Vegas HUGE TWIST - The Two Towers

Mike Adams bullet trajectory analysis, when pegged down to a specific location, matches the abandoned Skyvue towers perfectly.
The skyvue towers are what is left of an abandoned ferris wheel project that started five years ago. They are the supports that were supposed to hold the wheel. For whatever reason it was not deemed economically viable and they abandoned it. The towers stand 200 feet tall, and have mechanical access doors and an interior stairwell inside of them for providing service access to the Ferris wheel hub.

VERY IMPORTANT: Trolls are trolling the towers badly, and I always use troll behavior to gauge the validity of a topic. Trolls are doing everything they can to divert the public away from these towers. These towers are so close to the concert that they are considered to be at near point blank range for a basic 5.56 round (not even an updated boosted one.) Their much closer proximity to the concert would explain why the gunfire was so loud. Their position also would explain why people in the videos appear to have had temporary shelter in front of the stage until gunmen opened fire from other angles. Their position also would explain why the performers and people back stage said they first became aware of the shooting when bullets started hitting the roof of the stage.

Other urls found in this thread:

Trolls are preying on ignorance, hoping people can't get a concert perspective on how the towers were actually positioned, and are then saying the towers were not tall enough to give a shooter a vantage point to see the crowd from behind or above the stage (gee, that sounds familiar, I said right in the beginning the shots probably came from above the stage). Trolls are calling the towers "mounds of dirt", torn down, full of re bar (so no one could shoot from them) and all other manners of lies about them, and I can probably guess why. The answer is obvious, and now trolls are not going to be able to bury these towers because I hunted down a perfect perspective of where they are and posted it here, (above and below) which pretty much means the end of their work on this.

People posted to social media that the police had the entire area around the towers completely sealed off after the shooting. Obviously it would be to make sure all evidence of shooting from the towers was cleaned up perfectly, with no one to witness the cleanup, let alone wander into the area later (which only has a mundane chain link fence surrounding it) and finding proof part of the shooting happened from there.
Obviously since the shooting was a deep state op, all the shooters had to do when they finished is call it miller time and wait while the situation on the ground below cooled off. After that, it was a short walk to an industrial area to the south west of the towers and into the air port for an easy getaway.

let's say you're right

now what?


I'm gonna need a point here.

oy vey another disinfo thread, 5 shekels have been deposited in your account. Im not going to larp or leave you in the mystery like some anons do... its a fucking tuning fork. think about 9/11 and now this. they are both tuning forks now youre where Im at... what are they for? what type of energy? (remember to think in frequency vibration and energy)

Further evidence of multiple shooters. Multiple shooters = OPERATION - not a lone wolf attack. The more we chip away at their lone wolf white guy with bad guns story, the better chance we have at keeping our gun laws, and people will doubt the mainstream story. When we have an educated, aware public, the (((media))) can't pull shit like they do any more. We need the public to not believe the official narrative. It gives (((them))) less power. The veil is being pulled away from our eyes.

>tuning fork

user, I believe it. I really didn't dawn on me until this moment. On a side note, every major US city I have been to, I've located at least one or two major building or landmarks with "tuning" architecture/design. The two large radio towers in Seattle legit gives me the creeps.

Nvm. Suck cocks in hell conspiritard. Ya had me with the rest of it but you ruined the mood.

nine eleven

I don't care if you believe or not in the esoteric. Let's look at a little more hard evidence shall we?

I have always wondered why they did not tear the towers down, like other similar half-constructed abandoned eyesores in Vegas.
It would be good to see if the shooting actually came from BEHIND THE STAGE, try to analyze this video please:
View of Massacre From High Mandalay Bay Hotel Room


Make up all the theories you want. This case is closed and there will be an official report in six months or so and that'll be the end of it. Crazy white man.

More than one shooter proven in this ten second portion of the following video...

At about :49 seconds a long machine gun burst begins and continues on until :58. however at :53 a SECOND, closer gun can be heard. It is a short, two-second burst. The difference in burst lengths means one cannot be an echo of the other.

This is indisputable. Two shooters.

Maybe it's been shared already, maybe not (who's got the time to follow every thread?)

But it proves those who claim one shooter are lying.

Spread this before the video gets deleted.

Here is the YouTube version:

So the HookTube version would be:

Why would they use 2 shooters when 1 would have sufficed?

You may be right, OP, but what happens when you prove this to be true? You singlehandedly uncover a CIA/FBI/whatever 3-letter agency plot to murder Americans for stricter gun laws and body scanners, then the government just says "you got us!" and admits wrongdoing?

you fucking nonce. check this picture. it was on a google account called AZ Flyguy which also had a video with paddock in it. checkmate skyking

If you have multiple tuning forks of the same frequency next to each other, and you strike one and let it ring out, the other tuning forks start vibrating out loud. The goal is to create negative energy around a tuning location, so other tuning locations across the country reverberate the negative energy.

Stop wasting every ones fucking time with a bullshit esoteric theory. It was supposed to be a observation wheel but all the investors pulled out because it was a retarded idea with one already half way down the strip.

