The Gulag Archipelago Book

I started a thread last week on Solzhenitsyn’s book and it sent the commies into overdrive.

>regular anti-commie thread
>commies don't even bother to show up
>based Archipelago thread
>commie damage control everywhere

I would like to start up a daily/weekly book club thread on the three volumes of Gulag. It is an important, powerful book. If you are interested in 20th Century history or interested in the future of humanity - this book is required reading. Although this book played a significant role in the dissolution of the Soviet Union, its primary importance is the message it proclaims to the present and to the future. Its message transcends time and place: It reveals the weakness of human character and the strength of the human spirit. It demonstrates the dangers of powerful government, the fragileness of individual freedom, and the never-ending battle between them.

This book is a masterpiece. It is at once despairing and optimistic, tragedy and comedy. This is one of the most powerful books I have ever read. At times I was saddened by human cruelty. At other times I was amazed by acts of courage and determination. And at other times I simply laughed out loud. This is the kind of book that forces you to look into your own heart and to think about how you can become a force for good in your world - at least it did that for me.
I dedicate this
to all those who did not live

to tell it.
And may they please forgive me

for not having seen it all

nor remembered it all,

for not having divined all of it.

Other urls found in this thread:


>At the conclusion of the conference, a tribute to Comrade Stalin was called for. Of course, everyone stood up (just as everyone had leaped to his feet during the conference at every mention of his name). ... For three minutes, four minutes, five minutes, the stormy applause, rising to an ovation, continued. But palms were getting sore and raised arms were already aching. And the older people were panting from exhaustion. It was becoming insufferably silly even to those who really adored Stalin.

>However, who would dare to be the first to stop? … After all, NKVD men were standing in the hall applauding and watching to see who would quit first! And in the obscure, small hall, unknown to the leader, the applause went on – six, seven, eight minutes! They were done for! Their goose was cooked! They couldn’t stop now till they collapsed with heart attacks! At the rear of the hall, which was crowded, they could of course cheat a bit, clap less frequently, less vigorously, not so eagerly – but up there with the presidium where everyone could see them?

>The director of the local paper factory, an independent and strong-minded man, stood with the presidium. Aware of all the falsity and all the impossibility of the situation, he still kept on applauding! Nine minutes! Ten! In anguish he watched the secretary of the District Party Committee, but the latter dared not stop. Insanity! To the last man! With make-believe enthusiasm on their faces, looking at each other with faint hope, the district leaders were just going to go on and on applauding till they fell where they stood, till they were carried out of the hall on stretchers! And even then those who were left would not falter…


>Then, after eleven minutes, the director of the paper factory assumed a businesslike expression and sat down in his seat. And, oh, a miracle took place! Where had the universal, uninhibited, indescribable enthusiasm gone? To a man, everyone else stopped dead and sat down. They had been saved!

>The squirrel had been smart enough to jump off his revolving wheel. That, however, was how they discovered who the independent people were. And that was how they went about eliminating them. That same night the factory director was arrested. They easily pasted ten years on him on the pretext of something quite different. But after he had signed Form 206, the final document of the interrogation, his interrogator reminded him:

>“Don’t ever be the first to stop applauding.”

bump and seconded.

>Arrest were also in the tens of millions, they would arrest the wife and her husband and send the children to an orphanage and send the old folks to labor camp.

>You were arrested by a religious pilgrim you put up for the night, you were arrested by a meter man who has come to read your electric meter. You are arrested by a bicyclist who you run into on the street, by a railway conductor, a taxi driver a savings bank teller, the manager of a movie theater, any one of them can arrest you.

>Even in the fever of epidemic arrests, when people leaving for work said farewell to their families every day, because they could not be certain they would return at night, even then almost no one tried to run away and only in rare cases did people commit suicide.
And that was exactly what was required, a submissive SHEEP.

Commies are fucking retarded. They try to get people into power who then use that power to kill them, or the reactionary forces against their retardedness get into power and kill them.

Knew I had a link somewhere.

I can guarantee 95% of normies that read this book would have their whole world view shattered on leftist ideologies and see it for what it really is. This book has changed the world once, lets make it change it gain.

Vol 1:

Solzhenitsyn spends the majority of the first volume explaining exactly how the Soviets developed a court system that allowed them to jail anyone at any time for anything. Then cited all the information directly from Lenin's and Kirlenko's own autobiographies. Which is why it is so haunting because the phrases and words they used to jail people then sound exactly like modern progressives today.

Then he explained how the gulags came about almost exactly as the workers revolt ended. Leninhad a massive Gulag system by the time he died. Stalin just made it bigger. All these could be refuted if the Soviets allowed a free press. Which they didn't. So, there's no real rebuttal to the GA except for government lies. Which it seems many here are quick to suck up.

Thanks user.

Just snagged it on Audible so I can listen to the book during long drives or the bath

Previous bread


Finished Volume 1, thought it was great

That book really opened my eyes, I now believe communism is truly the work of the devil. Should be required reading for everyone on this board

Have you started it yet?

where can I buy a good translation?

