What's their endgame?

What's their endgame?

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claiming dominion over the Milky Way galaxy

Getting rich like everyone else...

They are one of the whores of Babylon. There whole point is to gather as many people to die with Satan as they can.

Make Money
Make Money
Make more money
- L. Ron Hubbard

"Somebody some day will say ‘this is illegal.’ By then be sure the orgs [Scientology organizations] say what is legal or not"
-L. Ron Hubbard

Tax free status, like all other fledgling religion.

basically its the occult watered down and thinly veiled for profit
think the kabbalah center but more Freudian hypnosis and child abuse
also its xemu not xenu

To creare "clear" towns. Aka sino sharia wherever they go by infiltrating areas of that town with the sea org.

However most people still laugh at them.

T.east grinstead (saint hill town) resident

The org flank people in two they want to march around town to the bank to start their scientology joint account or the train station.

They will tell people they avoid them because they are sea org members and they run things here but really its because they are nutcases in 80s wayfarers and suits you can spot a mile away.

The goal is to get a few people up in the ranks of hollywood/wherever by crooked means and promising people this for slavedom and money.

They cut the masons and such a bit and miscarriage and the rest live like pigs off the rest.

Meanwhile dumbasses get £10 a week to live on and scrub shitters all day.

Only people like gaiman get famous with the nepotism like vardy got into the football league because of his dad in the masons is a bunch of pisstakers with a pyramid scheme.



>be l ron hubbard
>invade hollywood and assorted other us elites with your fan fiction tier faith
>die and wait several decades
>piss off Sup Forums
>face significant blowback
>wait 10 years
>Sup Forums goes through fedora phase, Christ cuck phase, varg phase, etc. etc., finds all wanting and looking for a new thing
>in steps scientology, the official religion of the alt-right

This was all pre-ordained.

Set to music:


No its really self help + vitamins/healthy living+cult w/ ayy lmaos and spirits to sell it to people as 'cool'.


This is scientology in a picture

Providing a strong alternative to the Jewish cabal in Hollywood.

Was he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

Tax free property holdings company

at the surface level to hook people in its self help
but the deeper levels are self hypnosis and hubbards way of exerting power over people

> tfw will never happen to me

>tfw harness all the latent power and send it to kek instead


literally just stealing money ... which is why nobody gives a shit

Axiom 56 Theta brings order to chaos

Nah people being told something isnt physical manipulation by hubbard people have to be drawn in enough to buy the lectures.

That song is terrible btw

David Miscavige is a vicious dictator using Scientology to increase his personal wealth. Hubbard (especially towards the end of his life) actually seemed to believe in his work and its ability to help people. That doesn't make him any less insane or greedy. The whole premise behind the religion was a delusional man trying to make as much money as possible.

The membership is dwindling but they seem to gaining more and more assets. Nothing will happen until Miscavige dies and then I hope to IRS changes their mind on tax exemption. The billion dollar tax bill should then hopefully kill off this horrific cult.

To be cheaper and less blasphemous than the mormons.

Making every closeted celebrity become their spokesman

axiom 26 reality is the agreed upon apparency of existence
axiom 27 an actuality can exist for one individually but when it is agreed upon by others it can be said to be reality
for you its an actuality that people are being abused but Scientologists are happy where they are on the bridge and they all agreed and thats reality bud maybe you should think about your infinity

They literally were banned in France. Stop saying it's a religion. It's a fucking cult.

World domination if they can manage it.
Same as every other cult.

>gaining more assets
Didn't they have some kind of cashflow problem a couple years ago with their navy? I swear I remember reading something about their capital ship being stuck in port for repairs or something and they couldn't afford to fix it.
What kind of assets are they stockpiling these days?

mainly real estate
the Freewinds was being renovated but is now back up for operation and taking anyone ready for the corresponding OT level

They are buying up as much property as possible and converting them into 'Ideal Orgs' using basically slave labour from the Sea Org. They are consistently trying to gain more money through extorting members. The total assets of Scientology are around $1.5bn, basically all owned by Miscavige.

>real estate
lol how many compounds do these fuckers need?

