American Pastor: Jews are Children of the Devil

This prominent holocaust-denying American pastor has been preaching negatively about Jews. He even has a whole playlist on YouTube full of videos condemning Jews. There are news reports covering him... he even tricked Jewish Rabbis into giving interviews for a documentary that condemned the Jews. Has he gone too far?

What is the Synagogue of Satan

Jews are Children of the Devil

The Jews are Our Enemies

Jews are Antichrists

On Military Support for Israel

Jews Persecuting Christians

Israel is a Spiritual Sodom and Gomorrha

God is NOT with Israel's Armies


The Holocaust Hoax Exposed

Marching to Zion

Other urls found in this thread:

ABC News Attacks Faithful Word Baptist Church

How can one man be so controversial?


will you stop shilling this retarded creationist?

christians, you just have to ignore them, i mean

once we get rid of the jews, the christians will be kept in line, but for now, we can use each other, we can help each other

>the enemy of my enemy


Resist jews by breeding your daughter with a Baptist Bible Believing Christian. Your godly mulatto grandchildren will sure defeat the jews!


You are not welcome here pole smoker you are an abomination

Yea that's absolutely ridiculous. Why would a pastor conduct a marriage ceremony for two people in his church? Marriage is a social construct.

Go worship your jewish rabbi and good goy preachers somewhere else.
Christards get the rope too.


Why is he preaching against Jews if he is a Jew? Can you explain this to me? What's his plan

>if you hate niggers you're a faggot
KYS retard

Steven Anderson is a fucking cuck. He preaches for hours and hours about how gays should be killed and how they're sinners because they go against the Bible, ect.

But then when it comes to Islam he's a total bitch.

>P-please don't be mean to muslims, it's not their fault that they were born that way.
>Muslims are just lost, p-please stop saying bad things to them.
>Most muslims are actually good people, it's only a few of them who are bad.

Yes the Bible does say that if you commit homosexual acts that you should be put to death. But it also says that anybody who worships false idols should be put to death also. I'm so fucking tired of Christians cherry picking things they want to follow and ignoring other things that they don't just so they can push their own personal agenda.

You aint gonna do anything you little faggot! FITE ME, weak beta pussy!

Mohammad was a Pedophile

>pole idolizing a nigger lover

but there is nothing special about this guy except the fact he allows whites to waste their babies

Does he actually pay someone to shill his bullshit? This constant daily shitposting can't be someone just doing this.
>if you don't like constant shitposting then you're a jew
Fuck off.
>racemixing is good
>if you don't support racemixing you're a fag

>implying that's a bad thing
Young girls are naturally more desirable than older women. It's simple biology. Men who disagree do so simply to comply with societal norms. It's sad, really.
To explain, let me list some of the traits that men typically look for in the perfect girl.
The perfect girl
>is small
>is cute
>is pure
>is impressionable
>is soft
>is naive
>is innocent but has a natural curiosity for lewd things
>smells good (faint milk/crayon/fruit smell)
>will always look up to you
>will listen to you
>will trust you
>is interested in your hobbies
>doesn't care only about money
>likes to watch you play video games
>will let you teach her all kinds of things
>likes to cuddle with you
>has perfect skin without blemishes
As you can see, all of those exclusively apply to younger girls. Also, they tend to have a slightly higher body temperature, which feels great when cuddling.

He is anti-white.

He hates jews and fags and denies the holocaust?

So what? He's an anti-white so who cares.

There are tens of thousands listening to Pastor Anderson preaching every day, and he reaches millions of people worldwide. He is leading a total reformation of American churches.

Consummating your marriage with a prepubescent child is not good.

>tries to attack BAPTISTS
>posts the c*Tholic pope

>russian federation

Fucking retard

people put a lot of effort into going after a small group of people

>Does he actually pay someone to shill his bullshit? This constant daily shitposting can't be someone just doing this.
No it's just funny how mad he makes the sodomites on this board


>saying we shoukdn't geneocide niggers means yiu're antiwhite

Nice and all, but the guy looks like a jew himself, so...

>He is leading a total reformation of American churches.
He's just some nigger loving retard on the internet.
>Consummating your marriage with a prepubescent child is not good.
What the fuck is with you retards thinking anyone who doesn't want your constant shitpost threads is a "sodomite"?

>sodomite poster

You're doing God's work OP!

Where are you newfags coming from? Fuck, probably somebody posting about Sup Forums on youtube comments and now you newfags are here.

>the sodomite recoils in fear

I hope soon russians will ct your faggot head off sodomite

>BASED black matchmaker man!!!

>I'm a shitposting newfag
>I can't even call people a fag right
You are the worst cancer.

>pedo sodomite
I guess I didn't need to repeat the same word twice though


Pastor Anderson is good except when it comes to race mixing. He still wants to approve of the rootless multiracial globalist agenda to destroy all goyim races because Jesus loves red and yellow black and white all the children of the world or something.