2nd hand on Amazon is like 2 dollars. I downloaded it for free on mobilism. It has literally every book imaginable for free in various formats.

Likewise. It changed me. This book could truly change the world. Twice.

I just got the abridged version

How much have you read?

I want to get a nice copy but I also want to make sure it has the author's annotations. Didn't see any for $2 though,

Apologies, I was looking at Pt.1 not volume 1. The ePub I downloaded had the the author's annotations.

I just uploaded it to tinyupload for you in ePub.

None, literally just got it yesterday.


>nazis kill 60 million and plenty of evidence is available to prove it
they wuz gud bois dindu nuffin this is jewish propaganda
m-muh white genocide
>glorious soviet leadership imprisons some traitors
fucking commies reeeee

Disprove even 1 line in the book.

Just started it today. This was written inside my used copy.

>this post can stay for now, because of some really good discussion. But keep in mind that this infamous death camp system is a fabrication created by semitic western propagandists. It should give you an indication of how regressive the US is by comparison to Germany, by showing the US currently still runs slave labor camps in 2017. Secondly, the majority of deaths in "death camps" were from food shortages during WWII.

>Is... is this that "food" stuff we pretend to have in our propaganda?

I haven't read it yet, but have read One Day in the Life of Ivan. I understand that communism doesn't work, but couldn't the same have happened under monarchism or fascism? It seems like the solution is an eventual stateless society.

Using our arguments regarding concentration camps for their bullshit. These people are disgusting.

time to move to the next one

that's pretty cool user. Did you have problems finding a "complete" or "unedited" version?
I remember when looking to buy them, one of the 3 parts was much harder to get than the others, and abridged versions seemed to miss this part out.
(ps i might be thinking of another book entirely)

keep cucking yourself goy

I'm glad his kid made it out of Russia

>mfw this thread is a commie magnet

Leftypol on damage control

>1960, an actually prosperous period
Kek even commies realize that this wasn't the norm

Such a great book. I agree that this book can change the world. Should be mandatory reading for all of the people that call themselves communists in our day and age.

How do I get such aesthetic handwriting?

Just about to start reading this, wish me luck lads


200 Years Together- Complete and Uncensored 2017 Incorrect Library 1st Edition

Give me 1 prolonged period in history when Russia was better for the average citizen than WE or NA, I bet you couldn't find one because it doesn't exist.
The SU, compared to the rest of Russian history had the best living and economic conditions for the average person, with current living conditions in Russia only now, ~30 years later, reaching the levels during the late SU.

this is what comes to mind wtf... sounds just like a post you'd read on Sup Forums if you switch some minor nouns

>compared to the rest of Russian history had the best living and economic conditions for the average person
If we starved all the poor to death our average living and economic conditions would go up too

You'd best be a false-flagger for our side. I sincerely wish to kill these words you speak.


Were the camps intially established for political dissidents and only later expanded for the utility of slave labour or were they made with the slave labour in mind in the first place?

Keep posting your favorite excerpts from the book OP, if you don't mind.
Have you read his other book: Two Hundred Years Together?
It's on my list, but I'd love your summary, highlights etc.

>asking about the nature of the camps
Do I seriously need to redpill you on the holohoax OP?

I read camps too fast and assumed we are talking Nazis not Bolsheviks.

You can try books by Solonevich instead
"Russia in concentration camp", "Dictature of the scum", "Dictature of the impotents"
Great source for destroying ideology of leftist scum, and practical methods of recognizing and predicting them

an actual damage controlling commie normie. Now I've seen everything.

Happens, especially on here.

> The SU, compared to the rest of Russian history had the best living and economic conditions for the average person
At what point?

>the fragileness of individual freedom

you should try to read Two Hundred Years Together to

Commies think a couple academic writers solved all the evils, large and small, of the human species while sitting at the comfort of their desks with pens in their hands over the span of a few years.

It's literally a fucking cult.

Nice argument there, care to make some more? :^)

No, life expectancy would drop and mortality rates would go up.
And yet it's true.
Russia GDP/Capita in current USD:
1990 - 3485
2004 - 4109
2016 - 8700
15 years for a recovery, but with much higher inequality, median income being around ~3600USD/year.
Life expectancy:
1990 - 69
2009 - 69
2017 - 71
19 years for a recovery and stagnation since 2009.
t. World Bank stats.
Not even taking into account alcoholism, STDs, abortions, drug consumption, etc.
~60s to 90s.
Modern Russia was better during the 2005-2008 period.
Currently it could go either way.

As a guy who doesn't read very often, would this book be a tough read?

Let's not forget about this either.

You're obviously a brainlet so this book would be right up your alley

Reading isn't tough user. Have a large cup of coffee(filter the water first) (((fluoride)))
Do some pushups in between chapters.
It's easy kek.
Truly God's way.