Listen bud i grew up watching the brainlets being lied to and personally knew higher ups leading the sheep.

Ive seen an old guy live on £15 and dream of converting people to get money to go clearwater.

Ive met the real leaders here and there that larp along but know its a scam.

You are trying to sell ice to eskimos here buddy.

In the beginning they were tax exempt, then the IRS took that exemption away. Scino's then infiltrated the IRS and put the exemption back in place. In the 90's I think?

The city of Clearwater, FL suffers with their presence. Surrounding downtown cities are thriving much more than downtown Clearwater where the Scino world headquarters is. They also have $8 million a year in property tax exemptions.

In the upcoming election, if a few candidates are elected - Scino's will sit on something like 70% of the seats.

Recently, the 'leader' was trying to negotiate buying a water front piece of property that the city had first right to buy, and basically said, "let us buy this waterfront piece of property and we'll invest money in downtown". City of Clearwater said fuck you and bought it anyways. Then Scino leader ceased communications with the city afterwards.

Their marketing looks like something out of the seminar industry selling a get rich quick scheme. They sell books a tapes, yet are classified as a religion and tax exempt status.

The leaders in these towns they go to are masons

They support occult shit and only care about money so guess why they get land?

a while back they mistakenly mailed me some marketing materials selling courses and electronic devices. Such a crock of shit they are classified as a religion.

they just come up with some front and buy it as someone else thats the only thing the midget is actually good at

>The leaders in these towns they go to are masons

what are you saying? The leaders of Scientology are Freemasons? Or masons are scino's?

It a PR thing with all cults they pretend they have more power and mpney than they actually do itsnlike north korea smoke and mirrors.

What do you mean? Scientology is the fastest growing religion on Earth? Are you some sort of SP?


I'm glad there isn't an org anywhere near where I live.

>What's their endgame?

I miss end game posts

Yes and proud!y so



Scientolgy/cults =oto/rosicrucian/odd freemasonry psy ops collectively "the new age"


Aliester Crowley is more of a Satanist than a mason. Albert Pike was a Mason.

Alien Pussy

those are some looong legs


>What's their endgame?

Tax evasion?

I wonder if there are videos dissecting those machines

They're just resistance meters.

Suppressive Person, basically anyone who speaks out against Scientology or tries to hinder it.

Textbook cult using terminology to control its members. Cuts the members off from the real world using language.


Here is a video.

But it is not the new Mark VIII


>What is the end game of this pyramid scheme?

Cash money cash money!
Lots of dopey followers who let you treat them like slaves!
Hollywood ho-bags who suck your dick for the glory of Elron!
A giant-ass yacht!
Mansions everywhere!
Slaves to keep the lawn trimmed so you don't have to hire Mexican slaves!
A couple hundred thousand people you can fuck with because you can tell them ANYTHING and they'll believe it!
Celebrities you can blackmail into doing ANYTHING because you bugged their apartments.
Get to be David Miscavige!

If we wanted to do a good deed this year maybe convincing Law Enforcement Officers to raid some Scientology locations would be a good move according to many that have left Scientology there are legitimate brainwashed virtual hostages there.

The father of the current leader of Scientology talked about how he had to plan for 6 months to escape when he had finally become disillusioned with the so-called religion you can find the video of his testimony on YouTube I Believe

And when I say convince you know what I mean winky face

Brainwashed slaves.

Just not this particular police officer holy shit best argument I've ever seen against affirmative action well besides Trevor Noah at any rate


What is the intro music to the apprentice tv show for /thread?

>Mansions everywhere!

Owned by a higher up Scientologist.


t. Newfag who missed Chanology

Lot of redheads in that picture.

Their endgame is to become gods essentially. They believe in reincarnation. Some members sign million year contracts. Supposedly anyone who signs this kinda contract will find their way to scientology in their next life somehow. They think being a faggot is spiritually toxic and dont allow any of their hardcore members to be homo.

>put the exemption back in place
the fbi or some other entity that was investigating them fucked up badly and when they agreed to end all lawsuits they managed to keep tax exemptions

Pretty much this.