What does Sup Forums think of this film?

what does Sup Forums think of this film?

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Should have ended the first five minutes.

it is an art

Who controls Hollywood?

I laughed when they had the one armed man operating the machine on a stop watch.



good comedy


I was forced to watch this shit twice in high school, that was before I was wise to the JQ but even then I thought it was a pointless navel-gazing waste of time. I also thought it was ridiculously over the top. Now I see it for what it is; an anti-white hate film. Every disgusting act you see on screen is a projection of Jewish psychopathy.

It's where Americans get their knowledge of Jews and Nazis.

bad fiction filmed on purpose b/w to suggest hisorical facts. a manifestation of kike lies banned on celluloid desu

Probably one of my favourite Fantasy movies.

Well-made and directed.

Jack off to it every weekend

Wonderful film. Will be showing this to my kids when they are of age as an example of propaganda.

But Schindler is the saviour and he's white. And a nazi.

Post your favorite scene


Interesting how it only ever alluded to gassing but never actually showed it. Maybe that was too cartoonish even for them?

it was a bit hard to watch because it was so try-hard brutal and inhuman to jews.

but I never believed it. it looked like directors tried so hard to tell me that jews were so innocent and they got the absolute worst of it... I mean, why in the world would somebody want take a sniper rifle and shoot an innocent, poor, already beaten and worn out by forced labour right after waking up and smoking a morning cigarette on the balcony.

this shit just does not happen.

I liked it. Amon made me laugh.

It surprised me. Jewberg's Saving Private Ryan is relatively unbiased considering it's a jewish hollywood movie, but Schindler's List is absolutely fucking ridiculous, literally over the top laughable the entire time

He is the ultimate good goy! Jews would be powerless without them.

Shekels for the shekel god.

Too long, will never watch again.

Schindler's Gist maybe.

I pardon you.

was that the one where in one scene someone was shooting his rifle at inmates from his window and was later proven to have been impossible to do or was it the one listed under fiction in the nytimes?


Unbiased? It had a fucking Jew marine taunting captured Germans shoving his star of David in their face to humiliate them.

Yes this is the movie, in reality the guy's house was miles away from the camp or something but in the movie he literally lives in the camp and snipes jews every morning for giggles

Not an exaggeration the movie is that ridiculous and has entire scenes dedicated to that

Jurassic Park was more believable

that was the only part of the movie I liked. Ralph Fiennes acting was insane. gave me chills every time.

You think that didn't happen?

Obviously it's saying the allies were the good guys and nazis are bad but again considering it's literally a jewish hollywood movie it could have been 10x worse with everything

Never any reason given as to why the Germans are so mean. It's just completely irrational!

there's this documentary on youtube called defamation iirc and some point it shows how jews youth in a class room and later travelling all the while watching absolutely brutal or inhumane ''documentaries'' no doubt made by (((them))) to prepare them when they arrive at the camp at which point the kids were getting angry at themselves because they were feeling nothing but they broke down eventually from the horrific display of piled shoes

Had a bunch of boners.


>german killing helpless jew while america looks on like a pussy

If they even began to discuss why the Nazi's came to power, their whole narrative begins to crumble, that's why it's ignored.

All Jewish movies are equally poison.

fucking beta Upham

Im not a fan of the historical fiction genre personally


>Jewish prisoner shot in the head at point blank range
>literally bounces off the ground like a basketball before falling to the side

Immersion status: Ruined




Had to watch it in high school. It made me want to be a Nazi for the first time and made me think how pathetic and weak the jews were. Also I saw right through the propaganda. It played out more like a James bond villain film than a supposed historical event.

Also, the real Amon Goeth was a fat fuck. They chose a far too handsome actor for the role. Same with Schindler. Albeit to his credit, the real Goeth was a far better shot in real life than he was in the movie. He didn't need a high powered scope to shoot prisoners in real life. Just used standard iron sights.


holy fuck, school really makes you watch this kind of garbage and it is proposed as an educational material?

Peak Holohoax propaganda
muh red jacket

At least in my high school we did. We had to get a paper signed because it's rated R and we were only 14.

It was even worst because our teacher would stop the film every 5 minutes to explain shit to us like "Students, in this scene the nazis used zyklon B. To put that into perspective they used zyklon A on insects and pests. Now think about how they felt about the innocent Jews"

>made me think how pathetic and weak the jews were

Same desu

I can't stand 99% of Holocaust movies for that reason alone. The only ones I can sit through are Europa Europa and Defiance.

The probably did that because people find certain things hard to believe. so it would have looked like the director didn't know what he was doing having a man take shots like that without a scope.

