Why don't you have a wife yet, Sup Forums?


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Two days before we were to be married she bailed on me, took all her stuff, left her ring behind, blocked my phone and me on all social media, and her family contacted me tell me not to try and contact her or they'd call the police.

Never found out why or what happened.

Because I'm on Sup Forums.


It was because of that time you raped her asshole.

I'm celibate, and I'm not searching.

any ideas why? like what do you tell yourself to get to sleep at night?

You probably fucked up somehow big time and also lack any self awareness.

I do and she doesn't beat me like Emma Roberts does her man.

Somehow I do.

I have and quite hot one at that, but she fucks shitalians behind my back way too often


I really don't know. We hadn't had a fight, we'd just closed on our house, I'd gotten a promotion at work and bought her a new car.
I know at the same time we were getting married her sister's marriage was failing. Her sister had always hated me (she did end up getting divorced), so I wonder idly if her sister somehow influenced her to leave me.

Yeah probably. Us goys, huh?

Because I'm in Wisconsin and I don't fuck ham planets

The times demand tough choices. Marry, have children and be a blind faggot like the rest of them? Or serve GOD, get redpilled on a galactic scale, serve a cause bigger than your puny life and all thats in it? Hm, gee... let me think some more


May I inquire who this woman is? Thank you.

Well actually I do.

Because I prefer to be alone

i've never even had a gf

>but she fucks shitalians behind my back way too often
>way too often

user, i....

I wonder what galactics scale cause are you supporting in your basement masturbating.

I was with a girl for 13 years but she got really fat (210lbs) so I dumped her instead of marrying her.
I am filled with so much regret I can't even begin to explain it.

I am married. It's not all it's cracked up to be. Fact is, we live in a matriarchy. We're so far from a patriarchy I don't even think anyone knows what that word means anymore.

I honestly can't urge any men to get married under current conditions. Maybe it would be better if you got a girl that is much younger than you and you immediately get her pregnant.

My wife is still on birth control. Still works. Still complains about money. Still acts like she knows best. And all her worst personality traits from before marriage basically got worse. Divorce is likely inevitable and the financial carnage will be awful.

These guys who marry japs may be on to something. At least they get OBEDIENCE from their wives. Matriarchy is misery for both men and women and every metric of well being proves that.

Jokes on you OP because I do have a wife

Only the worthy are chosen. You keep making babies who get cancer from Chemtrails sprayed by your satanic governments. Some men don't follow suit, they got called for bigger things....

But I don't expect you primates to understand so... you stay in your tiny bubble and leave the rest of the universe to us mkay
You simply aint intelligent enough

I'm a kissless handholdless 29 year old. I mostly spend time on the internet or working. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I was raised by a single mother who told me to shut up and play video games throughout my childhood.

Its definitely partly my fault as well but I lost confidence and gave up on finding a wife or friends.

because i'm broke and the rent is too damn high

>so I wonder idly if her sister somehow influenced her to leave me.

Sounds about right.

Am I you? Nah. So fuck off idiot kek. I am an adult not a horny moron like you

Most women pretend to be confident. They usually have zero self confidence and worth.

When the facade blows up, it gets ugly.

Should have stuck with her and motivated her to loose weight.

I'm surrounded by whores. I work with a lot of women and they're all whores.

I haven't found a worthy woman.

Been married to my 7.2/10 wife for 3 years now. Just planted the seed this morning actually. In 9 months a beautiful white baby boy(I hope) will pop out to continue my legacy.

A wife???

i'm 18

I mean I have no proof, I spent a long time working to get over it and move on. Now it's just a thing that happened to me in the past. The only "evidence" I ever got for it was talking to her brother (who stayed in touch for a while after, though he said he didn't know what happened). He did tell me about an incident in his own marriage where the same sister tried to start rumors about his wife inside their family, trying to get everyone in their family to hate her.

So... yeah. That's about that.

