Sum up your country in one image

Sum up your country in one image

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if that pic is trure they can take over at any time what a pussy cop

how cucked do you have to be to even take that photo as a 'joke'?




Substitute "Europe" with my country and it's perfect

Based Poland

Your flag does not say Sweden.



Cpt Fuck America






>when your ass cheeks double as mudguards

R8. Me and my doggo. Plus guess my country

Weakest police in the world..


link to article?

wtf is that guy a midget?



You might consider working on your pecks..

Also, don't sleep with your dog, its both disgusting and pathetic.







fatty pig

Thread theme:

Also, prepare to retreat to your comfy hut as shit goes down any day now.....



Mirrors and this is what is wrong with Marvel Comics.

Thanks m80.

Nope. Close though. Both my parents are polish, I was born somewhere else.

I bathe my dog usually once a week.

Your a decade or two late with that image, that image better represents the Bush era "Boomer Nationalism" period of the USA. Today the image is much more cucked.





Decided I'm gonna join the forces after seeing this embarassment. Gotta do my part to cure the disease

Making it obvious now Maciek




>Argie last two months were all about this guy
>Santiago Maldonado, a hippie who was also an activist for Natives
>Natives were blocking the route and he join in
>Argies forces arrive
>They run away
>Argies forces enter the native reserve without any authorization
>Natives run away and this guy magically dissappear
>two months pass
>Leftist, Peronist and all kind of liberals are puting the country on fire because they blame the gov.
>"He is a missing in Democracy" "Macri (our president) is literally Hitler" etc.
>He was found this week drown in a river
>Last night the autopsy say that he have no injure
>Apparently he just drown because he didn't know how to swim
>Leftist are mad as fuck and still blame the Argies forces
>They want the resignation of the Ministery of Defense wich is also destroying the narcopolitics business.

>one video

Ignore my terrible English lol







That webm makes we want to become american.



I love that movie... I wish I haven't see it just to see it again!

Funny enough my fav. movie and TV series are both Germans. This and Unsere väter Unsere mütter I doubt there is a better TV series than that

atleast it used to be so.

>double crust pizza
>double crust

What kind of failed abortion wants two crusts on their pizza?




machir es judio, machir (y su escuadron de judios anti blancos) le permiten a estos grupos guerrilleros de mestizos operar libremente en suelo nacional (por cierto estos grupos actuan libremente desde 2014, pero ningún medio los nombro, que coincidencia!)

esto fue un caso plantado para causar aun mas división, el muerto de los kirzner fue (((nisman))) y el de machir es maldonado, quien era narcotraficante y probablemente fue asesinado (si es que el cuerpo es suyo siquiera) por otros miembros de su grupo indigenista anti blanco.

con respecto a lo que decís de que patricia bulrich está atacando el narcotrafico: es totalmente falso. Estan atacando los narcos funcionales a los kirzner, para establecer ellos su propia hegemonia, los casos de los detenidos son minimos y Rosario sigue siendo lo que era hace antes de que machir asumiera, y eso que pasaron 2 años de gestión. Antes de que vengas con la respuesta de "pero lleva tiempo": otra mentira, te recuerdo que la guerra contra la subversión se libró en 2 años (76 a 78). y ya al día que estaban los militares en las calles los lugares eran mas seguros porque los montoneros tenían que cuidarse.

esto es una trama judía para distraer a la gente bienintencionada y enfrentarla. además de justificar todo futuro accionar de esta organización que literalmente dijo "Vamos a erradicar el legado europeo en argentina".
mientras tanto hacen quedar al judio machir como ultra-derechista (algo que nunca fue ni será, ya que no responde a los intereses de los argentinos blancos, en verdad los verdaderos argentinos) quien nos llena de africanos musulmanes (provenientes de senegal y nigeria) y de indios/mestizos sudacas.

She a qt3.14

Let me guess... you're one of Salbuchi supporters?





nop, salbuchi es anti-blanco pro judio.

por cierto bulrich esta casada con yattah, que es el jefe del museo del holocausto en argentina. y también tiene un primo musulman en iran MUY pesado. además de tener un pasado como montonera. los machir son igual de corruptos que los kirzner y todos los que estuvieron despues del 83, solo que estos lo saben disimular mas gracias a la propaganda judia. Quien pueda abrir los ojos se dará cuenta de que sus mentiras se caen a pedazos

Very well done




Ive got to be honest, that looks like a grindr profile pic


>almost 3 million poles im the UK who dont want to go back to Poland
>posts that picture

Serbia, you raped the dog after?

I agreed with you that they are all pro-Jews and Marxist anti-European culture but SM wasn't planned m8. Stop watching so many conspiracy theories.

Still, there are no one better in this country. The only better solution than Macri is the Military taking over like before.

Niggers can't swim

I was going to post a pic of someones wife sucking my dick, but then no married woman would ever trust me again.




Also, you have no such thing

Wow. Bavarians sure have contributed a lot to Western civilisation.


Sauce? Asking for a friend

>muh dick
>in a cheating harlot
>Proud too

what percent Cocaoa are you?




Poo In Loo Power

World Superpower by 2050