Why does the US government hate Russia, Iran, and Syria?

Why does the US government hate Russia, Iran, and Syria?

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Because Russians are a human savage animals who rape and murdered millions of Europeans
Iran and Syria are sand nigger paki camel jockey terrorist nations.

Was about to post something like this.

Russians are evil and they lie.

They don't have Rothschild central banks. It's the Jews, mate.

Russians are White
Iranians like Indians hold white people in high esteem, Syria protects christians.

I meant to type subhuman my bad, but I heard stories about what they've done in my country, my grandpa was arrested by them and sent to a labour camp because he had a gun on his farm. Since he was on jail my grandma who was a kid had to leave PRIMARY school to help my grandma on the farm.
The priest was arrested and was beaten by the Russian police
The nuns arrested and never returned
Family friends were taken away and beaten and killed
Russians are animals

Russians are literally white niggers

Fucking kill all the slavs

God ran out of black paint when he got to Russia

Well Goy, they're barbarians and stuff, so it's your responsibility to pay for their defeat.

>At least 100,000 women are believed to have been raped in Berlin
>Female deaths in connection with the rapes in Germany, overall, are estimated at 240,000
>the "greatest phenomenon of mass rape in history", and has concluded that at least 1.4 million women were raped in East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia alone.
>Soviet soldiers raped German females from eight to eighty years old
>When Yugoslav politician Milovan Djilas complained about rapes in Yugoslavia, Stalin reportedly stated that he should "understand it if a soldier who has crossed thousands of kilometres through blood and fire and death has fun with a woman or takes some trifle.
>when told that Red Army soldiers sexually maltreated German refugees, he reportedly said: "We lecture our soldiers too much; let them have their initiative."
>the Red Army raped women in every country they passed through, but mostly in Austria and Germany: 70,000–100,000 rapes in Vienna, and "hundreds of thousands" of rapes in Germany

Hmm, maybe some Venezuelan has told them to fake hatred for these countries so braindead American Patriotards will go kill-crazy to attack them?

Because Israel
next thread

This. They are not part of our economic alliance and so they are the enemy.

You think Israel is our 'economic' ally?
What the fuck does the US get from Israel?
Seeing as everyone is retarded here.
hate Russia because cold war shit and because they support ME seculars
hate Iran because Iran wants to destroy Israel
hate Syria because Syria also wants to destroy Israel and Israel is occupying Syrian territory (Golan Heights) and they have to make sure the goys never get it back

By "our" he means "the Jews". Also to be included in the "Axis of Evil" as Skull & Bones George W. Bush termed it is North Korea -- also is not hooked in to the Rothchild global central banking empire.

One of the funniest things was when the Jews toppled Libya. One of the very first things Al CIAda did was set up a Rothschild central bank. Who knew radical fundamental Islamists were such Jewish banking experts? I thought usury was haram?

Did the ebil Russians hurt your fee fees? Ooh I'm sorry guys. Lets be friends.

America ZOG vs Russia ZOG is simply a jew v jew story

Checked and probably right.

Distractions from domestic issues and acts as a major industry driver.


Gopniks are the slavic version of niggers

Iran din du nuffin
They're a good boy

>invade country
>kill half my family
>kill everyone in our church
>kill family friends
>awww did we hurt your feelings?
Fuck you, literal subhuman niggers

nuke them.

Jews still, and will always hate Russia for taking power away from them in Stalin's purge(s).
Jews still, and will always hate Iran [Persia] because of their imaginary story of "Esther"
-Also Iran has a PUBLIC central bank
So does China, and so did Lybia
Jews hate Syria because they can't destroy Iran and the Shia Crescent until they destroy Syria. Also, Syria was always more powerful than jews, and they are a very petty, jealous, vindictive people.

tl;dr: It's not that the US hates these countries/people, it's that jews infesting our gov't do.

Replace America with Britain.

because russia is helping sand people keep occupying rightful israeli sand.

USA is losing its monopoly over world affairs. Russia & Iran threaten this.

Short answer: (((Israel)))
All the Middle East arrangements to protect that patch of desert put us at odds with the entire world.

That's thanks to the Jewish Trotskyite Communist Neocons, who blew the opportunity for American Primacy with their insane Talmudic Babylonian Satanic wars for Greater Israel after the USSR finally came undone.

Because they are the only few ones not bowing down to the jews, which America does.