Pastor Anderson's antisemitism is inspired by God. Fight the good fight and finish what Jesus started.

There is no such thing as race you stormfagot sodomite retard
GO back to masturbating with your copy of turdler diaries and fuck off when grown ups are talking

Pastor Anderson has been banned from several countries, including Britain and Australia I believe, because he preaches the Bible.

ABC 15 News goes after Pastor Steven L Anderson

Live TV News Interview with Pastor Steven L Anderson on channel 12

Pastor Anderson Rebukes Sodomites on ABC News

Catholics aren't Christian.

he says Robin Williams is burning in Hell

I would be ok with him if his “sermons?” Werent so blatantly bad. He clearly hasn’t been to any reputable seminary and has no clue on biblical hermeneutics.
That being said, he is at least awake to the problem (((they))) present.

Was Robin Williams a born again christian? If not then yeah, he is

Hell isn't real, you stupid nigger lover.
>Fight the good fight and finish what Jesus started.
But that's a contradiction. Finishing what Jesus started would be laying down and not fighting back against your enemies like he said and did as an example.
Go back to Facebook or wherever the fuck you came from, you nigger loving piece of shit. Wait, there is another possibility, you could be a nigger trying to convince human beings you're just like them because PRAISE JEBUS.

THE_DONALD and a bunch of middle age mommy's have flooded the board that's why.

>preaches exactly what's written in the New Testament and not some washed out liberal garbage
OMG he's crazy!!!!

>There is no such thing as race
I don't agree with that but being a stormfag cumskinworshipper is completely degenerate.

>le based sodomite man

Sola scriptura, dumbass.

Pastor Anderson probably knows more Bible and theology than 99% of pastors out there. That being said I don't agree with him about everything, but to claim that his sermons are "blatantly bad" when he probably has the best sermons available on the internet, is just dishonest.

Steven has by far the most Bible-packed and biblically sound sermons I've ever heard.

>Finishing what Jesus started would be laying down and not fighting back against your enemies like he said and did as an example.

>he hasn't read the Bible


I'm pretty sure its cause he committed suicide

Lol. :D

What's the point of talking against jews when you're doing work of jews yourself? With shit like he contributes to triumph of juden more than any college professor spreading marxism.

Marrying a white girl to a nigger is.

Claiming that race is a social construct and that whites don't exist is.

>my skin is all i have

He is a quarter-jew.

I do believe sola scriptura. So where is he getting his extra biblical commandments like “you shouldnt drink any alcohol?”

Doubt it many many pastors have manyvyearsbsof schooling on the subject. I have a few nuns, priests, and pastors in my family they would al laugh at this guy and consider him miss guided. You sped to much time on your special snowflake buddle

You're denying the race God made you because of the Tabula Rasa enlightenment myth and Marxist anti-racialist indoctrination. Society didn't make us different, God made us different, blue birds fly with blue birds, red birds fly with red birds. They're all birds, but they all have their own family, and race is just extended family. Curse all you want, you know I'm right.

Fuck you christcuck piece of shit trying to make like supporting one's own people instead of supporting their destruction is a bad thing.
Okay, I'm pretty sure I did, but maybe I missed the part where Rabbi Yeshua said to fight back against your enemies and protect yourself and did such things himself. Because all the parts I read he said and did the opposite and his close friends and followers followed his words and example. I could go get the quotes but, fuck, you know the quotes and where they are. Fuck you.

>race and identity are just skin color

>MUH jew religion is all I have

>There is no such thing as race
Lie will not become truth even if you repeat it a million times. Race matters more than religion. In fact, all that is good about religion, particularly Christianity, comes form it being infused with inherent spirit and mentality of European race.

Just by blood you lying fgaggot
He's a 100% Christian.

Usually the most vocal haters of homosexuals are closet-cases on grindr.

Can't wait for this christfag to get busted

Suicide doesnt send you to hell. Catholics believe that, but the notifier of if someone is saved from hell (we are all deserving of hell) is if someone is saved by grace through faith. A person can give into mental illness and commit suicide and still have Christ’s salvation.
Just another example of how bad a preacher he is.

He proves that from the Bible.

It's not the business of the church to say who should marry whom. Atheist or pagan organisations don't prevent racemixing either. It's a matter for the state. If you have a problem with mixed marriages, write to your congressman.

I believe Anderson more than i believe some skin worshipping sodomiote on the internet.

>race is skin
>absolutely not an mindset, behavior, intellect etc.
How about you lurk more before posting faggot.

Christ insanity is a mind virus. Just like liberalism.

No, suicide doesn't send you to hell. King Saul killed himself and is in Heaven.

Saw a docu from 1967 in wich the guy said that max 600k jews died during ww2 not 6 million

No, he doesn’t. He makes a lie up that “wine doesn’t really mean wine.” And goes solely on that.
Christ drank wine
Christ made water into strong wine (the man at the party even commented that the wine Christ made was strong stuff)
Anderson is preaching his own beliefs trying to couch them in the Bible the best he can

>maybe I missed the part where Rabbi Yeshua said to fight back against your enemies and protect yourself and did such things himself
You certainly did. Read Acts and Revelation.

