We Need Socialism

I'm a custodian and working my fucking ass off and I can barely aford rent. Everyday I walk an hour and a half to work I work at a school, and i walk an hour and a half back. I am poor and can barely eat i have to eat rice a lot since it's cheap. Why should someone like me have to pay for his own medical bills? Why should i not have crime insurance? People like me are at the bottom of society why can't I have some help?

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So you haven't signed up for SNAP or checked out the fuck loads of other social programs that keeps the Niggers and Spics afloat?


I was rejected from welfare because I'm not disabled (even though i am but they don't consider me disabled). It's actually quite hard to get on welfare if you aren't disabled

so you basically want someone else to pay for your stuff

do you think that everyone who have more than you got it for free or that they never had to work hard once in their lives?

stop being a faggot and climb the ladder so that eventually you don't have to work as hard

What kind of phone do you have? What is your internet plan? What shoes do you wear when not working?

So youre basically telling him to suck that jewish cock just to climb that capitalist ladder which most likely never bee achieved?

Why were all the communists in power Jewish?

I agree. We need Socialism. National Socialism

lol hold up


You could always move to Venezuela

That sounds like bullshit.

>le go to le shitty country because le commie bootstraps nigger 60 IQ nigger commie shithole and le welfare queens get out of white uber-capitalist utopia REEEEEEEEEEE

SNAP eligibility is purely based on income. Being disabled has nothing to do with it

>climb the ladder
If working hard my whole life didn't get me there how will it now?

I dont have a phone and my i buy cheapest laggiest internet possible. I have the same shoes I wore when i was a senior in high-school

I'm good

Try going on welfare, you'd be rejected in a heartbeat.

Nigger you're defending a guy using a fucking kek flag

So you're saying that everyone should be poor just like you?
I'll pass, but thanks.

Start working another job buddy
I got through working as a cook at night and a baker during the day
after about a year of hard grinding and stealing meals, I managed to get a cushy 30k being a pastry chef at another place. Now I'm considering using my savings to attend trade school to train for a better paying job with more potential to move up.
Just keep at it bro, you don't need the hand outs, you just have to make some drastic sacrifices of time and comfort.


It's okay. They just use those words to throw insults to try and end an argument.

Well it doesn't work. I tried to get welfare.

First of all, fuck you and your faggy kekistani flag. Second of all, you have and most likely had a million opportunities to not be(come) a slave labor chump that you have, continue to, and probably will forever pass up.

I do the same thing. I get paid more than $13/hour and have free healthcare as far as the premium and a fairly low deductible and total out of pocket


No im saying everyone should be rich

>in this economy
There are no jobs. And this is the only one that would hire me in walking distance

What opportunities?

This is the second post I've seen like this in the past week. The second guy was bitching that he was a NEET and couldn't afford a fucking bicycle. You will not get sympathy from us. The reason you and all your ilk are in your current situation is poor planning, poor decision making, and most likely a low IQ.

Apply for better jobs and buy a bike you mongoloid. Stop blaming society for your personal failure when tons of people like you are able to make it work for them.

Yes what's the other option? Steal productive white people's money?

If you're just going to complain about your circumstances then you obviously don't want to be successful
There is always a way to make it brother. Look harder or live in poverty the rest of your life.

shut up. Just because its crap now, does not equate to being crap forever. Grow up. If you aren't born rich, you will need to do work to get a shitty job. Just quit crying. No one really gives a fuck about you or other minimum wage workers until it affects the temperature of my ham burger. Do better for yourself or stay right where you are. I don't care. The world needs janitors.

>still believing in the (((social ladder ascension))

I agree, I am American and I am probably the most socialist man in the country even more aggressively than Bernie Sanders.

If it were up to me on how I would plan it, I would nationalize the fuck out of the oil industry, gas industry, nationalize jewlery and gold and diamons, health care industry, all food companies and groceries and restaraunts and even fast food restaraunts be nationalized, nationalize the automobile industry and the airports and tech industry and nationalize the transportation system and as well as nationalize all major colleges and universities.

Once these institutions are nationalized I would have them completely free and accessable to the American nation while foriegners and tourists will have to pay.

In addition to the massive wealth generated by the nationalized institutions, I would take advantage of the thirteenth amendment and utilize prisoners and convicts as slave labor and use them to build new roads and cities and beautifully archetectures just as aicnient Egypt and Rome did.

I've been planning since i was 16 and made all the righr decisions

Stop blaming blacks and jews for your career failures then.