>barely any posts ITT and there are already a bunch of braindead gubment dindu nuffin mainstream news shills here saying it doesn't matter if there were two shooters

>video makes you sign in to watch
>jewgle reports every individual who has watched vegas conspiracy videos directly to NSA
Enjoy getting v&

Anyways, back on track for evidence.

More analysis here in this video:

Use the hooktube link

Those are concrete foundations. They aren’t hollow. There aren’t ladders. Nobody is staging there.

This is the first I've heard about these support columns. Interesting. Bump.

It’s on Google Maps and been there long enough to be rendered in Google VR. There isn’t a way up, it’s secure to avoid suicides.


Explains why many in the crowd were pointing toward the area above the stage as they were taking cover in the videos. Also, pretty much impossible to have this many casualties with only one shooter and 1200 or so rounds fired in spray and pray mode with a toy

ID says gOD

lets pack it up boys

Yes we need to comb the videos and find when and where these people were pointing and taking cover from. If people thought there was a shooter on the towers behind the stage, we'd see their reactions as such.

Imagine he put a bumper stock on a sniper rifle. Thousands would have been killed.
Think of the children.

How true is this? You wouldn't bamboozle me over an anonymous telecommunications connection would you?

Friendly reminder nobody in the crowd was shot

OP must repent for his shitpost

>no evidence of bullets hitting the ground or anyone being shot despite thousands of cameras

This really jogs the old noggin too my dude.

>On March 5, 2012, Shotgun Creek Investments, headed by Wayne Perry, announced their involvement in the $300 million project. By August 2012 they had "invested tens of millions" and may put in more, according to a statement released by SkyVue. In early 2013 Shotgun Creek Investments made two loans totaling $9 million in the project.


There are eye witness accounts of people being shot and plenty of forensic evidence regarding the ammunition. The bullet trail is how they discovered the airport’s fuel tanks were the target for example. Just because the forensic evidence of a case only a month old isn’t posted on the Internet doesn’t mean you should think naive

If you're shilling kys, if you want to know the truth follow my posts in this thread and then come back to me with that comment.

Drones were used
Maybe a shooter involved
FBI director warned that drone attacks
were coming 'imminently'
Drone testing base nearby...go look it up

'Friendlies' were present, one reason for the
lack of clarity in the attack
It was a "miracle" more people were not hurt
This was not as complicated as people believe
Owner of MGM is a shady mother fucker


Why do these threads exist. We've already confirmed Mike Adams is a psuedo-science shill who can't even do basic math properly. His videos were already debunked.

by the way, you can find the harvard study where they came up with the acoustic reconstruction formula and they specifically state that it does not work for situations like this. The shooter must be shooting at a single target, the microphone must either be
>Directly next to the shooter, or
>Directly next to the target
When the shooter has multiple targets and is spraying, and the microphone is not at the bullet impact location, you won't be able to get remotely close to shooter location using the recordings. That's a joint study between a Harvard PHD and the airforce and its the source of the formula that Adams' tried to apply here. He didn't even do his math right lol

The towers themselves are HOLLOW. It would not be far-fetched to have an access ladder inside, especially considering this was supposed to be a huge Ferris wheel and connected to a shopping center.

Here's a video of a guy saying that the shooting sounded like it was coming from the sound system. This supports the evidence shots were coming from behind the stage area.

A video showing possible muzzle flashes and movement from the top of the tower

No, it was coming from the sound system. Its part of the audio track in jason aldeans song thats playing through the speakers. Listen to the first shots line up perfectly with the song.

Used as a distraction, to cause more confusion.

I love hooktube for this reason

You virgin beta males are so fucking pathetic. You will go to great lengths to "disprove" what really happened. Stop defending a CRAZY WHITE GUY WITH ASSAULT MILITARY GUNS. That's what it was. One of YOUR KIND. All of these conspiracy theories are your futile attempts of trying to discredit the worst murderer in US history, a gun loving conservative male. Sir-fucking-prise! What's next, Sandy Hook wasn't real and the Batman shooter was just a hologram and Dylan Roof was innocent? You are a bunch of psychopath conspiratards.

I dont disagree with this. There definitely couldve been another target in the area, and the chaos caused by the fake gun shot sounds could have been used to mask the real shots. But nobody fired indiscriminantly into the harvest festival crowd, and no one in that crowd was killed.

Kind of funny how the Coke advertisement looks like blood splatter.

Not shilling, just trying to pull these low IQ theorists out of the dumpster

There were definite fatalities

t. former medic

There were supposed to be a lot more fatalities too

Kek. You pathetic sheep. What really happened then tough guy?

Its common knowledge sandy hook wasnt real, dylan roof took his racism a bit too far (i get it Sup Forums, but indiscriminantly killing people is a no go in my book) and is not innocent, james holmes is most definitely an insane person and i think most people agree that shit is real and scary.

Are you fucking retarded. Google maps show the access doors at the base of each tower. Fuckimg faggot.
Focus on Eric

>that second video


1 post by this ID. Thanks for the bump moorish faggot

Agree, fatalities were supposed to range in the hundreds to thousands. May have worked if the fuel tankers exploded and alarms weren’t set off

>t. former medic
What the fuck does this matter? What more credibility would that give you in debunking or proving this from hundreds of miles away?