Wifes are for peace times. We are at war, and things will get ugly and day now. No times for earthly delights. We have to win a war here. Those satanic camelfuckers wont leave on their own. I'm talking about the Jews of course and their underlings, the Arabs.
Nah, peace is over. Time to War.

Because I live in Chicago.

wanna be my wife ;)

because i give myself to NO ONE
i am mine and mine alone and NO ONE shall ever take me away from me
that said, the rest of you plebiscites can ruin your lives however you want, at least until you come begging to me to save you from yourselves

Had a dream this girl I knew bore me a son. And I was thrilled. My instincts must be kicking in

because the last one is irreplaceable


I mean it’s fine to get your steam off once in a while, but it’s a nasty pattern I’ve come to encounter on a regular basis
You can teach your wife how to handle a rifle and basic home defense.

Was engaged, we are now room mates as she transitions to a Gay Man

fucking fags

She obviously didn’t talk her issues with you and that type of behavior is never isolated to one issue; which, is definitely a red flag. It could’ve been a lot worse, user



Can relate.

>Why don't you have a wife yet?
Because im not even close to baseline.

Finding a woman who isn't an SJW and single has proven difficult.

Yeah, I know. I think maybe I dodged a bullet.

Right? I wouldn't say never get married, but these days you do need to be really careful before you bother.

Id been trying that for years but she just kept getting fatter.
Like, 7 years I was trying.
I hadn't seem a naked women for 10 years because she always had the lights off and a shirt on when we had sex.
I'm OK looking and in great shape compared to your average guy so I have gotten plenty of female attention over the years, and I have turned down so much ass.
So one night I got drunk and fucked some skinny girl from work, and my girlfriend ended up finding out about it after we had broken up.
This was a year ago.

Now I want her back and she is seeing someone else and won't even talk to me. Man, I dug my own grave.

Now I can't feel anything towards any girl I have been with since.

Positive side is though that I have avoided succumbing to depression by working on myself.
I've never had my life in better order than I do now. But I'm dead inside when it comes to loving another woman.

Because my girlfriend doesn't want to marry

>troubles at job
>skin cancer diagnosis
>she leaves me for not wanting to have to deal with it
>work through all of it
>luckily came out on top of it all

She's married now. I will never trust a woman again. They are selfish, vain creatures.

Because no matter what you do, you can't satisfy a modern western woman to the point where she'll stay loyal to you.

The tradcucks on Sup Forums are part of the problem.

MGTOW is the answer.

Jesus had no wife and so will I. Nah, women... don't work that way. They usually don't work at all but the mess we live in is knocking it up another notch. The higher you are on red, the more you stand alone, and I have a nice view of the battleground below. Society? Pfff. "Aint nobody got time fo dat."

do you really expect people to "come running" to you for help at ANY point in the future?
How do you picture that happening? A crowd outside your basement door each begging for salvation. That seem like a likely occurrence to you?

i became gay out of fear of women and self esteem issues

I feel ya bro. Similar thing happened to me. And I went off on her big time. What enrages me the most is after taking and taking and taking my money, time, sacrifice and years of my life she thinks she can just block me like I never existed, and doesn't even have the respect or decency to tell me what happened or why she did what she did. She doesn't even owe me that. And now I'm an asshole who doesn't even have the right to talk to her because she decided she doesn't want what I'm offering anymore. In the long run however, people like us should be glad that we dodged a bullet. And thank fucking god there are no kids.

Sorry to hear that man. It's bad enough to get bailed on before marriage, but you'd think someone would take their own marriage seriously enough to work through things with their partner.

Glad you came out on top.

Because every time I try to get emotionally close to a female and stop dating other broads, she gets clammy and disappears. Like clockwork. Just happened to me this week. I'm guessing because I'm too accommodating and willing to move around dates/schedule just to meet up with a chick. I was just raised in the midwest and take it as a common courtesy but I suppose it makes me less of a 'challenge'...

Meanwhile the whores I don't give two shits about won't leave me alone.

you taught her a good lesson user

>don't get fat before getting married

Because I'm pic related

Jesus was anti-racist pacifist Jew with non-European followers. We need more fully German kids after the Europe and Germany are cleansed. You must know that

I'm not husband material.

