Feminism coming to South Korea?


>magic goggles that show you how all men are secretly creeps that want to rape you
>or secretly gay

This is how it fucking begins South Korea. This is how they get their foot in the door.

>Oh c'mon, it's just for fun! It's not meant to be taken so seriously!

Don't say I didn't warn you.

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>Feminism coming to South Korea?
Did you forget the president who was literally part of a satanist feminist cult?

south korean women are actually feminine. must protect at all costs.

one of the last bastions of true femininity it seems


Meh, it's been like that for a long time in SK and Japan.

Dont you fucking remember park? she had a fucking occult witch shit group. south korea has a fucking ministry of women and shit.

I do kind of remember that but admittedly I'm not all that familiar with SK politics. I just assumed they were kind of similar to Japan (ie. homogeneous and not degenerate)

Why is SK and Japanese birth rate so low?

idk considering how a v e r a g e korean women are so hot

>ie. homogeneous and not degenerate)


Why is K-Pop so amazing?

and then she was immediately ousted from power after a countrywide protest

don't spoil my dreams user

>Feminism coming to South Korea?
Nigger the countries former leader admitted to being brainwashed by a feminist cult.

>feminism in South Korea

this is soft core porn. It's the girls that are actually creepy.
They all look the same with the same make up and surgeries. Maybe it's feminine look but they look like an army of the same model of android with different wig.

yea but they're hot androids though


>t. Bestie fan trying to make a stealth kpop thread



They mutilate their dicks just like their American masters, truly a cuck nation

nice meme

If every other girl looked like that, I think it would be boring after a while

Try looking up how long she was president. Not to mention her father was also president for over a decade.

Enjoying your deployment, Sailor?

based nk not cutting their dicks

네 다음 문빠

You weren't fooling anyone

Bestie is kil

education and career over anything else,for both males and females

If acting like a whore is considered feminine, i can guarantee we are not running out of it

meant to reply to


Normally I can make these terrible kpop songs sound somewhat decent by doubling the play speed but that did nothing for this shitshow.

Bestie are pure though

Is being ugly as fuck a side effect of that?

u lookin' to die boy

leave him alone; he probably hates asians because of all of the chinks he has to deal with

Im sorry but they are like ugly aliens to me you fucking amerilards

That's already the case. I think they're called magnelians. They're a weird anti male feminist cult.

asians will forever look like aliens to me