How about you kill yourself you sodomite faggot skin worshipping piece of kike shit?

Was robin williams saved though?

> muh synagogue of Satan meme

Revelation 3 provides no way or form to know who these "fake jews" are, as everything in the Gospel it is vague and contradictory

So you randomly have decided that the synagogue of Satan is the modern Jews, as if that would change anything at all

Jesus himself said that the world is of Satan, and he made it quite clear that the only way to oppose "Satan" is by opposing the World. Which is INSANE if your main concerns are the survival of a WORLDY civilization into the far future. A concern that Christianity makes completely pointless

Why are you even here? You have no skin on this game. According to you, the Jewish War God will WIN no matter what and slay your enemies

There is nothing on the line for Christians

They gave up on this Universe

Europe being Islamic or not is completely IRRELEVANT for a christians that believes in the plan of God

The plan which promised that God would come back after 1000 years of oppression and persecution of his followers

A christians wanting to oppose the oppression of his people is going against God's plan

And it is not some sort of twisted interpretation by the Pope or evil catholics:

- "it is the duty of a Christian to suffer injustice, not to seize the sword and take to violence" - Martin Luther

No my friend, sadly you're the retard here. You fell for the tricks of a con man just like so many others here have.

Either you follow every single rule the Bible says or you don't follow any of it at all. None of this jumping back and forth,flip-flopping bullshit. If Anderson is going to say that gays should be put to death because the Bible says so then he should not exclude Muslims either. Just because he criticizes the Koran and Muhammed doesn't mean anything.

Also, the whole "most Muslims are good people" argument that he and many liberals today keep repeating is simply just false. Sure the majority of them arent going around blowing themselves up. But the majority of them hold radical beliefs.

But then that also means he is antiblack

Ok? That shows good judgement. That doesn’t mean he is a good pastor who should be believed more than a hermeneuticslly sound pastor

Steven Anderson on race-mixing
"Interracial Marriage" Baptist Preaching (independent, fundamental, KJV sermon)
"Races" are a Fraud
>the son of Amminadab, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah
>For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah
>He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.
>He came to his own people, and even they rejected him.

His own people aka Jews.
>You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.

Samaritans aka Gentiles.


No, it's passed number 50 when he git it checked

How is he wrong you faggot?

>All Christians Are Cucks

>All Christians are Cucks #2

>All Christians are Cucks #3

>All Christians are Cucks #4

>All Christians are Cucks #5

>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant

>Cuck Identity

>Cuck Identity #2


Synagogue of Satan debunked

I don't give a fuck about jews, this cuck preacher marries niggers to white women and says race doesn't exist, christcucks keep trying shill this faggot.

>Why do people care about berating an increasingly irrelevant religion anyway?
Because they're not irrelevant. They actively fund and even run many of the boats coming from Africa to Europe.

So which is it? Is Christianity too violent or not violent enough? Fight it out amongst yourselves.

I dont know, but to say he went to hell because of the suicide and not because he is an unrepentant sinner shows just how bad Anderson is.

Yeah, you missed the parts in the bible referring to defeating the Jews who lie and use synagogues. Also, Jesus went into the "merchants" (jews) and beat em with a whip and flipped their tables. Cuckboy.

I like that he is pure and insists on pure truth. But I don't like that he insists on theology so much. He should try to address some practical issues too, such as, how do we get water pure? How do we solve cancer? How do we colonize space?

He should start addressing some practical problems too.
>Konrad Hermann Joseph Adenauer was a German statesman who served as the first post-war Chancellor of Germany (West Germany) from 1949 to 1963.
>He was the first leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), a Christian Democratic party that under his leadership became, and has since usually been the most influential party in the country.
>He displayed a strong dedication to a broad vision of market-based liberal democracy and anti-communism.
>West Germany joined NATO in 1955
>is the President of Germany, serving since March 2012. A former Lutheran pastor, he came to prominence as an anti-communist civil rights activist in East Germany
>the daughter of Horst Kasner, a Lutheran pastor and a native of Berlin, and his wife Herlind, born in 1928 in Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland)
>is a German politician who is currently Chancellor of Germany. She is also the leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU).
>From 1979, as an advocate of 'open societies', Soros financially supported dissidents including Poland's Solidarity movement
>first trade union in a Warsaw Pact country that was not controlled by a communist party.
>anti-Soviet social movement ranging from people associated with the Catholic Church
>CIA covert support
>In Sollicitudo rei socialis, a major document of Catholic Social Teaching, Pope John Paul II identifies the concept of solidarity with the poor and marginalized as a constitutive element of the Gospel and human participation in the common good.

More like, there never been more churches, while Christian Democrats didn't even exist in Socialism. Pro-refugee faggots are all Christian.