Military powerhouse capable of giving defense and guarantees to countries that don't want to bow to American Imperialism - MAD option for if the US does try to fuck with Russian protectorates (such as Syria).
They threaten local Saudi hegemony and are allies with the Russians, making both of them harder to crack. SA and Israel uses the United States like a hammer to try beat down Shiite influence in the area, particularly because the parts of SA that has the oil is also a Majority Shia held area (allowing Iran to potentially influence these areas into rebellion etc) - this means that the Shiites must not have the upper hand militarily in the ME.
Base of operations for the Russian Black Sea Fleet in the Med so Turkey can't lock them in the black sea on their whim. Syria is also part of the Shiite land bridge into the Med along with Iraq and Lebanon so these countries need to be subverted to Saudi vassals or occupied by US force to reduce Russian and Iranian influence in the area.

>murdered millions of Europeans after said Europeans allowed a man who jewed them and their industry to lead them into a battle where the end-goal would've been annihilating the target they went after

>invade country
> that flag
Hello, Ukrainian

>MAD option for if the US does try to fuck with Russian protectorates (such as Syria)
With notable exceptions such as Ukraine, a country that failed so much even we couldn't salvage them.
Plenty of our oligarchs are jewish. It's not a 'bow down or not' question for Russia and US it seems, it's who gets the top spot.

I'm Hungarian don't ever call me a subhuman Russian again.

>a hungarian
>a man of a nation that came to Europe just 350 years earlier than the Mongols calls slavs who mingled somewhat with fingols and actual mongols 'subhumans'
Though to be fair you did call the Ukrainians subhuman. They're pretty much that.

The US government is a criminal regime and can't tolerate other criminal regimes encroaching on its turf

Rake yourself

"ALL" you need to know about arab spring in one video.


PS: Forget the ww3 theory bullshit


because they stand in the way of jewish global control and greater israel.

Ukraine was different because the politics was the overthrowing of the Russia friendly government with a Russia hostile government. Because there was no military engagement it meant that Russia couldn't respond with their military without being the aggressor - so they just cut their losses and occupied Crimea until they voted to be annexed by Russia, and then allowed Ukrainian paramilitaries to be run from Russia that tried to violently break free from the Ukrainian state.


Crimea was such a blunder on the part of the insane Trotskyite Warmonger Neocons. Obviously Russia wasn't going to let go of its port. Had they not pressed so hard, they could have asserted power over The Ukraine short of pushing Russia into escalation.

Hello Ahmed/Ivan

They honestly should've gone for the military approach and removed the back-then random asshats who got to power. It'd have been a quick, effective action given how shit their army was and how unstable the country was.
But at least this way we got Crimea back, got a couple million slavs out of there, got the last good enough engineers who lost work due to Ukrainian factories and construction bureaus closing, and now every common Russian knows what Ukies truly are.

Hello xir

They cock block the US-Israel alliance in the middle-east. Won't allow them to topple middle-east government's as they please for narrow economic and financial interests (maintaining the petro-dollar system, monopolizing global oil markets)
AIPAC lobby wants the US to get rid of President Assad government to prevent a proposed pipeline through the country originating from Iran.
AIPAC lobby again wants the US to invade and occupy Iran to prevent them from developing nuclear energy, to allow Iran to sell its oil on the global market for a profit, and from developing a nuclear bomb to deter any invasion of the country similar to NK's policy. See: youtube.com/watch?v=VqC0Lzp-5lo

>All wars are banker's wars - Ezra Pound

If Russia used their military in such a way it would have surely led to NATO/UN occupation of at least part of the Ukraine and NK level sanctions for Russia. With the way it is now, it allows Russia to keep their important assets that Ukraine gave and held for them while also giving them an option in the future to later re-subvert them back into more friendly terms. It was pulling a win from a losing situation for Russia, and like said it was the error of the US that allowed it.

Only reason why it worked is because nobody could fucking expect us to actually do something this time around.
Lybia went by without us going in.
Now everyone knows we can do something like that to any target nearby us, and they'll expect it whenever messing with our nearby states.
As such we have to prepare for separatist movements and extremists.
Which is just what we're doing in Belarus with the Viejšnoryja thing.

Makes a bit too much sense, honestly, I expect something weird and illogical to mess all this shit up.


hmm. Hope that doesn't doesn't get used as a way to start scaring the Baltics about Russian takeovers and NATO and all that.

We have like actually important things to sort out, like Syria.

Oil and gold baby. Oil and gold.

those countries are considered future resource assets and will always be enemies until they're ready to be dismantled and consumed. the enemy will be beaten.


They are all simply playing the roles they have been assigned and are reading from a script.

They're also important to the Russian Encirclement aspect of Brzezinski-style American Primacy, werein, after taking control of Central Asia, we need to make sure that nothing along the China-Russia-Iran arc can emerge as a competing power bloc.