You're full of shit my friend on SNAP isn't disaled has a job and is on SNAP. You're just larping as a nigger.

>I'm saying everyone should be rich

>No im saying everyone should be rich
If everyone is rich, no one is rich. You're slave labor wage in 1950 would have been considered upper class. Commie minimum wage laws have nipped that one pretty well.

>>the other option

Please refer to my 4 paragraph post

Your job is going to be taken over by a robot in a year or less
Better kys or get an actually relevant job nigger.
You can be uber driver, it's so fucking easy.
I employ 2 Haitians and pay them bellow minimum wage while I take most of their profits on uber, I'm running an incredible profit and I plan to expand my nigger workforce soon. You are just not smart enough, jump on the modern slavery wagon or jump off a bridge faggot

So sorry user. The game is rigged, whether we admit it or not. Nothing we can do. Stay focused and get creative.

>I am poor and can barely eat i have to eat rice a lot since it's cheap
so why do you have a computer/smart device with internet?

>planning your whole life and made all the right decisions
If you did then you wouldn't be living in garbage

If that's the case you and you still ended up as a fucking janitor, you're probably illegal and need to go back to your own country.

Get another job

I’m a liberal and not a racist. Underachievers like you will ensure good social programs for the genuinely needy never get off the ground.

You obviously have a computer and internet. You need to have better priorities or you will always be poor. It is on you.

*national socialism
if there was no immigration of cheap labour, the amount of people willling to do that job would be almost nil, so the price would rise proportionally

kys NEET fuck. you and your ilk thinking this way is a part of the problem

I've seen niggers and spics that have decent jobs even. Fuck these whinner homosexual faggots.

Refer to what now?

I did and i am, so screw off

Escapism, if it weren't for this I'd come home everyday and just stare at the wall, having some form of entertainment is a basic human need.

I'm a citizen

There are no jobs

I am the needy

>be an uberdriver
If i was a rich ass Indian with connections i would. And it's not easy because getting a job with them is incredibly hard.

le epic XDDD you sure told him lolololol!!!!!!!

Good luck getting a job without one.

Get a bicycle. That should save two hours a day.

Anyway, you need a plan.

In the 1950s everyone had

>a huge house
>vacations every year
>a sick 1950s ford convertible
>lots and lots of land


>>I agree, I am American and I am probably the most socialist man in the country even more aggressively than Bernie Sanders.

>>If it were up to me on how I would plan it, I would nationalize the fuck out of the oil industry, gas industry, nationalize jewlery and gold and diamons, health care industry, all food companies and groceries and restaraunts and even fast food restaraunts be nationalized, nationalize the automobile industry and the airports and tech industry and nationalize the transportation system and as well as nationalize all major colleges and universities.

>> Once these institutions are nationalized I would have them completely free and accessable to the American nation while foriegners and tourists will have to pay.

>>In addition to the massive wealth generated by the nationalized institutions, I would take advantage of the thirteenth amendment and utilize prisoners and convicts as slave labor and use them to build new roads and cities and beautifully archetectures just as aicnient Egypt and Rome did.

Stop crying and grow up

>wahhh wahhh i dont want to pay for your welfare

Nice fantasy world you've created.

Nobody is responsible for your life, except you.

All that free shit in socialism? It's not free - other people pay for it.

If you want a better life, take some classes online in your spare time, learn a marketable skill, and get a new job. Yes - it's hard work, while you're working full time, but moving up in life requires hard work.

If you're not willing to do it, don't expect someone else who was to pity you, and give you hand outs. They worked for what's theirs.

Then kys and be done with it.
No gibs for you

>> thinks using nigger and spic prisoners and convicts as slave labor is a terrible idea.

socialism is for the weak and lazy. you are either unwilling or unable to make moves in your life that will move you forward. learn a skill set. apply yourself. it WILL be hard. success isnt guaranteed. its all about death user. do you want to die your own man with your boots on or do you want to die as a spineless system drone reliant on others for existence? get it together and clean your room faggot.

LOL you ARE that same shill that was complaining about not being able to afford a fucking bicycle.

Fuck back off to shareblue or JIDF or antifa or wherever the fuck you came from you paid shill.

It's not, I visit my grandfathers house every year. It's so big you get lost in it, they have a pool and theirs a tennis court. He was just a typical 1950s guy. Today you'd have to be part of the elite to get that.

you know we've (humanity) tried that and it has never worked... its called communism and you too need to get off of your ass and work faggot

Except there's some people who make crazy amounts of money, them losing 10% of their income could make me 200% happier. Also there are no marketable skills in todays economy you need CONNECTIONS

What skill?