It's like how in most films they always play up the master race rhetoric so it appears as if the reason the nazis are even doing it is because they're considered inferior. Not one mention of anything related to Jewish culture, the nazis are just doing it because aryans are strong and jews are weak.

If it's all just "baseless stereotypes" then why go to such great lengths to ignore and hide the main reason jews were persecuted by the nazis?

Redpilled as fuck. Anybody who says otherwise is a larping stormfront D&C spencerfag agent shill FBI agent kike boshevik shareblue Zionist antifa tbqh famalam

>hard to believe

Oh yeah the piano playing scene was explained to me by my teacher; How could such a civilized people like the Germans become such monsters? It just goes to show there is a little bit of Nazi in all of us and we need to constantly check ourselves so that we don't accidentally genocide innocent minorities ever again.

what the actual fuck. it is far too heavy for a 14yo imo. you can get some serious nightmares after watching stuff like that.

is student brainwashing a common thing in US? that could be a legit explanation why 2/3 of the country is cattle.

Objectively outstanding film, one of the greatest ever made, with a lot of Hollywood overdramatisation. A lot of bad things happened during the holocaust, but Spielberg exaggerated it in his portrayal and added things that didn't happen. At least he showed the truth to the shower room/gas chamber conspiracy theory.

what a good goy

blood, gore, violence, death, war, those are things the U.S. treats like nudity is treated in Europe. They'll start showing us that shit by the time we're 10 but we can't see boobies

My teacher did that too. He thought he had to make a point about the Nazis in every scene.

His son later joined the military and was killed by friendly fire. The government lied to him and said he died a hero, but when the truth came out it shattered him.

Wonder if he still stops that film every five minutes and trusts everything he's told.

>looked like the director didn't know what he was doing having a man take shots like that without a scope.

Goeth was generally shooting from less than 200 meters at slow moving or stationary targets. The United States Marine Corps requirements for rifle training is 500 meters using iron sights.

Product of Hollywood

Does it really matter when kids are getting on the internet and watching gonzo porn before they are 10?

>At least he showed the truth to the shower room/gas chamber conspiracy theory.


there's this one guy with the red and white leaf symbol popping up on every single thread with the most sarcastic sense of humour i've ever heard

...so you admit there was a concentration camp?

Sup Forums is slipping today

Should have called it Schwindler's List.

work of fiction lol

so it was like a full movie day in class just to watch Schindler's List? It was a history class or just a random event to show how bad nazis were some decades ago?

Atta boy!

Technically brilliant, but rings hollow. Doesn't have the heart of a true great film like The Godfather or Lawrence of Arabia.

t. movie buff.

I remember the power scene really made me think when they forced us to watch this in school. For some reason that one exchange stuck with me more than all the actual propaganda in the film.

It's a objectively well made movie and was well directed despite if the Holocaust was heavily exaggerated or not.



It's informed knowledge vs general knowledge. You may know what you're talking about, average movie goers don't.

A great example is William Wallace, who took an arrow to the throat and survived. In Braveheart he was wounded by an arrow the the chest, but the director didn't think people would be able to accept that as possible, so they changed it to make it more believable to the average uninformed viewer.

Were you the one who threw up that thread on /his/ that lasted like 30 days?


>William Wallace, who took an arrow to the throat and survived
>In Braveheart he was wounded by an arrow the the chest
>director didn't think people would be able to accept that as possible, so they changed it to make it more believable to the average uninformed viewer
>literally thought Wallace's men wearing woad would somehow be believable

I liked The Pianist and Life is Beautiful more, when it comes to Holocaust theme. Great movie still.

My grandma caught me drawing swastikas when I was a kid. To help me understand how wrong I was, she made me watch this movie. Well, I fell asleep during it so I never have actually watched it. But for the last 20 years, she has accused me of being a Nazi.
Would a Nazi have one of these?

Braveheart is literally one of the most historically inaccurate movies ever made. Isabella of France was like 12 when Wallace died.

If your grandma a Jew?

Best movie for anti-Jewish songs on youtube, desu.

too old for marriage, literally unbelievable

No, she is of Scottish stock, born in the US. On my Dad's side though, that grandma of mine fled Poland due to the war. She always had us call her babushka.


Historically accurate movies are hard to make and even harder to sell. Not to mention people don't know history and get offended when they don't see tropes they expect.
Like that scene in Fury with the Tiger. You had shitload of people crying about how Tiger should've annihilated them.


>Swindlers List
Jew's being Jews.

propaganda out the ass from cradle to grave

>I could have saved gorillions more

Its competently made fantasy.

This movie is legit one of the best comedies if you look at it the right way.

Oy Vey Origins

My proudest fapp

You live like shit, wtf? Have some decency, damn burger. Keep things clean and in order, if you want to wave that flag.

Describes the consequences of white nationalism.