Also dont try to aggrandize communism because Russia was a shit show for a long time. That's what let it happen actually. Freeing all the serfs etc. Basically created a big impressionable group of blank slates that could be propagandized. Things were bad so the rabble would turn to anything.The "People's" movements openly instructed students etc to propgandize the freed serfs. Only God knows what sort of super power Russia would be if they hadn't gone off the goddam rails after the turn of the century.

get the audiobook and listen while you drive nigga

>cite a It Was Real In My Mind: The Book
>commies call you on your bullshit
>commies on damage control LMAOOOO


From the 1820 to 1917, Tsarist Russia arrested ~3900 citizens from a variety of social classes for sedition against the government. That's about 1 arrest a week. In 1938, at the height of Stalin's Great Purge, historians estimate that the NKVD was arresting 1000 people a day. Many of these people were beaten, tortured, forced into labor camps, or outright killed after a show trial, or more likely, an extra-judiciary NKVD tribunal. At least the average Russian peasant didn't have to fear his entire family being murdered because he didn't clap while Stalin's goons stole his entire harvest. At least a Russian peasant could avoid the murderous paranoia of a madman that, as we know because of the Gulag Archipeligo, was a direct result of the legal and philosophical framework of Communism.

So yeah, maybe Tsarist Russia didn't have wealth built on the backs of forced labor camps and the outright theft of property, but Tsarist Russia also lacked a lot of great evils to compensate.

Prove that this book is It Was Real In My Mind tier

I love how they praised his works on the horrors of communism and then tryed to hide his works on the jews under the rug.

It's also how (((they))) attempt to discredit him in certain university spheres. Anyone who dismisses the Gulag Archipeligo because they say Solzhenitsyn is an anti-semite is a confirmed communist. You'll note that anyone who says he's an anti-semite never actually bothers to refute any of his claims, they just foam at the mouth and yell anti-semitism until the debate ends. It's a distraction strategy.

>The Gulag Archipelago
This book only became relevant after Jordan peterson fan boys came here.

>some christcuck told me its true

>He doesn't understand that the average goes up when you remove a lot of the lowest values from your data set

Almost like Jews have a vendetta against communism and the soviet union and gain the most from global capitalism

Didn't mostly commies die in the gulags? why the fuck would I feel bad for dead commies they got what they deserved.

No, it's just very long
>literally got called out by his own wife
>she said that her husband did not regard the work as ''historical research, or scientific research.'' She contended that it was, rather, a collection of "camp folklore,"

Jews have created, financed, and supported communism for centuries. You are a kike shill.

I wouldn't even bother trying to debate these brain dead chimps man. Most of them are just Molymeme or jordan peterson fan boys that came here on a bandwagon.


>I know nothing about jews: the post

>when the holocaust definitely killed 6 million and anyone who questions this is an anti-semite but the holodomor never happened
commies are dindus

It's mostly top-tier propaganda m8

>oh shit, we got called out
>retreat and mention Holodomor
Yes, there was a famine. No, it wasn't maliciously deliberate.

>So yeah, maybe Tsarist Russia didn't have wealth built on the backs of forced labor camps and the outright theft of property, but Tsarist Russia also lacked a lot of great evils to compensate.
Tsarist and later Imperial Russia had the Siberian exile system where criminals, rebels, etc. were sent to Siberia into forced labor.
Russian govts using forced labor is nothing new and most Russian govts end up using very similar governance methods out of necessity no matter the ideological inclinations. if you can't be bothered to read history books this is relatively short.
Sup Forums and westerners in general always tend to believe that the USSR was radically different from the Empire when it was just a continuation of that empire.
>kill poor guy at 40
>average trends toward 40
>let poor guy live until 50
>average trends toward 50
You can stop any time.

Lol get a load of these holocaust deniers.

Having the government seize all your crops isn't a famine. Stop lying.


>muh 66 gorrillion bolshevik

>dude communism is so BASED bro
>like BASED stalin bro
>like fuck my parents bro i'm so BASED
find the nearest noose and hang yourself from it
It doesn't matter whether or not communism is backed by Jews ; it wants the same things that Jews want : the destruction of white nations, of culture, heritage, family, race. And by the way, yes, Jews have supported communism in huge proportions.
And who CONSTANTLY pushes leftist propaganda in our media? Oh right, the JEWS!

So his wifes word is just as valid as his because she survived the gulags as well right? Not to mention that (((conveniently))) his wife discredited him after his death.

>D E N I A L

It's long winded. Get the audiobook. Let me know if you would like a link.

>Thinks im a communist
Nah its just this place is filled with trash that just regurgitates e-celeb talking points.
Leftypol has become higher quality then this hellhole now

It's always been relevant since the day it was published, you fucking mong

So was it deliberately incompetent or accidentally malicious? There are pics of murdered people comrade, how do you explain them?

please 90% of you glorified trashcans didn't know about it till peterson used it as a reference in every single one of his talking points

living and economic conditions =/= life expectancy
Why are you defending a different statistic to the ones you originally brought up?
