The final solution

The only answer is Antintalisn. Its over. The west, feminism, multiculturalism, extintion of family unit. Just stop having kids. The answer to all of lifes problems.

Or just party, fuck skanks and throw any fetus into the gas chamber with the others. Don't worry about stuff, take some loans and be a happy goy.

Charge your phone

>Implying she actually teaches something worth learning


what does "call on" mean in this example? Please educate this filthy slav.

If there was sauce, this could be a great thread. But you will get herbs for forgetting the sauce.

I had a professor who really only called on girls. They complained he was sexist because he 'picked' on the girls. Truth was there were 3 guys in a class of 30 people and we never did the reading so it was fair...

Fucking hell those problem glasses...

>teacher asks question to class
>class raises hands to answer
>teacher "calls on" student

>smug face
>dyke haircut
>rockabilly make up

10000% cunt guaranteed


what ails you my friend

>class raises hands to answer
Really? Never seen this shit happen. Usually they had a list and was going through it without even bothering to ask class as a whole.

what went wrong in this womans life, cry for help or attention?

>OP needs Bengay

Daddy issues, guaranteed. He was either missing, absent often, deadbeat, or a cuck.

What is about this look that feminists find so appealing? Why do they think it connotes intelligence?

I have no idea but I've wondered the same thing. They go out of their way to look awful. Looks like the fat chick from stranger things

common for women to try and reduce their sex appeal after sexual assault/rejection. is she just hurting inside?

I knew she was a fatty.

Does she always creep in the bushes when taking selfies? Eco hipster signalling?

bookworm, crush on some chad, got rejected then went lesbo. food and the virtual attention fills the hole in her soul