. HW was.

You should have no loyalty to the republican party just the race. It's been taken over by neocon jews.


Only cuckservatives like Reagan

He was quoting the other guy but forgot the meme arrows

Reagan is a weekend at bernie's style corpse that kikes use to trick white people into voting against their own interest.

>black libertarians pushed you to go alt-right
oddly specific

fuck ronald reagan i don't know why you fucks worship someone who could say this he was clearly bought and paid for

Most apt description I ever read. Good job user.

Reagan was a degenerate who brought us no-fault divorce.

Why? He was a cuck himself. He granted amnesty to millions of Mexicans.


classic Nixon

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