Not quite that much, but it's definitely true that living was easier, though technology wasn't as advanced.

>Everyday I walk an hour and a half to work I work at a school, and i walk an hour and a half back

ffs get a fucking used bicycle, it will reduce your commute time to 30 minutes tops at a very small price.

lmao wut? these are fucks that willingly break laws and choose to live shitty lives for gibmedats. you have 0 concept of reality and it is no wonder you're a socialist

also saged

I was a janitor for 5 years at a school. You're overpaid, I was overpaid

>No im saying everyone should be rich
I have lived in socialism, and it does not work like that. It was the same shitty jobs as you think you have, guaranteed to pay even less, and no freedom on top of it. You have it so good in the US.

You should get on that then. I'm warning you now though that's gonna be hard with no money.

At least the ones who worked for it did. Then came the underachievers who decided that they should let someone else's work pay their way in the world.

>meme flag
Nope. Sage sage sage.

you need to fucking kill yourself retard

Meanwhile I live with my ailing grandmother in the house she and my grandad bought in the late 40s, and he helped pay for with 45 years of work at a GM plant. What you see as life in the 50s is not the reality, just like what senators see of their Hispanic house cleaners is not indicative of all immigrants

It worked in libya when moammar gaddafi was in power. The southern state of Kerala in india is socialist and theyre the cleanest and highest literate and poo free state in all of india.

Germany under hitler was as close you can get to a socialist utopia.

He's thinking of social democracy

Because you aren't my responsibility.

In capitalism you have no freedom plus shit pay PLUS you have to walk around looking at people drive their Lamborghini all day.

You know the Pyramid builders of Giza were buried at the site of said pyramid as Contractors not as slaves. OP is a lying faggot regardless and is probably an unemployed socialist trying to get a rise. He succeeded in showing us his pure stupidity.

inb4 not real socialism meme. just sage and move on these users and marxists will never understand how work is actually beneficial and that men are biologically finetuned to enjoy working. they suffer from low levels of testosterone

You have to work smart too retard.

I could run as a politician in the future or something and introduce it in a way that differs from what anyone has thought of.

The money you will receive, will come from other people.. The state has no money in itself, they can only take from the people and then give away/spend the money.

When you say "Why should someone like me have to pay for his own medical bills?". Are you then implying that other people should pay your medical bills? should other people pay your insurance? should other people give you money?

Have some decency, buy a gun and start robbing people.. Instead of demanding other people should rob other people and then give you the money. Earn your socialism buck, do the work yourself.

This is why family is important. My great grandfather worked hard on the farm, he had 8 children, and now the farm is sold. My grandmother is going to buy me a house with no loans.


I don't get it
>be american
>be born into a poor family
>school where you live is shit, because they are severely underfunded
>do 'okay' in your exams
>get a loan of $50k+ to go to college
>graduate, try to find a job
>can't find a job, end up working in retail
>can't afford to pay rent, let alone own property
>is in major debt, whilst bank keeps increasing interest
>can't afford to pay for his insurance and medical bills

this is most of america. How can people still be anti socialism??

We never decided that, we just cant find jobs

I have more learning disabilites than replies in this thread (not literally but you get the point). I can't "work smart".

Yeah but we want you 200% dead by suicide

I'm an electrical apprentice who lives by himself and I've been scraping by just barely. I was doing a lot better before i was forced into debt to the irs because i couldn't afford health insurance for a few years. Now I'm paying for the mandatory health insurance which i haven't even needed to use for the two years I've had it and also playing catch up for what i still owe the IRS. I'm taking it in all holes so illegal spics can get checkups. I don't have any other debt and i don't live beyond my means.

How can anyone justify this and tell me it's for my own good? Talk about pissing on my feet and telling me it's raining.

At least I'll have my license by next year but that doesn't help me now. I've been floundering for the last 4 thanks to nigger Obama and his mandatory insurance extortion scheme.

The Egyptians used slaves for other things

you aren't my responsibility faggot. get a job.

le le le le le le le XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You don't have a job. Stop lying.

I've noticed this myself here in canada. Family used to be the socialist system that we relied on, it breaks my fucking heart seeing lonely old people struggle today

Join the military

>people are poor because they have internet

>I'm a custodian and working my fucking ass off and I can barely aford rent.
Maybe because you're fucking stupid.
Besides this, and probably because you're stupid, you don't realize we already live in socialism. Its called Keynesianism. Its a soft variant of corporatism.

all of that is the government's fault for intervening.