What a cuck haha

What a cuck haha.

Other urls found in this thread:



>sucker punching people
literal nigger behaviour

weak and clown

You know your ID shows and you can't bump your own post, right?

The redpill on this:
nigger sucker punches a white man
white man smiles and keeps walking

To libshits, the idea of being touched without experiencing a severe emotional reaction is so foreign that they spread this image.

What they don't realize is that all over America, centrists are saying "You're not allowed to attack someone just because you hate them."

Keep spreading this image, sharejew. You are punching yourselves in the dick. You're not making America pro-nazi, but you ARE making them anti-Libshit.

I... do not understand why one would wear such a t-shirt in public. Surely it would ruin you for life, socially and financially

because you are a self centered cuck, that thinks the world is centered around you.

It had to be done

Dog shot. I expect nothing more from the left

lol gotta admit that guy's shit-eating grin after getting punched and bleeding while wearing a swatstica shirt in a crowd of people is pretty funny


Why does the alt-right keep on being punched in the head?

He also got spit on what a cuck

I'm assuming they paid this guy

this. but honestly, the left is punching people for Trump shirts and Trump signs.... those are better images to focus on because it makes them look even worse.

He spent the rest of the day getting hugged by black men


because the left is full of violent racists that attack defenseless people


Guess what? I hate niggers and I will never dress like that. I will vote Trump but I will never tell anyone. Yeah, you can take him out but the rest of us aren’t going to stand out like him.

somebody post the picture where the guy has a rose tattoo

The most infuriating part about this is that if the (((Nazi))) punched back it would be "proof" that the right is violent

I fucking hate this life. I don't care about the media. I say hit back and damn what the kikes say

>Get punched in the face so hard, it cures you of racism
Holy shit, punching Nazis actually works!

The faggot deserved it


Last night there was a thread, where this guy got greenlit, pictures of him hugging blacks criminal history etc... suposently this guy is another plant.

Now this is fed posting IRL

that's half the tattoo, on his arm holding the can

lmao picture of the year


I'll stand by him, he's my kind o'cunt

>wearing a swastica
>looking like an american subhuman


in all honesty don't do that kids.

Unless he is an employee of the SPLC who was paid to create media-friendly photo-ops.

>Oh, hi there. My name’s Trevor Moore. I’m the actor who played Scotty in that last video. Now you’re all probably wondering how we managed to pull that sketch off – and the answer lies in good old fashioned Hollywood magic. Through new amazing technology, I was filmed in front of a blue screen, while the Black actor was filmed elsewhere. Then my image was put together with the Black person’s image, later in post-production. That’s right, due to modern miracles I was able to record that sketch safely on a secured sound stage, while the black actors were actually filmed many miles away. I was never in harm’s way for a moment. Isn’t technology wonderful?


Wasn't that guy a plant or "ironic Nazi" LARPer?

There's a pic of him chilling with a nigger.

>That punch only pierced a little bit of his lip
Negroes can't fight

In a cucked country like yours that's for sure.

There's barely any immigrants where I live so I can't relate to pic, you'll have to take up that with the southern homofucks


>being so triggered by WORDS that you think it justifies physical violence
I fucking hate leftists so much.

fighting each other when we ignore the real enemy that controls the means to pit us all against each other...

You're just mad the Day of the Rope came for you instead of the queers and niggers.


What's the Nazi punch total tally right now? I have a feeling it's like somewhere in the upper 30s. Pretty funny kek

The new and improved "1 post by this ID"

>arm fully extended
>knuckles barely connect
>recipient smiling and laughing for cameras only seconds later

KYS. We know you're the same guy, dumbass.

>how do you do fellow white nationalists

>Establishment shills get a faggot from San Francisco.
>Hey, wanna work for us and make $$$?
>Make faggot dress like a skinhead stereotype from 35 years ago
>None will be the wiser. Just take some abuse to trick normies into thinking it's real

Wow. I'm with ANTIFA now
