The sooner they're gone the better...

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we buy all their movies
they become independant with thriving economy
we stop buying their movies

>pelosi gives up power

I see multiple States being re-added from parts of California as a result of this.
The Regressive Left will BTFO itself again KEK & the Moon Man will it.

california seceding is something we don't want. That's something that would show weakness to the world.

What we need to do is somehow force them to cut out the faggotry, but I'm just not sure how to do that.

Collapsing their economy would probably be a better solution, but unless it's accelerated it will never happen with enough rapidness to affect a desire for change, just a slow descent into decay that is barely perceptible.

I, for one, welcome the new State of Jefferson.

We need to build a wall around California first though. If they leave, some of them could escape and infect the rest of the country.

>california seceding is something we don't want

Speak for yourself faggot

>The sooner they're gone the better...
Hopefully they take Washington, Florida, Jew York, and both Carolinas with them.

It's the people of California we want to get rid of, not the land.

We have to drop all the dregs over there first.

chances this actually happens?

How awesome would it be to reenact Sherman's March to the Sea all the way from San Fran down to San Diego?

faggot. if a random US state can just secede, that shows instability, which is the LAST thing we need to show the world right now.

also fuck getting rid of a chunk of land. California is a huge piece of land, and fairly good land at that. It would be stupid to allow it to just leave.

Ron Paul seems to think it's a good idea:

Roughly equivalent to your chances of banging out Ivanka Trump tonight: not impossible, but by no means probable.


Catalonia Declaring Independence.

They're all going back but Cali isn't going anywhere

Much of California's water comes from rivers that originate in the mountain states.

Gosh, we might as well use that water upriver!

>One survey of business executives has ranked California as the worst state in America to do business for 8 years in a row

>In what is sounding like a broken record, California once again ranked dead last in Chief Executive magazine's annual Best and Worst States for Business survey of CEOs - as it has all 12 years the survey has been conducted

California is full of "celebrities" and Hollywood. Why is a state full of the "best" actively trying to be the objective worst in the country?

Yes, they definitely won't get the whole state. And we should have access to west coast ports.


You shut your whore mouth

>big fat white tits
All of my hopes and dreams.

But yeah, California doesn't have near enough water to support its population. That's just one of many issues a California in succession would have to deal with.

Getting rid of army of shit skins and fags > losing piece of land.

Thats what they said about trump. And brexit. Its a new day my friend!

Exactly, the same for a number of western states such as arizona. Not enough local water to support the populations. Any severe damage to the infrastructure or disruption in delivery will cause massive problems.

Having California secede is how to get rid of the people.
The land can always be reconquered. California will be our Gaul.

WA, OR, and a good number of the Rockies states are more than good on water though.

That's because ((they)) weren't paying attention to the citizenry but were instead jamming out to their own choirs. Look at a map of California and how it voted. You get the coastal cities as blue, but the rest of the State is red.

Calexit is a leftist masturbatory aid.

did i say do nothing, faggot?

>California leaves the Union
>Begin deporting Californians.

You have to go back.

They don't get to take the entire land mass. They'll need to concede a good chunk of state to the union.

The point is the argument is framed such that all California wants to go, when that is not the fact at all. The meme comes from urban coastal lefties and their serfs. You look at it by county and you see that there are plenty of right leaning areas in California that would, likely as not, want to have nothing to do with a succession.

This is all assuming its bloodless as well, which is a hell of an assumption given how succession was treated last time.

>somehow collapse their economy
Not exactly but you may have well have said do nothing. Their econ will collapse when they leave and have to take every fucking worthless shit skin and house, educate, feed and clothe them.

B-b-b-b-but muh 5th largest economy in the world!

Once again, I'm not anticipating a clean break of entire california, but a fractured secession. Maybe they split in 2, and we keep a piece of land called california and they get to name theres fagistan or north mexico or something.

Fair enough, then.

>B-b-b-b-but muh 5th largest economy in the world!
Trust me, that will cease to be the case soon enough. Texas will woo enough right minded techies who dont want to live in the fag capital of the world. Lots of people will surrender to american values and leave the fag coast.

Anyone have the comic of California threatening to jump off a building and America -California telling them to do it, then the state of Jefferson appears next to the us and says do a flip

As a California resident, you have no idea how shit this state is. You basically stay in the northern or select white gated communities or you're fucked.

You can't escape degeneracy, no matter where you go. 80% of kids past 6 grade are doing some sort of drug.

I did Coke in fucking 8th grade, I used to be a druggy just like everyone else I knew.

California has no leverage to push secession but the federal government has plenty of leverage to push a breakup of California into 2 or more states. So basically Calexit will be a total backfire for the left.

California isn't going to secede. Let's say they sign a piece of paper saying "we secede".

The US courts and lawyers won't aknowledge it. If California makes their own laws they can't enforce it because they don't have a military while the US does.

If the US ever wanted to fuck with california they would put an embargo on them. The state has a water shortage and needs to BUY the stuff from neighboring states. An embargo would have the entire population dehydrating and ready to surrender unconditionally in a week.

too many spics. austin is embarrassing

no, i want them to secede
and then i want texas to secede
and then i want the U.S. to balkanize
that is what i want

That economy will dry up when we dam the Colorado River at the border.

As a southerner, I can positively fap to the fact that the fags want states rights now.

Memes telling liberals to move to commiefornia to create a commie paradise.

The wrong arm is up in the reflection.

Both Carolinas? Unironically kys you nigger faggot


When they do, can we deport all the californians from Washington state and make seattle great again?

