USA is founded on immigrants

>USA is founded on immigrants
>complains about immigration


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Shut up Akmed! We're full over here. You can have all the muslim immigrants you want. Also when immigration was prevalent in America it was European people, not shitskin niggers and muslims.

I'm not Muslim, or Arab. And you're post isn't an argument it's just a collection of profanities.


I agree, in the case of the US it's a different matter they started immigration, democracy and equality

it is mostly objectionable in europe and elsewhere.

Of course the americans are encouraged to have a proper country with culture and a common heritage but they chose different ways.

Agreed, and kick Christians and Jews out as well.

Fuck off Islamophobe

sure thing Mohommad

European immigrants


> Smart ambitious europeans made US successful and the world's leading power
> therefore we need to flood the US with lazy retards from the third world

Originally, the understanding of coming to America was that you could have a good life if you work hard and earn it. Immigrants came here legally and worked their asses off to make a life for themselves.
NOW, thanks to the (((Democrats))), any piece of shit can just jump the border and live off of handouts.

Maybe problem is not with immigration itself but quality of people who migrate? It's probably a shocker for you, but not every civilization agrees with western values and ethics.

>>USA is founded on immigrants
Western European immigration.

So what exactly is YOUR argument then?

That the US shouldn't be such massive hypocrites.

Yes please let us hear more how people should feel bad for wanting to keep their home safe and keeping people with contrasting ideologies away.

>UK bans knifes and spoons
>London has one of the highest knife assaults in the world


>implying all immigrants are of the same quality

That's not an argument either.
You're saying: take in any migrants ever in history implies you MUST take every migrant from everywhere at any give point in time. Why?
That's like saying: since you've been planting, let's say apple trees you now have to plant some useless tres all the time any everywhere.

Settlers settled the land and built a nation. Fucking immigrants from shitholes now want to destroy it and collect free gibmes.

What I'm saying is that there should be an effort to integrate immigrants into the American Dream™ no matter their background, because that's what America was about. It's a colony.


Why should we put an effort and not they? Learn language, proove you can follow western civ rules and then we can sit and talk about possibilities.

Sorry, Rats. You decades old attempt to import voters was NEVER going to work and now it is blowing up on you. All you did was invite tens of millions of third world illiterates in who now HAVE TO GO BACK. Thanks, all you accomplished is to make most Americans hate your guts and you are DONE.

Which is exactly why they HAVE TO GO BACK. If you don’t want to be an American, why the fuck are you here?

>be native American
>not fight as a group to stop European immigration
>get put in gulags and nearly bred out of existence.
yup. you sure told us.

Ehat are you talking about? I live in Poland, country I love. Im not really interested USA but making my home country better place.
I'm actually defending the right of nation like USA here to say no to immigrants.
> If you don’t want to be an American, why the fuck are you here?
I think you might have a stroke, since this sentence has no logic at all.

To some it is sad reality but if you consider for a moment it may have been for the good. Irish weren’t exactly greeted with open arms, IIRC. NINA, anybody?

Italians weren’t exactly welcomed with open arms. Cosa Nostra?

No new group is exactly real “welcome” at first so they have to learn the language and customs and start to drop the old ways to fit in.

A thread died for this fucking normie meme.
SAGE in all fields.

>Immigrants then were coming to the land of opportunities looking for freedom from persecution and the ability to make a life for themselves
>immigrants now want to take advantage of welfare state benefits that didn't exist 60 years ago and refuse to integrate


Founded on white anglo-saxon immigration, you mean.

Except we weren't founded on immigrants

I guess I should have put that sentence in quotes, it was not directed at you since you are obviously “not here”.

>antifa are humans
>complains about other humans

Inb4 >>>antifa are humans

Ah ok, thought you directed this at me.

This shit again?

>>>>antifa are humans
They're not though

USA was founded on Europeans killing subhumans.

I know I know but they think they are.

It's not. It's founded on colonialization and conquest. Immigration happens later and was dominated up to the 60s by Europeans. So yeah kys.

>there should be an effort to integrate immigrants

OK, so tell your mom to let a few Somalis come live with you and share your bedroom and tendies.

Why is it up to me to make you feel good about yourself by doing what you say, particularly if you're not willing to put any effort or personal sacrifice into whatever cause you claim you are supporting?

Notice that is always the SJWs who live in gated communities who want more third world eras here (an gun control). An astonishing number of (((them))).

The problem with third world immigrants is, that their brain size and brain capacity will not just increase over a couple generations.
This isn't just some weord racist stuff, africans and middle easterners are on average not as smart as europeans and their descendants will be neither.
If you import somalis you become somalia.

is now "a fucking leaf" for uk

>USA founded on WHITE immigrants
>complains about hispanic, mexican, and muslim immigrants

Gee, you tell me. In the 18 and 19th century, only white people immigrated to America. Once the whites built such a great country that wasn't a shithole like Europe, the poor fucks like mexicans started coming over.

Sure is a lot of Anglo-on-Anglo hate taking place here lately.
In the UK:
>Population is cucked and disarmed beyond repair
>working is an option, countries budget cannot sustain this
>mudslime invasion
In the US:
>can't buy kindereggs because burger children might choke on them
>Universities inaccessable to anyone who doesn't follow the SJW narrative
>false flags, false flags everywhere
We are both fucked, we should be teaming up, not fighting.

We were also founded on beheading muslims and kicking the spaniards ass,,does that mean we should keep doing it?

I dont see anglo on anglo hate here. All I see is attempt of subversion in OP followed by rebuttals.

the US is founded on religious nuts wanting to oppress other people, they got uppity because the british didn't let them.
The 'puritans' were bigoted authoritarians.


honestly people hated the shit out of the irish, polish, chinese, and italians when they came in, but a few generations later no one really gave a fuck. I'd say it usually takes a few generations to not be fucking dirty pieces of shit. also at least the US knows how to fucking use immigrants for cheap labor and keep them spread out and in decent conditions, unlike germany and sweden (including the islamic caliphate of malmo).

America was founded as a white nationalist country.

Why do you want to deprive non-white countries of their smartest people? Why do you support brain drain?

sage it

Those immigrants where white NOT the very low IQ, very high crime Blacks and Browns.

America is only 40% White owing to the 50m illegals and that the Jews run America.

The low IQ, on average 80 points, disorderly and extremely high crime behavior of the Blacks and Browns is a massive burden for Whites, therefore, drive them out. Whites have high IQ on average 100 and comparativey commit nearly no crime at all. They are including crime from the Browns in the White category to further hide this fact. It is an abomination that Blacks and Browns should be sucking welfare and leeching from the Whites, they must return to their own homelands, America will even pay them welfare by sending it to Africa and Mexico.

You would be kicking out 70% of the us population by kicking out christians

>>USA is founded on immigrants
>>complains about ILLEGAL immigration
FTFY Achmed.

pol btfo