Huh this really made me think hard

Huh this really made me think hard.

Fedoras and evolietion BTFO

This is the real argument against evolution

Nice thumbnail bro, opinion discarded.

a leaf ad-hom? No fucking way

X doesn't evolve if it never needed to.

Crocs still exist

neither did sharks
or some bacteria

Man, wait for these faggots to get a load of crocodiles, horseshoe crabs, nautiluses and ginkos.

This isn't fuckin /x/ or Sup Forums


Evolution by natural selection is affected by the environment a creature lives in, it is not some magic thing where a creature constantly changes. If a creature is already adapted to an environment then it doesn't evolve because there are no selection pressures to do so. But even if a species doesn't evolve it's DNA changes.

In short, why fix what ain't broke.


I'm ready for the dawn of a new era where leafs are better shitposters than kangaroos

>group of coelacanths stay in one place
>other group gets misplaced
End yourself

Strange fact: the oldest fossil ever discovered is of a frog and appears to be 4.5 billion years old.

You spastic. Evolution is a fact, we know how the damn thing works on every level.

There's more evidence for how evolution works than for fucking gravity; because the planet is fucking LITTERED with millions upon millions of examples.

It has nothing to do with fedoras, and it's not a fucking argument against Christianity - they have NOTHING to do with each other.


At least someone is teaching our ants.

Sounds like you plan on making everyone gay. I wonder why that is. Care to explain, faggot?

I call bullshit

Coelacanths are interesting because they are lobe-finned fish. Lobe-fins were the precursors of amphibian limbs,

Theres less evidence that jesus ever existed..

If evaluation was real there's be evidence, but top scholars have studied the bible for decades and found nothing, I mean its pretty ridiculous to say we all used to be monkies in the jungle, when there's still loads of monkies in the jungle and they don't keep turning into people, and dinosores were the biggest thing ever but they used to come from microscoptic orgasms? Face it, elevation is just a liberal trick designed by the Jew to corrupt our soft vunerable children and to get them to turn away from good god almighty

This is true they belong to Sarcopterygii, which means "lobe-finned" Another fish in this group is the lungfish, which on top of having an air-breathing lung, can also crawl onto and survive on land for a short amount of time.

There no reliable evidence Jesus existed, at all.

Actually they have a fossil of Jesus in the Vatican basement

Reminder that science doesn't hold all of the answers. There are no proofs in science only evidence. Mathematics is the only field that holds proofs. For example 2+2=4.

In science we observe make an observation then form a hypothesis. We conduct an experiment that either supports and does not support the hypothesis. This being said experimental data can provide evidence for multiple conflicting hypotheses.

Lamarkian (now not accepted) evolution vs Darwinian evolution.
All of the theoretical physics shit

The Theory of Evolution not as a ways to justify our origins but to show that life changes is backed by so much evidence. Evolution is not always a positive process. It can be dysgenic or eugenic. We can evolve to be more backwards. Evolution doesn't have to take place either if the environment is not selecting for any change in organisms. If the organism fits its environment very well evolution is less likely to bring about change in that organism's genetics.

TLDR you can be a creationist and still use evolution to explain change in life forms.

Is that the Hive Fleet Kraken what am i looking at

That's a fossil of a witchdoctor's voodoo stick.
It's the smoking gun that proves witchdoctors were around before mammals.

What if its both lamarckian and darwinian


Man if fellow Christians keep being this retarded my arguments might actually get more powerful


>mfw people who don't believe in evolution don't even understand it and always say stupid shit about it

educate yourselves

this is a fundamental misunderstanding of evolution. evolution doesn't mean that organisms are always changing into different organisms, or that they're always 'improving.' it just means that traits that are advantageous for reproduction get selected for.

sharks are older than trees, for example, and have changed very little over many millions of years. because their design has been basically optimal for their environment and they haven't had any mutations introduced that provided a significant advantage.

Evolution is very real, but this is a dishonest example, since everyone knows this particular Pokemon does not evolve at all.

>ready for it
I see leafs blowing Aussies the fuck out at shitposting on a regular basis. Sup Forums just has a culture of confirmation bias, where Ausflag good, leaf flag bad. I'd take a Canadian over an Australian anyday.

>If evolution is false then for some odd reason Creationism is true by default!

Another amerigoblin thread.


only autistic christfags make this argument. normal people dont even understand the picture let alone try to argue it

Not our fault that most of the world believe the lie that we're all a product of some accidental process.

But what about niggers? Did we evolve or deevolve?

It's kind of funny. Take a look at your response and his.
You are either 12 or a completely retarded butthurt atheist

>There's more evidence for how evolution works than for fucking gravity