I'll post as many photos of the grounds from the day after as you want, and you wont find a spot of blood, and "59 people were killed by bullet wounds, hundreds more were shot" yet there is NO BLOOD. How does that make sense?

There a various photos from the scene and hospital that night. You’re on a fool’s crusade believing in a No Blood narrrative


Easy to disprove. Just post blood for us

>various photos from the scene
I know, i doubt youll show me one i havent seen.

I don’t work for you bitch

Here ill post 2 more photos from the scene too, let me know how legit these are, they were on cnn the day after so they must be real ....

kek. then we will continue to assert this shit never happened

See anything suspicious here?

So you’re going to post photos a couple of photos from the perimeter to validate your confirmation bias? Most of the blood was focused in the pit

Be an 80 IQ pleb, I don’t give a shit if you aren’t equipped with critical thinking

My tax dollars are paying for you to post here. You do work for me bitch

>focused in the pit
kek, good one

>focused in the pit
One more for good measure

Dude. Holy fuck is this legit? Sauce?

I guess those bodies aren’t real either? Most of the concrete pit is blocked here and is where most of the bio would have been concentrated. There won’t be a high enough concentration of blood on the grass to displace the color fro that range. Most of the blood would be absorbed in the soil.

Besides, what’s the fucking point.. claiming the shooting was a hoax? lel

If I have to explain that to you then you have no prior medical training, and have no idea why it is easy to tell if someone is faking a bullet wound.

Also, those of us who have prior experience
responding to mass casualties incidents emergency response protocol, and SOPs... know how people can behave in these situations.

Or they could be real bodies laying there pretending to be dead for a photo op? Maybe with some dummys under sheets sprinkled in too...

Hey former medic, we need your expertise, would they leave these bodies laying around in the sun all day the next day?

The video where the guy is walking around checking on dead bodies, some guy got a round of 5.56 (at minimum) that went clear through his head (according to the actors in the video) and he was still breathing? Is that how that would work?

Also explain pic related when compared to the ones ive posted

They are definitely bodies. Davis is a local mortuary. Applying Occam’s Razor here if we believe the local mortuary van’s are deep state or the business is in on it

Occam's razor is such a buzzword for you guys lately damn. Simplest explanation for not seeing any blood on the scene, imo, would be that no one got shot. Does what cnn and msnbc say change the "simplest explanation"? Is every person on this board not already aware the media all collude together?

Because it was a crime scene, and many authorities were involved. It was large attack.
When we pronounce a patient deceased or DOA, we have the police present to call it as well. If the patient is DOA, the police wait for the coroner. Remember, some people died at the hospital.

No it’s about a simple explanation of explaining whether the bodies are real or not. Mortuary van is transporting bodies

Yes, the human body can still continue to pump
blood, and respiration can continue. He was dying.

How bout instead of jumping to conclusions based on what youve been told you actually just look at evidence, then decide if im right or not?
>pic related is literally the closest thing ive seen to a "gunshot wound" in hundreds of pics and dozens of videos

What evidence? The pics with bodies? You haven’t even posted any pics from the scene from the night of. Your objectivity is compromised by a confirmation bias

Look at all these EMTs and police on scene, while people are casually walking away

If they are that close to the venue and people were firing automatic weapons out of them why the hell didn't the crowd just look up in that direction and notice it? Are you really that stupid?

Bodies with no blood, probably what, 13 hours? Minimum? Judging by the shadows, after the shooting

im curious which who the dead body is with the crossed legs.

Go to 8:06 to see normal behavior of a multiple
gunshot wound victim

>pic related was allegedly from the hospital
I posted EVERY PHOTO ive seen with blood. Those are literally the only ones. Thats my whole point you faggot

If you’re expecting to see blood stained bags then you clearly don’t understand how coagulation works

>someone call ambulance! I shot real bad. Owww

And i posted 2, clearly staged judging by our wheelchairin friend, photos from the scene the night of. Here have another, this is totally an organic photo from minutes after hundreds of people were shot by automatic gunfire all around them.

>near point blank range for a basic 5.56 round (not even an updated boosted one.)

I have seen at least one video of the street in front of Mandalay that had bullet holes in the actual road as well as a string of corpses. I havent been able to locate this video a second time, the original was removed

>blood coagulation
Whatre you just trying to use medical terms to validate your argument? Why were they there for so long? So people shot dont bleed at all then? Why is there no blood in ANY of these photos? Blood coagulation?

Why is there always some bullshit tinfoil theory when a lunatic goes on a killing spree?

Don’t underestimate the power of being drunk all day in the Vegas sun. Pretty obvious in the videos with people arguing about gun or not and not taking cover at all. People just walked away when the music stopped because the concert was over

Plenty of inexperienced, non medical trained internet warriors larping as CSI in here. Blood begins to coagulate in seconds.and completes in 15-20 minutes.

Well isnt that convenient

One of the (((victims))) Denise Salmon Burditus