What is the best state in the union


no niggers, family values, guns

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> Vermont
Even more white people and more guns. Site of the future white ethnostate

i love vermont

Nova Scotia here, want to live in either Vermont orr Maine.


maine is apparently also haunted as fuck

>Barnie Sandlers

I'm from California and It is the worst state in the union by far.

Lax gun laws, qt latinas, publix subs, govt. in the sunshine laws, beaches.

Because those two states are essentially Canada.

Fuck off we're full



My state because nobody knows anything about it and nobody moves here except for one city. It's also probably the most racist state in the union with the founding of a lot of white supremacist movements.
We also have beautiful scenery.


michigan. but only north of the 44th parallel.

No, they're essentially part of the Maritimes.

Wheat and cheap new cars. Not a bad combo to leave the state immediately..

Top tier
>Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, New Hampshire, Maine, Iowa, Idaho, Washington, Utah

Ok tier
>Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota

Shit tier
>Illinois, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New Jersey, any southern state

Kys tier
>California, New York

That's why there aren't any niggers Hans

>Shall Issue

>Family Values
There population has been stagnant for decades, hell it's probably declining now.

New England secession when?

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The environment of Florida fucking blows. Give me a northern woods any day. I can't wait to get out of this shit hole.

>blue state

Fuck off.

>more like fuck off we're mexican
>más como ir a la mierda somos mexicanos

This guy knows. Washington may be libcucked by Seattle, but the quality of life there is worth it.

Fuck yes. Mount Sunflower ftw

Oregon. It's red once you get out of Portland. Lots of public land for camping and shooting. pic related

How many Jews died in the Holocaust?


Hello fellow Kansanon

I am very interested in moving to Washington. The housing prices seem horrendous though. Any general insights into living in Washington?

figured as much

>North of 44th parallel
>Completely dependent on the area south of it
Mackinac island beach?

Cheerwine is better

Why do you think the KKK dressed like ghosts?
Niggers hate ghosts.

Glorious AZ. We love our guns. Lotta spics but eh.

>How many Jews died in the Holocaust?
Not enough.


Better not be in fucking Lawrence.
That is not Kansas. Its East San Fransicko.

>Won Trump the election by implementing anti-minority voter id laws right before the election.
>Gerrymandered to limit minority voter power.
>Destroyed cucked teacher unions that were little Marxist propaganda outlets.
>Recently made big deal with foxcon to bring manufacturing jobs back
>Based governor was ahead of the time when he suggested building a wall with Canada.

Strong family values
Strong gun rights
Strong environmental protections
Good social safety net
Good infrastructure
Future capital of the Midwest Union

whats wrong with california without it you wouldnt be here it has the 6th largest economy in the world the only problem with it is that its to liberal and needs more whites and less spics

Thank God for excellent Kansas gun laws - and for our insularity to cucked coastal libs and their ignorant/malevolent policies that undermine civilized society.

Cheese heads are irrelevant, fuck off.

Anything on the coast is going to be expensive. I live on the east side of the state which is basically Idaho 2.0 and the cost of living here is decent. If you want more land/ space for a shop then the east side is more for you. What do you do for work? How important is the surrounding scenery to you? Is ethnic minority an issue for you?

Nah, I went to school there but I'm in Johnson county. I'd go nuts surrounded by all those liberal nuts in Lawrence

If you’re white move to Auburn, prices are better than elsewhere. Or Monroe but it’s slightly more expensive. If you’re latino or Indian stay where you are, we’re full.

>family values
>votes Democratic

New Hampshire

Sorry sweetie, but don't you have some Somalians be enriched by?

Sedgwick, bro.

Too bad the insufferable citizens make a beautiful state borderline unbearable. Not just the Seattleites either, everyone in the state.

>anti-minority voter id laws
straight up bullshit.
niggers have id's.
how else you cash welfare checks or get gubmint gibs?
buy liquor?
fuck some places card you for cigs even if your kids carry you into store.

A jew made this thread.

Let that sink in.

Im moving to maine I think. I want somewhere cold to help keep away browns.

old map, needs updating
this one is better

Is the stereotype true that you guys have lots of hot German/Nordic qts up there

California has it's issues but I won't deny that Cali has a special American subculture to it. When I think of California, I think of cruising the Sierra Nevadas in a shitty old Volkswagen bus while jamming out to RHCP

what state do you live in right now?

It is haunted, Satan.

Maine for sure. grew up there then moved away ad an adult. I've been all over the U.S. and the world and nothing compares to Maine

Much obliged, user

What's wrong with the people from the rest of the state? I'm from Spokane and im genuinely curious. Do we act different than other Americans?

northern california. my parents moved here from eastern europe since my dad is an engineer and makes great money out here. im lonely though, I want to live somewhere cold away from all this

Maine doesn't have a lot of Jews. Mostly WASPs, Micks, Krauts, and frogs. And some Swedes up north.


Top tier
>California, New York, Florida, Colorado,
Ok tier
>Illinois, Massachusetts, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey
shit tier
>Vermont, Maine, Iowa, Idaho, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Indiana, Montana
kys tier
>Texas, dixie

in the early 2000's they were allowing somolian refugees to flee to Maine. but now after they fucked up the entire town of Lewiston the Govenor is kicking them out. pretty soon Maine will be restored to its prior glory. everyone there is extremely friendly.