They're extremely unwelcome here, but they keep fucking coming anyway.

We even avoid eye contact and conversation with them, and they still fucking come and won't leave.



> digits

> California stays
Socal leaves

Retard op. You think the us will give up it's military bases and ports?

California is mostly conservative, but the counties that matter are extremely blue.

The only way they could possibly vote to secede would be to allow the extra 30+ million Mexicans currently in the state to vote.

Trump just needs the national guard in the run off all the illegals.

I'm a democrat and that shit is killing the state. 20% of the gdp is being sucked up by the fucking illegals.

The sooner they secede the sooner we purge them and repopulate

Please do this, Yanks. Anything you can to make this happen. The democrats will literally never be voted into power again.

we need to start supporting commies everywhere and tell them to get california to secede

I'd love to be able to ship all the commies and pseudo-Californias out of WA. That would just be fantastic beyond measure.

>cali declares secession
rural areas have their own secession movements
>break away from cali and go with the US
>suddenly california is a few patches in of urban areas with reduced revenue and even higher taxation
>public order can't be held up since no one wants to pump money into this madness and no one in the public sector is willing to take some paycuts
>US government intervenes and takes back the cities from their own demise

The spics will be forced to leave. They'll go home or to cali. Leaving texas for the US.

Texas is pleased. Concentration camps for Commiefornia when?

Get on it!

The us government should just make southern California a non voting territory, make Jefferson an official state in the Union. No uneven stars and stripes, no more 55 electoral vote handicap for Democunts

>When they do, can we deport all the californians from Washington state and make seattle great again?
Of course we can! Anything is possible in a US without California!


If the state votes blue every election, htf does what you say make any sense?

>thriving economy
Why do you assume the US would use their ports?

>Let it secede
>Let rural areas secede from it back to the US
>Block its water access
>Take it back but deport everyone who voted to secede to Mexico

balkanize the u.s.
everyone encourage californians to secede

California is mostly conservative =/= the majority of Californians are conservative. This is not a hard concept to grasp, Paco.

that is what that means
a government is its people

Russian propoganda to split up the states.


They can't have the land, but they are free to fuck off right out of the US. If californian's hate the US got live in another country, but the state itself stays part of the US.

I'm sure there are conservatives in california. But if the MAJORITY were conservative, it would be a red state, not a blue state you fucking imbecile! Holy shit you're a retard! Please, consider kys asap.

>that is what that means
I have no idea what you're getting at there. Want to try again?

>a government is its people
No, it is not. A government is something a people do and create together. To wit: our government is a representative democracy. It's not a pure democracy. As such, the majority cannot simple trample the minority. So, it is completely right to say

i hope the south secedes again. gritniggers are a cancer and drain for the true bourgeois cityfolk such as the Californians.

If California leaves the democrats will never win another election. They have 55 electoral votes.

It's just geography, populous cities may turn a state blue, but the rural areas stay red.

Then the president will always be Republican... good going CA.

(rural jew york fag here) its only really the city thats bad, most of ny is fine

why would they care
if they're not a part of the union, they wouldn't care about its government

good...fuckin build a wall around it too. with no doors

Shush, don't remind them.

Rename the whole damn state to Atlantis and set off every explosive we've got along the San Andreas.

The majority of the dots in that box are blue, the majority of that box is covered in red dots. How the fuck is this hard for you to grasp?

Encourage them to pass single payer healthcare which applies to illegal immigrants.

You mean the kind of bill that just got vetoed?

>It's just geography, populous cities may turn a state blue, but the rural areas stay red.
YES. And populous means heavily populated. If the heavily populated areas are libs and the sparsely populated areas are conservative that means there are more libs in california then a lot. JUST LOOK AT THE VOTING HISTORY! My god people are dumb. Please move to california or kys.

>California tries to secede
>tanks and Civil War laws still on books fuck them
>California reduced to non-voting military district
>wouldn't be able to vote in 2020 just like Virginia, Texas, and Mississippi in 1868
>California carved up into gerrymander'd new states
>Republicans now have more senators and electoral votes
>Democrats lose 55 electoral votes

It's almost like they're trying to drag us down to their level

>(rural jew york fag here) its only really the city thats bad, most of ny is fine
I confirm this is true. I'm born and raised in NYC, and spend much time at my family home upstate. Much better up there.

Jerry Brown said it would be a complete disaster but the Gavin Newsomes and Kevin De Leon's seem to be on board. Doctors will leave, people from all over the world will fly in for free care and it will destroy the state and serve as an example to the rest of the country.

>good...fuckin build a wall around it too. with no doors
Oh yeah, definitely getting the wall treatment!

>Cali leaves
>all the illegals and niggers and spics run over there because of free gibs and free of a country now completely in control of the right wing
>Cali lets them all in
>Americas IQ jumps, test scores jump, STDs drop, crime drops, because a 90%+ white society again
>meanwhile Cali starts going bankrupt due to the massive welfare state
>has to tax all their businesses to pay for it
>all the businesses leave and come back to America
>we build a wall around Cali and it becomes a dystopian containment zones for liberals, niggers, and spics
I need to see this timeline

>ITT Russian propaganda

Not sure if CA will secede but as long as they don't get a bailout and the rest of the country gets more conservative it doesn't matter.

There is no mechanism for secession in the US constitution, and the question was conclusively settled in the Civil War. They could probably try and secede, but then they would be subject to occupation by federal forces.

This is all just mental masturbation of course, still fun to larp about it though.