People tend to cling to life too much down there. Not something I waste my time on anymore. Death is only the next step.

>What enrages me the most is after taking and taking and taking my money, time, sacrifice and years of my life she thinks she can just block me like I never existed

For a long time this is what bothered me the most about it.

I just wonder if people like that have mental issues. It does seem like we dodged bullets.

As a foreigner living in India there are literally no single white women.

Just a hole filled with fat ass pajeets and dipshitas.

stop trying to convince men not to pursue marriage.

this kraut gets it

Sur. He was as much a Hebrew as you, kek. Fuck off. Judahites arent kikes dummy

Such a shame that when you make yourself too open you get the axe.

Not Europeans either
If you not going Breivik or McVeigh in the next five years - get a wife of your own ethnicity and have kids

I got married at 19. Divorced at 23. Many lessons learned. I chose a particularly cruel, deceptive and intelligent woman to bond with. Copious amounts of emotional trauma and betrayals were dealt with. Though is wasn't all bad. Women think differently than we do on a basic level. Most of them tend to be very selfish; hypergamy is real. Nothing, not marriage, not a kid, nothing will save your relationship once they decide they don't want to be with you. But the bond, the friendship, and of course, regular sex makes it all worth it I suppose. You gotta take the bad with the good.

you're here, in my domain, aren't you? and all these other lost souls as well, who do you think this and all threads are made to try to lobby on? who do you think they're trying to convince? come on now, kid

She blacked

potential wife here inb4 roastie. somebody upper middle class marry me so i can climb the social ladder i'm tired of being a poorfag but i can't give up the neet life.


Doesn't matter anyway. He knows if you have his mark or not after all he made you. Well, maybe not you....

You are useless The lot of you. Your stupidity bores me, thats all. Never found one fucking ounce of intelligence here, just mocking you fags for what you are

Cannon fodder


I live in Southern California, and even though there’s plenty of beautiful women here, I believe many of them have this “grass is greener on the other side” mentality. Always trying to see if they can do better. And many girls will dislike someone who doesn’t share their viewpoints on life or politics.

I contribute a lot of it to me being short though. I just live in a very vain place.

i don't take orders from subordinates, mind the heirarchy, YOU do what //////I////// tell you, not the other way around, ```comrade'''


As a /r9k/ permavirg-tier robot it's mind boggling how you normalfags even have the capacity to betray someone like that, for reason other than a muslim-tier bestial spasm, for 50 minutes of gratification.

But I guess once you have something it's easy to take it for granted, not to talk about when it's thrown at you no effort needed. I've seen otherwise average girls go gigaslut when they know a guy is already taken in a long-term, faithful coupling. It's not about being with him, it's about replacing her. Makes sense in a tribal perspective

Hope you keep your shit together anyway user

Because love is a male concept that women rarely understand. Majority of em either wan't to keep on riding the revolving door of dick or "Focus on muh career" until they are barren and fucking useless.They then blame men/anything in vision when they finally desire to have kids but can't cause they're all dried up. Women are emotional creatures. They refuse to run on logic nor reason instead opting for emotions and feelings.
Some girls take my money
Some girls take my clothes
Some girls get the shirt off my back
And leave me with a lethal dose

French girls they want Cartier
Italian girls want cars
American girls want everything in the world
You can possibly imagine.
Black girls just wanna get fucked all night I just don't have that much jam.

I have a masseuse I see regularly, and a friend that loves sucking my cock. Why should I invest my time and money to be limited to a used pussy with bad credit, attitude problems, and an entitled attitude?

I'm being totally serious; there are no single women over 20 that aren't smokers, potheads, tattooed, gauged, has kids, has taken a lot of cock already. Nothing is out there but women that have broken themselves and will tank my life because she's having a bad week. Why the FUCK would I marry that?

Why would I want this?

There are NO good women left. If you marry, you have accepted that you were never good enough for her, even if you're good enough for right now.