California is fucking gorgeous, but half the state looks like a 3rd world country now thanks to the people living here.

I bet you're from Vancouver, Toronto, or Ontario

>more white people
Heh, no. Maine has twice as many whites, with the percentage of whites being pretty much even in both states.
>more guns
I do have to give you props for having constitutional carry throughout your statehood. I have to doubt that a state half Maine's size and filled with champagne socialists would have more guns, though. I'm sure northern Maine alone would give you a run for your money.
>tfw even satan wants to move to freezing-ass maine to get away from the shitskins

I've been living in Washington (suburbs of Seattle) for 6 years now andbi wants stand the fucking hippy ass bullshit here. the rest of Washington and parts of Oregon are amazing.

Then feel free to come, I just wanted to make sure you weren't from Massholejewshits or Jew York

Those people always come up here to sell drugs so most people hate them

What's so great about California? Norther New England has the best scenery and history. Also the whitest in the union.

I've noticed there seems to be a disproportionately large amount of Sup Forumslocks from California. Is it because all the SJWs drive you farther to the right

Sort of like how a lot of the most edgy militant atheists come from the bible belt.

So what you guys think about North Dakota?
In more particular, Fargo.
I recently moved Los Angeles to here and my life situations changed dramatically though.

>New England
>Best scenery
You need to take a trip out west buddy

If it wasn't for Seattle I would say WA I've been all over except dixie and the PNW is the best just one retarded city controls the whole state. Now they want to pervert our state constitution and start a state income tax to pay for heroin injection centers and tiny houses for bums while making all the major roads toll roads

>allowing nignogs to carry their guns anywhere
Just make a permit required. Any responsible white man would easily be able to get one .

canada lol quit talking out of your ass for the love of god

I always forget just how fucking huge Alaska actually is. Why aren't we doing more with it? Its literally half the size of the US.

I have a few family members that worked there for a few years during the fracking boom. They said that the winters there are ruthless and unforgiving. I'm from northeast Washington and we get pummeled by snow so I was surprised to hear them express that level of dread.

Don't kid yourself. I'm in Southeast Kansas, and I fucking hate it here. Brownback sucks dick, no fucking jobs anywhere and tweakers are completely out of control.

Oh, Trust me. I used to live in Washington, Everett and I know how snow feels over there.
Compare to that... Yeah, winter is fucking russian level here. I got used to it though.
Or perhaps I haven't even got a worst of it, yet.

I hate GAY Inslee so much. I'm praying Jinyoung wins the state senate election we are one seat away from having a state income tax. 45th usually goes republican but things are changing here she got less votes in the primary. Going to Eastern WA is like going to a different country. People in Western WA are all autistic or drug addicts usually both

Oregon and Washington are beautiful, especially the Columbia Gorge

That map is a little distorted but yes Alaska is huge. Remember that half of the state is uninhabited tundra and the other half is seasonal tundra with neverending marshland. A lot of Alaska is unsuited for road construction and laying of foundations because theyll just fall apart and sink in the mud. The entire population lives west of the mountains, near the coast where the temperature is sorta bearable and open for trade via harbors.

West Virginia
Any other answer is incorrect

it only looks that's big because of the projection distorting it, it's not 1/2 as big as the contiguous states, it's 1/5 the size of the contiguous states, twice the size of texas

Dirty hippies. Tiny population. Huge percentage of leftists. The gayest of the 3 real new england states.


Wyoming i'd say?

New Hampshire is popular state for libertarian ideas. I don't know how many Black people live there, there might be some the government brought over from Africa as "refugees" but I doubt too many Blacks moved there from the south, since they like warmer weather. The cops also recognize that citizens have a second amendment right and are usually pretty cool about it if you don't do anything stupid. It's not like California where cops would shit themselves if they found out you were legally carrying a gun.

you don't fucking know anything about our country
shut up dogfucker

+excellent food
+excellent scenery
+good for fishing
+mostly white
+barely any antifa garbage
+not poor
-BLM garbage is there
-Blue state
Overall a very good place to live.

>1 Texas
>2 Tennessee
>3 New Hampshire

>top tier washington

Lol stop kidding yourself wafags. You're bay area california with rain.

>SE Kansas, no jobs
Go to Wichita or Overland Park. You'll be mugged by jobs.

No I live east of the Cascades and near the foothills of the Washington - Idaho Rockies. We get ~ 15 ft of snow per year and averages around 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything worse than what I live with now would be unbearable to me. That's why i freaked out when my uncle, who liked to snowmobile in the mountains for fun, told me that Dakota was too much for him.

Maine fag born and raised can confirm best state after Texas.

Tennessee is absolute garbage. What the fuck are you talking about

>Seattle is the entire state
You must be from the east

Isn't Texas full of Hispanic people? I haven't been there for about year, but when I was around the Dallas area I saw pretty blonde girls with black guys, and Mexican-Americans EVERYWHERE.